The paper analyzes some fragments of fascicles III and IV of Manzoni's Aesthetic materials with the aim of bring to light their importance and influence also in the theoretical production of the following years. It is indeed possible to identify a first decisive formulation of the specific activity of the poet in its difference from the historian: faithful to the Aristotelian dictate, the author attributes to imitative art the task of representing not the facts, but rather the concepts, surpassing since 1816 the positions of French Idéologues and approaching the perspective of the Cours de littérature dramatique by Schlegel. The reflection on the poetry called to represent, with its own means, the idea of history, that is what history pushes to desire, will find development and fulfilment not only in the Lettre à Mr Chauvet, but especially in The historical novel and About invention (1850), testifying the author's fidelity to an indispensable theme and to a needful method for those who measure themselves with the representation of the truth.
Il contributo analizza alcuni frammenti dei fascicoli III e IV dei Materiali estetici di Manzoni con lo scopo di riportarne alla luce l’importanza e il peso anche nella produzione teorica degli anni successivi. In essi, infatti, è possibile individuare una prima decisiva formulazione della specifica attività del poeta nella sua differenza rispetto allo storico: fedele al dettato aristotelico, l’autore attribuisce all’arte imitativa il compito di rappresentare non tanto i fatti, quanto i concetti, superando già dagli anni Dieci le posizioni degli idéologues francesi e avvicinandosi alla prospettiva del Cours de littérature dramatique di Schlegel. La riflessione sulla poesia chiamata a rappresentare, con mezzi suoi propri, l’idea della storia, quello che la storia spinge a desiderare, troverà sviluppo e compimento non solo nella Lettre à Mr Chauvet, ma soprattutto nelle opere degli anni Cinquanta Del romanzo storico e Dell’invenzione, a testimonianza della fedeltà dell’autore ad un tema e ad un metodo inaggirabili per chi si misura con la rappresentazione del vero.
Bisi, M., «Una impressione simile al concetto»: alle origini della riflessione manzoniana su poesia e storia, <<Atlante. Revue d'études romanes>>, 2019; 10 (primtemps 2019): 16-27 []
«Una impressione simile al concetto»: alle origini della riflessione manzoniana su poesia e storia
Bisi, Monica
The paper analyzes some fragments of fascicles III and IV of Manzoni's Aesthetic materials with the aim of bring to light their importance and influence also in the theoretical production of the following years. It is indeed possible to identify a first decisive formulation of the specific activity of the poet in its difference from the historian: faithful to the Aristotelian dictate, the author attributes to imitative art the task of representing not the facts, but rather the concepts, surpassing since 1816 the positions of French Idéologues and approaching the perspective of the Cours de littérature dramatique by Schlegel. The reflection on the poetry called to represent, with its own means, the idea of history, that is what history pushes to desire, will find development and fulfilment not only in the Lettre à Mr Chauvet, but especially in The historical novel and About invention (1850), testifying the author's fidelity to an indispensable theme and to a needful method for those who measure themselves with the representation of the truth.I documenti in IRIS sono protetti da copyright e tutti i diritti sono riservati, salvo diversa indicazione.