La Rocca, Antonella
La Rocca, Antonella
MILANO - Dipartimento di Scienze dell'economia e della gestione aziendale
Guest editorial: Decision-making and heuristics in business relationships
2024 Guercini, Simone; La Rocca, Antonella; Mouzas, Stefanos
Sustainable entrepreneurship: How do contextual factors play a role?
2024 La Rocca, Antonella; Dal Molin, Silvia
The IMP research on business networks: a systematic literature review and research agenda
2024 Guercini, Simone; La Rocca, Antonella; Perna, Andrea
I driver per le fasi di starting up e di mantenimento di una rete
2023 Cantu', Chiara Luisa; La Rocca, Antonella; Lucarno, Martina
New contact methods in start-ups’ selling process
2023 Cantu', Chiara Luisa; Hu, Lala; La Rocca, Antonella; Olivieri, Mirko
Decisions when interacting in customer-supplier relationships
2022 Guercini, Simone; La Rocca, Antonella; Snehota, Ivan
Exploring opportunities and challenges of sustainable start-ups
2022 Dal, Molin; La Rocca, Antonella
SME-Consultant interaction in EU funding projects
2022 Mersico, Luigi; La Rocca, Antonella; Pagano, Alessandro; Perna, Andrea
Implementing sustainability practices in b2b
2021 La Rocca, Antonella; Perna, Andrea; Snehota, Ivan; Vagnoni, Valentina
Interactions, relationships and networks in a changing business landscape
2021 Baddar ALHussan, Fawaz; La Rocca, Antonella; Baddar Al-Husan, Faten
Mobilizing suppliers when starting up a new business venture
2021 La Rocca, Antonella; Snehota, Ivan
Connecting IMP and entrepreneurship research Directions for future research
2020 Baraldi, Enrico; La Rocca, Antonella; Perna, Andrea; Snehota, Ivan
Customer-Supplier Relationships in B2B - Interaction Perspective on Actors
2020 La Rocca, Antonella
Innovation Camp for Nursing Students: Igniting an Entrepreneurial Spirit in Three Days
2020 Sæter, Gunn-Berit; La Rocca, Antonella
Dal prodotto alla soluzione. L’importanza di innovare
2019 La Rocca, Antonella
Interpersonal and Inter-Organizational Trust in High Involvement Customer-Supplier Relationships: Antecedents, Consequences and Moderators
2019 Akrout, Houcine; La Rocca, Antonella
L’anatomia dei mercati business-to-business
2019 La Rocca, Antonella; Snehota, Ivan
Service guarantees as a base for positioning in B2B
2019 Mccoll, Rod; Truong, Yann; La Rocca, Antonella
The emergence of the customer relationship portfolio of a new venture: a networking process
2019 La Rocca, Antonella; Perna, Andrea; Sabatini, Andrea; Baraldi, Enrico
The role of supplier relationships in the development of new ventures
2019 La Rocca, Antonella; Perna, Andrea; Snehota, Ivan; Ciabuschi, Francesco