Bigi, Sarah Francesca Maria
 Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
EU - Europa 1.740
NA - Nord America 1.581
AS - Asia 568
OC - Oceania 15
AF - Africa 13
SA - Sud America 11
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 5
Totale 3.933
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 1.559
IT - Italia 645
CN - Cina 261
SE - Svezia 244
PL - Polonia 195
SG - Singapore 141
UA - Ucraina 112
DE - Germania 97
NL - Olanda 82
IE - Irlanda 78
GB - Regno Unito 56
ID - Indonesia 53
FI - Finlandia 42
RU - Federazione Russa 38
FR - Francia 34
TR - Turchia 28
CH - Svizzera 27
BE - Belgio 24
IN - India 24
CA - Canada 20
ES - Italia 16
AU - Australia 15
IR - Iran 12
JP - Giappone 12
PT - Portogallo 12
HU - Ungheria 11
ZA - Sudafrica 9
HK - Hong Kong 8
BR - Brasile 7
GR - Grecia 7
KR - Corea 7
PK - Pakistan 7
AT - Austria 6
A1 - Anonimo 4
CO - Colombia 3
DK - Danimarca 3
MY - Malesia 3
NO - Norvegia 3
TW - Taiwan 3
AL - Albania 2
BY - Bielorussia 2
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 2
DO - Repubblica Dominicana 2
EG - Egitto 2
NG - Nigeria 2
PH - Filippine 2
QA - Qatar 2
RO - Romania 2
SA - Arabia Saudita 2
EU - Europa 1
IL - Israele 1
KW - Kuwait 1
PE - Perù 1
VN - Vietnam 1
Totale 3.933
Città #
Chandler 324
Warsaw 172
Milan 117
Ashburn 108
Singapore 107
Jacksonville 101
Ann Arbor 88
Dublin 76
San Mateo 61
Jakarta 52
Amsterdam 50
Beijing 48
Redwood City 47
Rome 41
Wilmington 41
Cattolica 40
Woodbridge 37
Boston 36
Houston 30
Moscow 28
Nanjing 28
Boardman 26
Dearborn 26
Princeton 22
Fairfield 20
Lawrence 20
Munich 20
Helsinki 19
Kraków 19
Seattle 19
Brussels 17
Nanchang 15
Los Angeles 14
Shanghai 14
Turin 13
Istanbul 12
Pune 12
Redmond 11
Andover 10
Bologna 10
Foggia 9
Norwalk 9
Budapest 8
Genoa 8
Hebei 8
Hoogvliet 8
Izmir 8
Kish 8
Monza 8
Naples 8
Tianjin 8
Augusta 7
Changsha 7
Lisbon 7
Mountain View 7
New York 7
Ottawa 7
Sydney 7
Washington 7
Zhengzhou 7
Beverly 6
Colle Umberto 6
Pretoria 6
Renton 6
Shenyang 6
Toronto 6
Trieste 6
University Park 6
Ankara 5
Bagheria 5
Catania 5
Guangzhou 5
Guidonia Montecelio 5
Hicksville 5
Islamabad 5
Legnano 5
León 5
Pavia 5
Plymouth 5
Salò 5
Tokyo 5
Wakefield 5
Zurich 5
Asahi 4
Assendelft 4
Bari 4
Bergamo 4
Cambridge 4
Falls Church 4
Galliera Veneta 4
Jiaxing 4
Livingston 4
Madrid 4
Messina 4
Neuchatel 4
Nuremberg 4
Padova 4
Pagani 4
Palermo 4
Pesaro 4
Totale 2.295
Nome #
La costruzione delle preferenze dei consumatori/pazienti: il concetto di ‘alimentazione sana’ nei messaggi pubblicitari di prodotti alimentari 348
Communicating (with) Care. A Linguistic Approach to the Study of Doctor-Patient Interactions 281
Focus on cultural keywords 171
The ‘‘Active Ageing’’ app: preliminary usability evaluation of a mobile application for diabetes self-management 153
Keywords in argumentative texts and their persuasive power 139
Parola corrotta e cura della parola: alla radice della dinamica manipolatoria 127
Prendersi cura delle parole. Il dibattito pubblico sulla salute dalla prospettiva delle scienze del linguaggio 122
The ethical convenience of non-neutrality in medical encounters: argumentative instruments for healthcare providers 115
Key components of effective collaborative goal setting in the chronic care encounter 101
Politiche del linguaggio in medicina. Una prospettiva etica e linguistica 99
Fertilizing a patient engagement ecosystem to innovate healthcare: Toward the first Italian Consensus conference on patient engagement 99
The ActiveAgeing Mobile App for Diabetes Self-management: First Adherence Data and Analysis of Patients’ in-App Notes 97
Weak Educational Components in mHealth Devices for Diabetes Support Available on the Italian Market 96
Using keywords to analyze conflicts in doctor-patient consultations 91
Criteria for the reconstruction and analysis of doctors’ argumentation in the context of chronic care 90
ICTs for the medical profession: an application in chronic care 86
Dialogical functions of metaphors in medical interactions 85
The Power of Words: Deliberation dialogue as a model to favor patient engagement in chronic care 81
Evaluating argumentative moves in medical consultations 79
"What is that promise?": definitions and implicit meanings in Barack Obama's speeches 75
Understanding the role of argumentation in chronic care encounters: A comparative analysis of a multicultural corpus 73
Contextual constraints on argumentation. The case of the medical encounter 72
The persuasive role of ethos in doctor-patient interactions 72
Keywords, frames and the reconstruction of material starting points in argumentation 67
Fostering the creation of common ground between the academia and the profession: The ‘Position Papers Series’ 66
Communication Skills for Patient Engagement: Argumentation Competencies As Means to Prevent or Limit Reactance Arousal, with an Example from the Italian Healthcare System 65
Considering mono- and multilingual interactions on a continuum: an analysis of interactions in medical settings 65
Analyzing doctor-patient communication: methodological issues 61
Can argumentation skills become a therapeutic resource? 60
Types of Dialogue and Pragmatic Ambiguity 57
Analyzing the pragmatic structure of dialogues 55
mHealth for diabetes support: a systematic review of apps available on the Italian market 54
The role of argumentative practices within advice-seeking activity types. The case of the medical consultation 53
Analyzing dialogue moves in chronic care communication – Dialogical intentions and customization of recommendations for the assessment of medical deliberation 52
In the Sky Between Expertise and Unexpected Feelings and Resources of Pilots’ Resilient Ego: A Psychoanalytic Point of View 51
The Role of Evidence in Chronic Care Decision-Making 50
Institutional constraints on the (un)sound use of the argument from expert opinion in the medical context 49
The role of argumentative strategies in the construction of emergent common ground in a patient-centered approach to the medical encounter 49
Understanding misunderstandings. Presuppositions and presumptions in doctor-patient chronic care consultations 46
Investigating the association between physicians self-efficacy regarding communication skills and risk of "burnout" 44
Upscaling communication skills training – lessons learned from international initiatives 42
Healthy Reasoning: The Role of Effective Argumentation for Enhancing Elderly Patients' Self-management Abilities in Chronic Care 41
Le strutture interrogative nelle interazioni in contesto clinico 39
Achieving shared understanding in chronic care interactions: the role of caregivers 39
Applying a deliberation model to the analysis of consultations in haemophilia: Implications for doctor-patient communication 38
A pragmatic agenda for healthcare: Fostering inclusion and active participation through shared understanding 36
Functions of Interrogative Structures in Advice Giving: A Case Study 25
Fostering interdisciplinary knowledge translation at the interface between healthcare communication and pragmatics 24
Caregivers' Reasoning about Oncological Treatment in Online Discussions. A comparative analysis 18
Struttura e funzioni delle domande in ambito clinico. Un confronto tra il contesto della diabetologia e quello della procreazione medicalmente assistita 10
Le parole chiave nelle dinamiche testuali 4
Totale 4.012
Categoria #
all - tutte 16.346
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 16.346

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/2020314 0 0 0 0 0 21 79 16 81 32 46 39
2020/2021416 42 39 28 37 53 24 42 12 40 20 67 12
2021/2022423 8 34 7 36 25 18 11 77 21 19 73 94
2022/2023990 104 124 82 126 110 117 31 89 118 15 42 32
2023/2024673 62 125 32 52 55 73 32 24 26 50 53 89
2024/2025436 45 29 94 81 111 76 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 4.012