De Belvis, Antonio
 Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
EU - Europa 7.633
NA - Nord America 5.038
AS - Asia 1.503
OC - Oceania 35
AF - Africa 28
SA - Sud America 23
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 11
Totale 14.271
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 4.971
IT - Italia 2.651
DE - Germania 2.085
SE - Svezia 667
CN - Cina 666
FR - Francia 561
UA - Ucraina 461
SG - Singapore 426
PL - Polonia 318
GB - Regno Unito 232
IE - Irlanda 224
ID - Indonesia 140
FI - Finlandia 117
TR - Turchia 92
RU - Federazione Russa 91
IN - India 84
BE - Belgio 60
CA - Canada 59
AU - Australia 32
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 27
IR - Iran 27
CH - Svizzera 26
NL - Olanda 23
AT - Austria 21
BR - Brasile 16
ES - Italia 14
HK - Hong Kong 12
PT - Portogallo 11
RO - Romania 10
EU - Europa 7
IL - Israele 7
JP - Giappone 7
LT - Lituania 7
MX - Messico 7
HR - Croazia 6
CI - Costa d'Avorio 5
VN - Vietnam 5
EG - Egitto 4
KR - Corea 4
LB - Libano 4
NG - Nigeria 4
NO - Norvegia 4
PK - Pakistan 4
TH - Thailandia 4
ZA - Sudafrica 4
A1 - Anonimo 3
AR - Argentina 3
DK - Danimarca 3
GR - Grecia 3
MY - Malesia 3
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 3
AL - Albania 2
AM - Armenia 2
BT - Bhutan 2
CL - Cile 2
CM - Camerun 2
GH - Ghana 2
KW - Kuwait 2
LK - Sri Lanka 2
LU - Lussemburgo 2
NA - Namibia 2
SA - Arabia Saudita 2
UG - Uganda 2
A2 - ???statistics.table.value.countryCode.A2??? 1
AE - Emirati Arabi Uniti 1
BG - Bulgaria 1
CO - Colombia 1
DZ - Algeria 1
GE - Georgia 1
IQ - Iraq 1
JO - Giordania 1
KE - Kenya 1
KG - Kirghizistan 1
KZ - Kazakistan 1
LV - Lettonia 1
MC - Monaco 1
MD - Moldavia 1
PH - Filippine 1
RS - Serbia 1
SC - Seychelles 1
SM - San Marino 1
TT - Trinidad e Tobago 1
TW - Taiwan 1
VA - Santa Sede (Città del Vaticano) 1
VE - Venezuela 1
Totale 14.271
Città #
Chandler 859
Ashburn 435
Rome 344
Jacksonville 341
Singapore 320
Kraków 290
San Mateo 224
Dublin 221
Milan 211
Ann Arbor 197
Nanjing 150
Wilmington 146
Jakarta 139
Nürnberg 133
New York 129
Houston 101
Dearborn 94
Woodbridge 93
Redwood City 92
Boston 87
Cattolica 86
Chicago 83
Lawrence 83
Marseille 81
Izmir 75
Nanchang 75
Moscow 62
Bremen 58
Seattle 58
Brussels 56
Boardman 54
Bologna 42
Augusta 37
Fairfield 36
Andover 35
Bari 35
Beijing 35
Hangzhou 34
Lancaster 33
Los Angeles 33
Princeton 32
Florence 30
Mountain View 29
Naples 29
London 28
Munich 28
Redmond 27
Guangzhou 25
Norwalk 25
Shenyang 25
Turin 25
Tianjin 23
Helsinki 22
Jiaxing 22
Napoli 22
Hebei 21
Palermo 21
Toronto 21
University Park 21
Warsaw 21
Vienna 20
Kunming 19
Leawood 19
Shanghai 19
Changsha 17
Catania 16
Kish 16
Verona 16
Hefei 15
Perugia 15
Zhengzhou 15
Pune 14
Busto Arsizio 13
Falkenstein 12
Genova 12
Jinan 12
Masi 12
Ottawa 12
Torino 12
Nuremberg 11
Washington 11
Ancona 10
Cagliari 10
Cambridge 10
Caserta 10
Fremont 10
Hong Kong 10
Lanzhou 10
Pescara 10
Southend 10
Trieste 10
Zurich 10
Brisbane 9
Brno 9
Edinburgh 9
Latina 9
Padova 9
Salerno 9
San Diego 9
Sassari 9
Totale 6.684
Nome #
Igiene, Medicina Preventiva, Sanità Pubblica. Seconda edizione. 699
Igiene, Medicina Preventiva, Sanità Pubblica. Seconda Edizione 570
Applicazione della Customer Satisfaction in un Pronto Soccorso di un’Azienda Ospedaliera: Valutazione della qualità e strategie di miglioramento 391
Italy: health system review 324
La variabilità della pratica clinica in Italia. 288
Clinical governance e patient centeredness: l’esperienza nel Policlinico “A. Gemelli” 271
Is there a lack of information on HPV vaccination given by health professionals to young women? 256
Which comprehensive framework to evaluate clinical performance in research and teaching hospital? [Poster] 234
Building successful collaborations between Public Health and Primary Health Care 231
[Vocational training in public health during medical school: a pilot study] 207
Which criteria to prioritize the healthcare problems to be treated through the Integrated Care Pathways? 202
How hospital healthcare management could promptly ensure safety of patient about Legionella risk? A molecular surveillance approach 198
La Clinical Governance e i percorsi clinico assistenziali delle persone con disabilità 194
Composite indicators to evaluate the performance of National health systems in Europe: what matters? 191
Somministrazione di uno strumento di valutazione della Clinical Governance in ambito ospedaliero: il punto di vista dei medici in formazione specialistica in Igiene 176
Can Clinical Governance tools improve the appropriateness in hospital stay? 174
Intensified adjuvant treatment of prostate carcinoma: feasibility analysis of a phase I/II trial 174
Tirocinio professionalizzante in sanità pubblica nel Corso di Laurea di Medicina e Chirurgia. Un’esperienza pilota 172
False-positive IgM for CMV in pregnant women with autoimmune disease: a novel prognostic factor for poor pregnancy outcome. 169
Economic impact of childhood obesity on health systems: a systematic review 163
Un approccio di sorveglianza molecolare al rischio infettivo da Legionella pneumophila in un grande Policlinico universitario 159
Esperienze d’uso dell’ICD-9-CM, 3° volume 157
Clinical Governance e patient centeredness: l’esperienza nel Policlinico “A. Gemelli” [Poster] 153
Valutazione di alcune dimensioni della performance sanitaria 151
Da POLICLINICO a POLI-CLINICS: la riorganizzazione del Policlinico Universitario “A. Gemelli” per Poli e Percorsi Clinico Assistenziali 151
Does clinical governance influence the appropriateness of hospital stay? 150
Does Clinical Governance Influence Appropriateness In Hospital Stay? [Comunicazione orale 1175] 146
Factors associated with health-related quality of life: the role of social relationships among the elderly in an Italian region 143
Wait watchers: the application of a waiting list active management program in ambulatory care 141
Organizzazione sanitaria 138
Gestione dei rifiuti: Modelli predittivi di spesa ambientale 135
Tirocinio professionalizzante in sanità pubblica nel corso di Laurea di Medicina e Chirurgia. Un’esperienza pilota 134
Emergency Department crowding and hospital bed shortage: is Lean a smart answer? A systematic review 133
Implementazione della stewardship in sanità pubblica: proposta di una metodologia valutativa applicabile al piano nazionale della prevenzione 132
Social relationships and HRQL: a cross-sectional survey among older Italian adults 132
La variabilità nella pratica clinica in Italia: la gestione farmacologica del diabete e le ospedalizzazioni ad esso associate 124
Come organizzare l’assistenza del paziente per di percorsi cura. L’esperienza presso la Fondazione Policlinico Universitario «Agostino Gemelli». 123
Economic impact of childhood obesity on health systems: a systematic review 119
Interventions to evaluate fitness to drive among people with chronic conditions: Systematic review of literature 119
Analisi del livello di implementazione della Stewardship per l'attuazione delle Azioni previste dal Piano Nazionale di Prevenzione nelle regioni italiane: uno strumento di valutazione 118
"Wind of change": the role of human centered healthcare factors in the implementation of clinical governance in an Italian University teaching hospital 114
Factors influencing quality of life for disabled and nondisabled elderly population: the results of a multiple correspondence analysis 112
NON SOLO DRG: analisi delle procedure ICD-9-CM nei ricoveri ordinari attribuiti ai DRG Chirurgici della MDC 5 dell’archivio SDO 2010-2011-2012. Approccio metodologico e risultati preliminari 110
Il valore dell’assistenza e la centralità della persona nel processo di cura 109
[Implementation of the stewardship model in public health: proposal of an assessment tool for the Italian national prevention plan] 107
How to combine clinical governance and performance evaluation within a large teaching hospital. Results of an Italian experience 106
Intensified adjuvant treatment of prostate carcinoma: feasibility analysis of a phase I/II trial 104
Developing a clinical pathway for the care of stomach cancer patients: the ‘‘A. Gemelli’’ experience [Poster walk] 104
Manuale metodologico. Come produrre, diffondere e aggiornare linee guida per la salute pubblica 101
Defining needs and goals of post-ICU care for trauma patients: preliminary study 101
Appropriateness of antibiotic prophylaxis in the surgical wards of a Teaching Hospital in Rome 100
Impact of antibiotic stewardship on perioperative antimicrobial prophylaxis 100
Raccolta differenziata ed indicatori sociali: Comparazione tra due regioni Italiane 98
Dall'obbligo alla "raccomandazione" delle vaccinazioni: ovvero dalla raccomandazione all'"obbligo" di presidiare le nuove fonti di informazione. 95
Trends in avoidable hospitalization rates in Italy, 2001-2008 93
A multi-approach management intervention can lower C-section rate trends: The experience of a Third Level Referral Center de Belvis A.G., Neri C., Angioletti C., Carducci B., Ferrazzani S., Lanzone A., Caruso A. 92
[Availability and quality of vaccines information on the Web: a systematic review and implication in Public Health] 91
Heart valve critical pathway and heart valve clinic: novel benchmarks for modern management of valvular heart disease 89
Ospedalizzazione potenzialmente evitabile per Insufficienza Cardiaca senza procedure cardiache 88
Ipotesi per una gestione sostenibile della complessità; analisi economica 88
Accountability and Public Reporting: Publication of Performance to Improve Quality. 88
Does Clinical Governance influence the quality of medical records? 88
Ospedalizzazione potenzialmente evitabile per Complicanze a Lungo Termine del Diabete Mellito 86
[Validation of the Italian version of the GHAA-9 m questionnaire on patient satisfaction in digestive Endoscopy]. 84
Impact evaluation of a Critical Pathway for patients with Clostridium difficile infection: A pre-post analysis in a Third Level Referral Center 83
[Use of the Lean methodology in the management of cancer patients in a University Hospital, Italy: First results] 82
Impact evaluation of a Critical Pathway for patients with Clostridium difficile infection: a pre-post analysis in a Third Level Referral Center 82
The measurement of relative efficiency of general practice and the implications for policy makers 81
Can PRIMARY CARE professionals' adherence to Evidence Based Medicine tools improve quality of care in type 2 diabetes mellitus? A systematic review 81
Programmazione sanitaria 81
Patient-Centeredness and e-Health Among Italian Hospitals: Results of a Cross-Sectional Web-Based Survey 80
Contactless: a new personalised telehealth model in chronic pediatric diseases and disability during the COVID-19 era 79
Literature review of gender differences in respiratory conditions: a focus on asthma and Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) 78
Ospedalizzazione potenzialmente evitabile per BroncoPneumopatia Cronica Ostruttiva 77
Smoking Prevention Through Mass Media Campaigns 77
[How to evaluate the application of Clinical Governance tools in the management of hospitalized hyperglycemic patients: results of a multicentric study] 77
[Experimenting an instrument for cancer screening programming in Italy] 77
Knowledge sharing e networking nell’HTA in Italia. Il programma ViHTA2 76
The relationship between avoidable hospitalization and accessibility to primary care: a systematic review 76
ViHTA 2: Valore in Health Technology Assessment. Un progetto di formazione e condivisione 76
The PRECEDE-PROCEED model as a tool in Public Health screening: a systematic review 73
Balancing financial incentives during COVID-19: A comparison of provider payment adjustments across 20 countries 73
Telemedicine Has a Social Impact: An Italian National Study for the Evaluation of the Cost-Opportunity for Patients and Caregivers and the Measurement of Carbon Emission Savings 71
"integrating China in the International Consortium for Personalized Medicine": The Coordination and Support Action to Foster Collaboration in Personalized Medicine Development between Europe and China 70
Evaluation of the Endorsement of the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analysis (PRISMA) Statement on the Quality of Published Systematic Review and Meta-Analyses. 68
The development of a tool for measuring the implementation of stewardship in public health 65
How to define a quadruple aim framework to assess value in critical pathway of the patients with Clostridioides difficile infection 63
Knowledge, opinions and attitudes of Italian mothers towards HPV vaccination and Pap test 62
Ischemic stroke: clinical pathway impact 61
Policy and planning of prevention in Italy: Results from an appraisal of prevention plans developed by Regions for the period 2010-2012 60
Italy: Health System Review 58
Community-based Mental Healthcare: A Case Study in a Cross-border Region of Germany and the Netherlands 55
Patients' satisfaction for hospital care among the Italian Regions between 1997 and 2009 54
The financial crisis in Italy: Implications for the healthcare sector 54
How to achieve optimal organization of primary care service delivery at system level: lessons from Europe 54
Totale 13.208
Categoria #
all - tutte 48.663
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 48.663

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/20201.040 0 0 0 0 0 143 219 86 161 87 191 153
2020/20211.272 83 137 38 120 161 95 133 60 151 75 170 49
2021/20221.413 102 115 41 108 100 67 62 290 54 68 185 221
2022/20232.723 317 337 177 426 166 320 141 226 340 83 125 65
2023/20241.830 80 361 102 188 135 258 87 115 71 70 179 184
2024/20251.105 131 124 232 145 347 126 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 14.434