Riva, Giuseppe
 Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
EU - Europa 51.350
NA - Nord America 21.353
AS - Asia 9.810
SA - Sud America 767
OC - Oceania 374
AF - Africa 192
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 49
Totale 83.895
Nazione #
IT - Italia 32.067
US - Stati Uniti d'America 20.657
DE - Germania 4.099
CN - Cina 3.450
SE - Svezia 3.138
FR - Francia 1.898
SG - Singapore 1.821
UA - Ucraina 1.735
GB - Regno Unito 1.530
PL - Polonia 1.330
IE - Irlanda 1.273
ID - Indonesia 819
TR - Turchia 783
FI - Finlandia 703
IN - India 632
CA - Canada 529
ES - Italia 517
CH - Svizzera 497
RU - Federazione Russa 472
VN - Vietnam 455
NL - Olanda 424
KR - Corea 355
AU - Australia 334
BR - Brasile 316
HK - Hong Kong 312
RO - Romania 293
BE - Belgio 285
JP - Giappone 199
IR - Iran 177
AT - Austria 174
MY - Malesia 155
PT - Portogallo 148
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 131
IL - Israele 129
PE - Perù 126
PH - Filippine 125
TW - Taiwan 124
GR - Grecia 119
MX - Messico 109
CO - Colombia 103
AR - Argentina 78
NO - Norvegia 75
SK - Slovacchia (Repubblica Slovacca) 69
CL - Cile 67
PK - Pakistan 62
HU - Ungheria 61
EC - Ecuador 59
DK - Danimarca 50
SI - Slovenia 42
LT - Lituania 39
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 36
TH - Thailandia 35
EU - Europa 32
DZ - Algeria 31
SA - Arabia Saudita 30
EG - Egitto 29
ZA - Sudafrica 29
CI - Costa d'Avorio 24
HR - Croazia 24
RS - Serbia 23
AE - Emirati Arabi Uniti 21
BG - Bulgaria 20
LU - Lussemburgo 19
CY - Cipro 18
AL - Albania 17
SM - San Marino 16
BA - Bosnia-Erzegovina 14
MA - Marocco 14
NG - Nigeria 13
TN - Tunisia 13
BD - Bangladesh 12
MU - Mauritius 12
PR - Porto Rico 12
A2 - ???statistics.table.value.countryCode.A2??? 11
CR - Costa Rica 10
MT - Malta 9
BO - Bolivia 8
EE - Estonia 8
KZ - Kazakistan 8
MD - Moldavia 8
AM - Armenia 7
CU - Cuba 7
GE - Georgia 7
IQ - Iraq 7
IS - Islanda 7
KE - Kenya 7
MO - Macao, regione amministrativa speciale della Cina 7
PA - Panama 7
A1 - Anonimo 6
BW - Botswana 6
KW - Kuwait 6
LB - Libano 6
LK - Sri Lanka 6
PS - Palestinian Territory 6
UZ - Uzbekistan 6
DO - Repubblica Dominicana 5
JO - Giordania 5
LV - Lettonia 5
NP - Nepal 5
BZ - Belize 4
Totale 83.823
Città #
Milan 3.143
Chandler 2.472
Rome 2.075
Ashburn 1.483
Singapore 1.263
Warsaw 1.159
Dublin 1.142
Jacksonville 1.138
San Mateo 779
Wilmington 740
Jakarta 716
Naples 673
Nanjing 653
Redwood City 627
Cattolica 569
Ann Arbor 566
Beijing 546
Dearborn 534
Fairfield 504
Woodbridge 491
Turin 487
Boston 484
Bologna 411
Florence 407
Houston 392
Seattle 380
Bari 359
Padova 358
Izmir 342
Moscow 329
Munich 324
New York 313
Lawrence 309
Palermo 307
Boardman 282
Redmond 280
Napoli 278
Princeton 268
Helsinki 248
Nanchang 244
Torino 217
Catania 213
Los Angeles 200
Brescia 191
Hanoi 188
Verona 188
Hangzhou 171
Cambridge 169
Ho Chi Minh City 163
Dallas 162
Mountain View 152
Norwalk 152
Parma 147
Marseille 146
Kunming 137
Monza 137
Cagliari 136
Genoa 134
London 128
Brussels 122
Paris 119
Guangzhou 117
Shenyang 117
Chicago 115
Genova 113
Menlo Park 111
Bergamo 109
Perugia 108
Nürnberg 106
Shanghai 104
Ottawa 98
Bremen 97
Changsha 94
Gangnam-gu 94
Salerno 93
Pescara 92
Seoul 92
Taranto 92
Zhengzhou 91
Trieste 90
Modena 88
Caserta 85
Lima 84
Washington 84
Istanbul 82
Hebei 81
Jiaxing 81
Messina 80
Hong Kong 79
Tianjin 79
Venice 79
Pisa 77
Lancaster 76
Mumbai 76
Vienna 75
Melbourne 74
University Park 74
Kuala Lumpur 73
Vicenza 72
Hefei 71
Totale 34.950
Nome #
I social network 11.588
FAKE NEWS. Vivere e sopravvivere in un mondo post-verità 3.465
Psicologia dei nuovi media. Azione, presenza, identità e relazioni 3.120
Nativi Digitali 2.572
#Eating disorders and Instagram: What emotions do you express? 2.550
Realtà virtuali: gli aspetti psicologici delle tecnologie simulative e il loro impatto sull'esperienza umana 2.250
Digital advertising 3.0. Il futuro della pubblicità digitale 1.742
Mobile Marketing. La pubblicità in tasca. 1.317
Selfie. Narcisismo e Identità 1.280
Flow, benessere e prestazione eccellente. Dai modelli teorici alle applicazioni nello sport e in azienda 1.069
Artificial Intelligence in Clinical Psychology 984
Psicologia di Instagram 914
A frame effect in avatar customization: How users’ attitudes towards their avatars may change depending on virtual context 825
Tecnologie Emotive. Nuovi Media per migliorare la qualità della vita e ridurre lo stress 743
Consapevolezza del deficit e realtà virtuale nella riabilitazione post-ictale 603
I social network 534
La comunicazione virtuale. Dal computer alle reti telematiche: Nuove forme di interazione sociale 483
What Is the Role of the Placebo Effect for Pain Relief in Neurorehabilitation? Clinical Implications From the Italian Consensus Conference on Pain in Neurorehabilitation 433
Coding with me: exploring the effect of coding intervention on preschoolers’ cognitive skills 422
Say not to say.New perspectives on miscommunication 385
Tecnologie della Presenza: Concetti e Applicazioni 367
eHealth for Patient Engagement: a systematic review 357
Networked Flow: Esperienza Ottimale e Creatività di Gruppo 336
How to Make Health Information Technology Effective: The Challenge of Patient Engagement 333
Technologies for Patient Engagement 323
When music “flows”. State and trait in musical performance, composition and listening: a systematic review 316
Interreality for the management and training of psychological stress: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial 315
Intersoggettività e Inter-Azione: Le strade che portano all'altro in un dialogo tra scienze cognitive, scienze sociali e neuroscienze 306
Virtual reality meets artificial intelligence: The emergence of advanced digital therapeutics and digital biomarkers 292
Enhancing psychological wellbeing of women approaching the childbirth: A controlled study with a mobile application 290
Out of my real body: Cognitive neuroscience meets eating disorders 275
Towards an advancement of multisensory integration deficits in anorexia nervosa: Exploring temporal discrimination processing of visuo-auditory stimuli 274
COVID Feel Good—An Easy Self-Help Virtual Reality Protocol to Overcome the Psychological Burden of Coronavirus 270
Assessment and rehabilitation of neglect using virtual reality: a systematic review 266
Efficacy of a digital education program on Life Satisfaction and digital self efficacy in older adults: A mixed method study 266
Maximizing the Impact of e-Therapy and Serious Gaming: Time for a Paradigm Shift 251
Il viaggio di Cubetto 248
Promozione del patient engagement in ambito clinico-Assistenziale per le malattie croniche: raccomandazioni dalla prima conferenza di consenso italiana 246
Nativi Digitali. Crescere ed apprendere nel mondo dei nuovi media 236
Transforming experience: The potential of augmented reality and virtual reality for enhancing personal and clinical change 227
Using and intending: How personal intentions can influence the user experience of interactive technologies 211
Affective Interactions Using Virtual Reality: The Link between Presence and Emotions 210
Positive technology: using interactive technologies to promote positive functioning 208
Virtual multiple errands test (VMET): a virtual reality-based tool to detect early executive functions deficit in Parkinson's disease 207
Humane robotics. A multidisciplinary approach towards the development of humane-centered technologies 206
Biofeedback, virtual reality and mobile phones in the treatment of generalized anxiety disorder (gad): A phase-2 controlled clinical trial 184
L'interazione virtuale. Nuove tecnologie e processi comunicativi 183
Assessment of Unilateral Spatial Neglect using a free mobile application for Italian clinicians 180
Experiential virtual scenarios with real-time monitoring (interreality) for the management of psychological stress: A block randomized controlled trial 178
Virtual Communication: Social Interaction and Identity in an Electronic Environment 174
Mobile well-being in pregnancy: suggestions from a quasi-experimental controlled study 166
The past, present, and future of virtual and augmented reality research: A network and cluster analysis of the literature 162
Positive technology for emotion regulation: a virtual self-help intervention 161
Learning Island: the development of a virtual reality system for the experiential training of stress management 161
Neglect App. Usability of a new application for assessment and rehabilitation of neglect 159
Self-help stress management training through mobile phones: An experience with oncology nurses. 157
Positive Technology: The use of Technology for Improving and Sustaining Personal Change 156
I'm in a virtual body: a locked allocentric memory may impair the experience of the body in both obesity and anorexia nervosa 155
The Psychology of Social Networking Vol.2. Identity and Relationships in Online Communities 154
Stages of change in obesity and weight management: factorial structure of the Italian version of the University of Rhode Island Change Assessment Scale 154
Am I my avatar? A tool to investigate virtual body image representation in adolescence 153
Bridging Minds: A Mixed Methodology to Assess Networked Flow 153
DE-ENIGMA: Multimodal Human-Robot Interaction for Teaching and Expanding Social Imagination in Autistic Children 153
Human Perceptions of Robotics in Agriculture 153
The Vepsy Updated Project: Virtual Reality in Clinical Psychology 149
The Italian Adaptation of Interpersonal Communication Competences Questionnaire 149
The use of biofeedback in clinical virtual reality: The INTREPID project 148
Intergenerational Group Reminiscence: A Potentially Effective Intervention to Enhance Elderly Psychosocial Wellbeing and to Improve Children's Perception of Aging 145
Immersive virtual reality in K‐12 and higher education: A 10‐year systematic review of empirical research 145
Progettare l'interazione. Metodi e tecniche per il design di media interattivi 144
Two-phases innovative treatment for anorexia nervosa: The potential of virtual reality body-swap 144
Does a meditation protocol supported by a mobile application help people reduce stress? Suggestions from a controlled pragmatic trial 142
Networked Flow: Comprendere e Sviluppare la Creatività di Rete 141
Psicologia dei Media Digitali 139
CyberPsychology meets clinical psychology: The emergence of e-therapy in mental health care 139
Towards CyberPsychology: Mind, Cognition and Society in the Internet Age. 138
New and old tools in psychotherapy: the use of technology for the integration of the traditional clinical treatments 137
Tecnologie positive per il benessere: proposte di intervento 137
Networked Flow in Blended Learning Settings: a Longitudinal Mixed-Method Study 137
La creatività di gruppo nei contesti educativi 136
How to Relax in Stressful Situations: A Smart Stress Reduction System 135
Can You Activate Me? From Robots to Human Brain 135
Is your phone so smart to affect your state? An exploratory study based on psychophysiological measures 134
Moral positioning in video games and its relation with dispositional traits: The emergence of a social dimension 134
NeuroVR 2--a free virtual reality platform for the assessment and treatment in behavioral health care. 133
NeuroVR 1.5 in Practice: Actual Clinical Applications of the Open Source VR System 133
Videogames for Emotion Regulation: A Systematic Review 133
Virtual reality in the treatment of generalized anxiety disorders 132
The Creative Link: Investigating the Relationship Between Social Network Indices, Creative Performance and Flow in Blended Teams 132
Positive Change and Positive Technology 132
Interacting with Presence. HCI and the Sense of Presence in Computer-mediated Environments 131
Students' acceptance of tablet PCs in Italian high schools: Profiles and differences 131
Computer-Guided Mental Practice in Neurorehabilitation 130
Ambient intelligence for health environments 130
Psicologia e nuovi media: dalla tecnologia alla presenza mediante l'intuizione 128
Chronic pain treatment through virtual reality 128
Virtual Reality Training for Health-Care Professionals 127
Networked Flow in Creative Collaboration: A Mixed Method Study 126
Validating the Neuro VR-based virtual version of the Multiple Errands Test: preliminary results 124
A Novel Technique for Improving Bodily Experience in a Non-operable Super-Super Obesity Case 124
Totale 52.093
Categoria #
all - tutte 250.974
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 250.974

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/20205.716 0 0 0 0 0 760 815 471 898 708 1.277 787
2020/202110.566 663 811 535 846 1.202 827 905 742 1.234 941 1.240 620
2021/202211.429 806 746 602 901 882 689 672 1.286 933 835 1.713 1.364
2022/202315.876 1.672 1.334 1.174 1.521 1.293 1.636 1.038 1.301 1.883 1.057 1.257 710
2023/202413.773 902 2.140 907 1.167 1.005 1.288 1.049 947 749 1.058 1.270 1.291
2024/20256.393 778 758 1.530 1.067 1.344 916 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 85.283