The subject of the contribution is the in-depth analysis of the problems connected with the enforceability of professional secrecy in tax access. The topic of secrecy has traditionally concerned the need to balance the tax assessment needs with the reasons for protecting the news that professionals are aware of due to the tasks assigned to them. Therefore, it is necessary to diversify the considerations on the matter according to whether the controls are directed towards the professional as a taxable person or if access to him constitutes a response to the assessment carried out against the customer. In this context, the issues relating to reporting obligations imposed on professionals (notaries, lawyers, etc.) in relation to "suspicious transactions" and prepared to prevent and pursue money laundering hypotheses are also included.
Oggetto del contributo è l’approfondimento delle problematiche connesse con l’opponibilità del segreto professionale negli accessi tributari. Il tema del segreto ha riguardato, tradizionalmente, la necessità di contemperare le esigenze accertative dell’Erario con le ragioni di tutela delle notizie di cui i professionisti sono a conoscenza in ragione degli incarichi loro affidati. Occorre, allora, diversificare le considerazioni in materia a seconda che i controlli siano diretti nei confronti del professionista in quanto soggetto passivo d’imposta ovvero se l’accesso presso di lui costituisca un riscontro all’accertamento svolto nei confronti del cliente. In tale contesto s’inseriscono altresì le questioni relative agli obblighi di segnalazione gravanti sui professionisti (notai, avvocati, etc.) in relazione ad «operazioni sospette» e predisposti per prevenire e perseguire ipotesi di riciclaggio di denaro.
Quattrocchi, A., Accessi tributari e tutela del segreto professionale, <<DIRITTO E PRATICA TRIBUTARIA>>, 2006; 77 (2): 253-272 []
Accessi tributari e tutela del segreto professionale
Quattrocchi, Andrea
The subject of the contribution is the in-depth analysis of the problems connected with the enforceability of professional secrecy in tax access. The topic of secrecy has traditionally concerned the need to balance the tax assessment needs with the reasons for protecting the news that professionals are aware of due to the tasks assigned to them. Therefore, it is necessary to diversify the considerations on the matter according to whether the controls are directed towards the professional as a taxable person or if access to him constitutes a response to the assessment carried out against the customer. In this context, the issues relating to reporting obligations imposed on professionals (notaries, lawyers, etc.) in relation to "suspicious transactions" and prepared to prevent and pursue money laundering hypotheses are also included.I documenti in IRIS sono protetti da copyright e tutti i diritti sono riservati, salvo diversa indicazione.