The focus of the present work is the "Digital Civic Education: A Hypothesis for Primary Schools" project. Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore of Milan – through its Research Centres on Media and Communication (OssCom) and Media Education for Innovation and Technology (Cremit) – carried out an experimental research-intervention on behalf of CORECOM Regione Lombardia. The project involved 232 teachers from 10 schools in the provinces of Milano, Varese, Monza Brianza, Como, Lodi, Brescia, and Sondrio. The project is a combination of educational intervention and research. The object of the intervention was the training of primary school teachers on teaching digital citizenship, whereas the research aimed at collecting data and evidence on basic digital skills, with a focus on the online experience of the actors involved in the training process (students, teachers, parents). In particular, the experimental project wanted to investigate digital competences (Ranieri, 2022) and possible consequences on the well-being of younger generations that the process of digitalisation may entail (Aroldi, 2016). The topic of media in schools emerges in an organic and significant way: technologies represent a powerful means to help schools become communities of practice (Wenger, 2006), characterised by a high reflexive value and able to provide new generations with a set of skills, knowledge, and competences to face today's challenges (Livingstone, 2010). According to its main aspects, digital citizenship can be declined as identity, participation, and a set of rights and responsibilities (Silverstone, 2009). Thus, the digital becomes a space for experimenting with active citizenship as it requires the implementation of transversal skills to respond to everyday situation-problems (Fabiano, 2020). The basis of the project are the Digital Civic Education Curriculum (MIUR, 2018) and Law 92/2019 on Civic Education, that consider digital citizenship as one of the three pillars on which to build the 33 transversal hours of the new teaching together with constitution and sustainable development (Guidelines, 2020). These two documents suggest a rethinking of the digital in schools, moving from a disciplinary logic to a transversal model, distributing media-educational competences among the different disciplines of the Curriculum (Pasta&Rivoltella, 2022). The Curriculum was used as the starting point to investigate five main areas related to the exercise of an active, aware, and responsible digital citizenship (Rivoltella, 2020): the Internet and the ongoing change, media education, information education, quantification and computation (data and artificial intelligence), digital culture and creativity. With this perspective, the Curriculum suggests building positive strategies that enable students and teachers in training to deal with a liquid communicational landscape (Bauman, 2019) that requires relating critically, ethically, and aesthetically in, with, for, and through media (Rivoltella, 2019). This being the premise, it is crucial to ask the following question: how to help citizens being aware of the importance of the cultural heritage in community life and of the need for its protection and enhancement? (Panciroli, 2019). The teachers involved in this project could benefit from a 30-hour blended course, which combined an online part intended as a pilot MOOC (Massive Online Open Course), and a face-to-face part. The course offered: - significant contents delivered in online modules and then uploaded on the BlackBoard LMS platform; - face-to-face training sessions lead by expert trainers in which teachers took part in two APGs (Guided Practical Activities) that required a small group planning of teaching interventions based on the principles of authentic tasks and aimed at developing and promoting digital skills in students. On an educational-didactic level, each group of teachers drew their own project framework and created related artefacts to make their proposal useful in the classroom, digitally augmenting it thanks to ad hoc apps. Working on a common and conscious project led to the creation of a real immersive and virtual didactic museum, with artefacts produced by all the schools, thanks to the use of Artsteps ( ), an online platform that combines reflection and narration and documents practices as well as the sharing of knowledge (Rivoltella, 2021) proper of a community of practice. For this reason, it is of fundamental importance to provide training for digital citizens, especially future ones. This requires not only adequate material resources (such as easily accessible devices and connections), but also precise and clear competences to make the most out of them (Golberg, 2018). It is evident, therefore, that the pathways related to 'digital citizenship' skills cannot be limited to provide licences and certifications of the abilities to use devices or software, although they will necessarily have to emphasise the computational aspects of reality, the emergence of big data, and the development of artificial intelligence systems (Pasta&Marangi&Rivoltella, 2021). Creating cultural artefacts, including technological ones, is part of the manifestation of the individual's creative process, as an act of pleasure, which gives our thinking space for action, promoting fluidity of ideas and their creativity (Berthoz, 2021). The designed products and the technological artefacts were, therefore, conceived and created by the trainees to respond to a need for innovation linked to a demand for the redesigning of teaching intervention from a media-educational perspective. This work provides feedback on the first part of the research as well as the data that were collected.

Il contributo proposto vuole portare all’attenzione il progetto “Educazione Civica Digitale: Un’ipotesi per la scuola primaria”, in cui i Centri di ricerca sui media e la comunicazione (OssCom) e sull’Educazione ai Media all’Innovazione e alla Tecnologia (Cremit) dell’Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore di Milano hanno realizzato, su incarico di Corecom Lombardia, un progetto sperimentale di ricerca-intervento sulla cittadinanza digitale. Sono state coinvolte dieci scuole selezionate delle province di Milano, Varese, Monza Brianza, Como, Lodi, Brescia e Sondrio, per un totale di 232 docenti. Il progetto si è quindi configurato come un’attività congiunta di intervento formativo e di ricerca. La componente di intervento ha avuto per oggetto la formazione degli insegnanti di Scuola Primaria in merito all’insegnamento di cittadinanza digitale; la componente di ricerca ha avuto una funzione legata al raccogliere dati ed evidenze circa le competenze digitali di partenza, prestando particolare attenzione al vissuto legato all’esperienza online dei diversi attori del processo formativo (studenti, insegnanti, genitori). In particolare, il progetto di sperimentazione ha voluto indagare le competenze digitali (Ranieri, 2022; Pasta & Rivoltella, 2022a) e le possibili conseguenze sul benessere delle generazioni più giovani che tale processo di digitalizzazione può comportare (Aroldi, 2016). Il tema dei media a scuola emerge in maniera più organica e significativa: le tecnologie rappresentano un potente mezzo per rendere la scuola una comunità di pratica (Wenger, 2006) caratterizzata da un’alta valenza riflessiva e allo stesso tempo in grado di offrire alle nuove generazioni un bagaglio di abilità, conoscenze e competenze con cui fronteggiare le sfide odierne (Livingstone, 2010). Secondo i suoi aspetti principali, la cittadinanza digitale si può declinare come insieme di diritti e di responsabilità, come identità e come partecipazione (Silverstone, 2009). Il digitale, così inteso, diventa spazio di sperimentazione di un esercizio di cittadinanza attiva poiché richiede la messa in atto di competenze trasversali per rispondere ad una situazione-problema quotidiana (Fabiano, 2020). La base del progetto è il Curriculum di Educazione Civica Digitale (MIUR, 2018) e la legge 92/2019 sull’Educazione civica, che prevede la Cittadinanza digitale come uno dei tre pilastri su cui costruire le 33 ore trasversali del nuovo insegnamento, insieme alla Costituzione e allo Sviluppo sostenibile (Linee guida, 2020); tali documenti suggeriscono un ripensamento del digitale a scuola, passando da una logica disciplinare a un modello trasversale, per il quale si tratta di distribuire le competenze mediaeducative tra le diverse discipline del curricolo (Pasta & Rivoltella, 2022b). Proprio dal Curriculum si prendono le mosse per indagare cinque principali aree legate all’esercizio di una cittadinanza digitale attiva, consapevole e responsabile (Rivoltella, 2020): internet e il cambiamento in corso, educazione ai media, educazione all’informazione, quantificazione e computazione (dati e intelligenza artificiale), cultura e creatività digitale. In quest’ottica il Curriculum propone di costruire strategie positive che consentano agli studenti e ai docenti in formazione di confrontarsi con un panorama comunicazionale liquido (Bauman, 2019) che richiede di rapportarsi in modo critico, etico ed estetico nei, con, per e attraverso media (Rivoltella, 2019). A partire da queste premesse, risulta fondamentale porsi il seguente interrogativo: come rendere tutti i cittadini consapevoli dell’importanza del patrimonio culturale nella vita comunitaria e della necessità della sua tutela e valorizzazione? (Panciroli, 2019). I docenti coinvolti all’interno di questo percorso hanno avuto l’opportunità di fruire di un percorso in modalità blended di 30 ore complessive: una parte online proposta come MOOC (Massive Online Open Course) pilota e una parte in presenza. All’interno del percorso sono stati offerti: – contenuti significativi erogati in moduli, rintracciabili in modalità asincrona all’interno della piattaforma di LMS BlackBoard; – occasioni formative di incontro in presenza condotte da esperte formatrici in cui i docenti sono stati chiamati a prendere parte a due APG (Attività Pratiche Guidate) che hanno richiesto la progettazione in piccolo gruppo di interventi didattici basati sui principi del compito autentico al fine di sviluppare e promuovere negli studenti competenze digitali. A livello educativo-didattico sul campo, ciascun gruppo di docenti ha steso la propria cornice progettuale e realizzato gli artefatti ad essa legati per rendere ancor più spendibile la propria proposta in classe, aumentandola digitalmente attraverso l’uso di app ad hoc. La realizzazione di un’impresa comune e consapevole ha portato alla realizzazione di un vero e proprio museo didattico virtuale immersivo, con gli artefatti prodotti da tutte le scuole, grazie all’utilizzo di Artsteps (, quale repertorio condiviso di conoscenze ed esperienze significative in rete, unendo la riflessività, la dimensione narrativa per documentare le pratiche e la condivisione dei saperi (Rivoltella, 2021) proprie di una comunità di pratica. Per questo motivo è dunque di fondamentale importanza provvedere alla formazione dei cittadini digitali, soprattutto avendo un occhio di riguardo nei confronti di quelli di domani: ciò richiede, non solamente delle adeguate risorse materiali (come dispositivi e connessi facilmente accessibili), bensì necessità anche di competenze precise e chiare per poterle sfruttare al meglio (Golberg, 2018). É evidente, dunque, come i percorsi relativi alle competenze di “cittadinanza digitale” non potranno esaurirsi nell’erogare patenti e certificazioni sulle abilità di utilizzo di device o software, anche se dovranno necessariamente dare rilievo agli aspetti computazionali della realtà, all’emersione dei big data e allo sviluppo dei sistemi di intelligenza artificiale (Pasta, Marangi & Rivoltella, 2021). Su questa linea, creare artefatti culturali, anche tecnologici, fa parte della manifestazione del processo creativo del singolo, come atto di piacere, che conferisce spazio d’azione al nostro pensiero, favorendo la fluidità delle idee e promuovendone l’originalità (Berthoz, 2021). I prodotti progettuali e gli artefatti tecnologici sono stati, quindi, pensati e creati dai corsisti per rispondere ad un bisogno di innovazione legato ad una richiesta di riprogettazione dell’intervento didattico in ottica media-educativa. Il presente contributo restituisce una prima parte della ricerca e una prima raccolta dei dati collezionati.

Pasta, S., Garbui, M. C., Pelizzari, F., Educazione Civica Digitale: una formazione pilota per gli insegnanti della Scuola Primaria, Abstract de <<LA RICERCA EDUCATIVA PER LA FORMAZIONE DEGLI INSEGNANTI>>, (Perugia, 27-28 October 2022 ), Pensa Multimedia Editore S.r.l., Lecce 2022: 122-123 []

Educazione Civica Digitale: una formazione pilota per gli insegnanti della Scuola Primaria

Pasta, Stefano;Garbui, Maria Cristina
Pelizzari, Federica


The focus of the present work is the "Digital Civic Education: A Hypothesis for Primary Schools" project. Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore of Milan – through its Research Centres on Media and Communication (OssCom) and Media Education for Innovation and Technology (Cremit) – carried out an experimental research-intervention on behalf of CORECOM Regione Lombardia. The project involved 232 teachers from 10 schools in the provinces of Milano, Varese, Monza Brianza, Como, Lodi, Brescia, and Sondrio. The project is a combination of educational intervention and research. The object of the intervention was the training of primary school teachers on teaching digital citizenship, whereas the research aimed at collecting data and evidence on basic digital skills, with a focus on the online experience of the actors involved in the training process (students, teachers, parents). In particular, the experimental project wanted to investigate digital competences (Ranieri, 2022) and possible consequences on the well-being of younger generations that the process of digitalisation may entail (Aroldi, 2016). The topic of media in schools emerges in an organic and significant way: technologies represent a powerful means to help schools become communities of practice (Wenger, 2006), characterised by a high reflexive value and able to provide new generations with a set of skills, knowledge, and competences to face today's challenges (Livingstone, 2010). According to its main aspects, digital citizenship can be declined as identity, participation, and a set of rights and responsibilities (Silverstone, 2009). Thus, the digital becomes a space for experimenting with active citizenship as it requires the implementation of transversal skills to respond to everyday situation-problems (Fabiano, 2020). The basis of the project are the Digital Civic Education Curriculum (MIUR, 2018) and Law 92/2019 on Civic Education, that consider digital citizenship as one of the three pillars on which to build the 33 transversal hours of the new teaching together with constitution and sustainable development (Guidelines, 2020). These two documents suggest a rethinking of the digital in schools, moving from a disciplinary logic to a transversal model, distributing media-educational competences among the different disciplines of the Curriculum (Pasta&Rivoltella, 2022). The Curriculum was used as the starting point to investigate five main areas related to the exercise of an active, aware, and responsible digital citizenship (Rivoltella, 2020): the Internet and the ongoing change, media education, information education, quantification and computation (data and artificial intelligence), digital culture and creativity. With this perspective, the Curriculum suggests building positive strategies that enable students and teachers in training to deal with a liquid communicational landscape (Bauman, 2019) that requires relating critically, ethically, and aesthetically in, with, for, and through media (Rivoltella, 2019). This being the premise, it is crucial to ask the following question: how to help citizens being aware of the importance of the cultural heritage in community life and of the need for its protection and enhancement? (Panciroli, 2019). The teachers involved in this project could benefit from a 30-hour blended course, which combined an online part intended as a pilot MOOC (Massive Online Open Course), and a face-to-face part. The course offered: - significant contents delivered in online modules and then uploaded on the BlackBoard LMS platform; - face-to-face training sessions lead by expert trainers in which teachers took part in two APGs (Guided Practical Activities) that required a small group planning of teaching interventions based on the principles of authentic tasks and aimed at developing and promoting digital skills in students. On an educational-didactic level, each group of teachers drew their own project framework and created related artefacts to make their proposal useful in the classroom, digitally augmenting it thanks to ad hoc apps. Working on a common and conscious project led to the creation of a real immersive and virtual didactic museum, with artefacts produced by all the schools, thanks to the use of Artsteps ( ), an online platform that combines reflection and narration and documents practices as well as the sharing of knowledge (Rivoltella, 2021) proper of a community of practice. For this reason, it is of fundamental importance to provide training for digital citizens, especially future ones. This requires not only adequate material resources (such as easily accessible devices and connections), but also precise and clear competences to make the most out of them (Golberg, 2018). It is evident, therefore, that the pathways related to 'digital citizenship' skills cannot be limited to provide licences and certifications of the abilities to use devices or software, although they will necessarily have to emphasise the computational aspects of reality, the emergence of big data, and the development of artificial intelligence systems (Pasta&Marangi&Rivoltella, 2021). Creating cultural artefacts, including technological ones, is part of the manifestation of the individual's creative process, as an act of pleasure, which gives our thinking space for action, promoting fluidity of ideas and their creativity (Berthoz, 2021). The designed products and the technological artefacts were, therefore, conceived and created by the trainees to respond to a need for innovation linked to a demand for the redesigning of teaching intervention from a media-educational perspective. This work provides feedback on the first part of the research as well as the data that were collected.
Pensa Multimedia Editore S.r.l.
Pasta, S., Garbui, M. C., Pelizzari, F., Educazione Civica Digitale: una formazione pilota per gli insegnanti della Scuola Primaria, Abstract de <<LA RICERCA EDUCATIVA PER LA FORMAZIONE DEGLI INSEGNANTI>>, (Perugia, 27-28 October 2022 ), Pensa Multimedia Editore S.r.l., Lecce 2022: 122-123 []
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