Leonzini, Luisella
Leonzini, Luisella
Risultati 1 - 13 di 13 (tempo di esecuzione: 0.017 secondi).
Leonzini, L. (2017). Corpus-based research into multimodal disocurse: cross-national analysis of economics metaphors in the British and the Italian press. In ESP Across cultures, vol. 13, Edipuglia: Bari (open access). ISBN 978-88-7228-836-8
2017 Leonzini, Luisella
Leonzini, L. (2015) Teacher, learners and corpus linguistics: cross-analysing modality in the language of editorials and developing writing skills. In Innovation in Methodology and Practice in Language Learning: Experiences and Proposals for University Language Centres, Cambridge: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, pp. 158-183 ISBN 978-1-4438-8015-2.
2015 Leonzini, Luisella
Chiavetta, E. Sciarrino, S., Willimas, C. (eds), Popularisation and the Media, Edipuglia: Bari ISBN 978-88-7228-748-4
2014 Leonzini, Luisella
Leonzini Luisella (2013) Challenges in the re-distribution of the teacher’s roles: responsibilities and competences of the CLIL teacher. in Gotti, M, Nickenig,C. (eds.), Multilinguismo, CLIL e Innovazione Didattica, pp. 141-164, Libera Università di Bolzano
2013 Leonzini, Luisella
Leonzini, Luisella (2013) Reading through the language of The Economist: an approach to analyse intersemiotic complementarity in multimodal discourse. in ADVANCES IN BUSINESS RELATED SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH JOURNAL (ABSRJ), voulme 4, 2,pp. 177-202. ISBN 1855-931X
2013 Leonzini, Luisella
Leonzini, Luisella (2013) Power and Ideology: Critical Reflections on the Discourse of Journalism. in proceedings of Venice Conference 2013, ADVANCES IN BUSINESS RELATED SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH MATTERS, ISBN 978-961-269-957- 4
2013 Leonzini, Luisella
Leonzini Luisella (2012) Speaking through the images of The Economist. When the visual language becomes a useful tool to activate and improve communicative competence, In Taylor, C. Gori, F. (eds.), Aspetti della didattica e dell'apprendimento delle lingue straniere, pp. 52-77, Edizioni EUT: Trieste. ISBN 978-88-8303-331-5
2012 Leonzini, Luisella
Leonzini Luisella (2012) The unbearable heaviness of philosophy made lighter: the unbearable effectiveness of a CLIL approach. in Taylor, C. e Muscarà, M (eds.), Identità e dignità: AICLU per le lingue del mondo, pp. 197-222, Eunco Edizioni: Lenforte (EN), ISBN 978-88-97085-68-3
2012 Leonzini, Luisella
Leonzini Luisella (2011) Understanding Multimodal Metaphors by Reading through the Verbo-pictorial Language of The Economist.”, In Vasta, N., Riem Natale, A., Bortoluzzi, M., Saidero, D. (eds.), Identities In Transition In The English-Speaking World, pp. 81-104, Forum: Udine. ISBN 978-88-8420-693
2011 Leonzini, Luisella
Baldoni Joanne, Leonzini Luisella (2009) Implementing Reading Skills: from Extensive to Intensive. in Gillian Mansfield e Christopher Taylor (eds.), 1997-2007: L’AICLU e la politica linguistica nelle università italiane, pp.135-143, Supergrafica: Parma
2009 Leonzini, Luisella
Leonzini Luisella (2009) Motivation and self-activation: The ELP as a tool to raise learners’ awareness and to enhance self-assessment. in Federica Gori (Ed.) Il Portfolio Europeo delle Lingue nell’università italiana. Casi a confronto, pp. 107-123, Edizioni EUT: Trieste. ISBN 978-88-8303-260-8.
2009 Leonzini, Luisella
1. Leonzini Luisella (2008). Enhancing self-assessment in language testing through Portfolio in T. Vogel, R. Satchell, A. Moravclkova, (eds.), Language Centres at Universities: Crossing Bridges, Integrating Cultures. Papers from the 9th Cercles Conference, Frankfurt/Oder, 28-30 September 2006. pp. 45-66. CERCLES, ISBN 978-3-00-025322-5
2008 Leonzini, Luisella
Leonzini Luisella (2007) Trasparenza e coerenza del Portfolio in aula: uno strumento che favorisce l’autonomia dello studente nel processo di apprendimento. in Maria Grazia Sindoni (Ed.), Quaderni di Ricerca del Centro Linguistico D’Ateneo Messinese, Presenza e Impatto del Portfolio sul sistema formativo universitario italiano, Vol.I. Atti IX Seminario Internazionale AICLU, pp.15-28, Rubettino Editore: Soveria Imperiale. ISBN 978-88-498-2032-4
2007 Leonzini, Luisella