La Vecchia, Giulia
 Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
EU - Europa 279
NA - Nord America 252
AS - Asia 110
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 2
SA - Sud America 1
Totale 644
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 243
IT - Italia 122
SG - Singapore 57
SE - Svezia 52
DE - Germania 29
CN - Cina 24
IE - Irlanda 23
FR - Francia 17
FI - Finlandia 15
ID - Indonesia 15
IN - India 9
RU - Federazione Russa 9
CA - Canada 6
BE - Belgio 3
CU - Cuba 3
CH - Svizzera 2
EU - Europa 2
GR - Grecia 2
LT - Lituania 2
TR - Turchia 2
AE - Emirati Arabi Uniti 1
BR - Brasile 1
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 1
GB - Regno Unito 1
IL - Israele 1
IR - Iran 1
UA - Ucraina 1
Totale 644
Città #
Chandler 71
Singapore 48
Rome 43
Milan 29
Dublin 23
Ashburn 21
New York 18
Helsinki 15
Jakarta 15
Marseille 14
Chicago 10
Frankfurt am Main 8
Moscow 8
Los Angeles 7
Boston 6
Bremen 6
Faenza 6
Princeton 6
Beijing 5
Pune 5
Grinzane Cavour 4
Toronto 4
Brussels 3
Havana 3
Mumbai 3
Anzio 2
Boardman 2
Canobbio 2
Düsseldorf 2
Monza 2
Ottawa 2
Paris 2
San Mateo 2
San Nicola la Strada 2
Sestu 2
Thessaloniki 2
Washington 2
Andover 1
Ann Arbor 1
Bologna 1
Brno 1
Bursa 1
Cinisello Balsamo 1
Dubai 1
Follina 1
Gothenburg 1
Houston 1
Jerusalem 1
Kish 1
Laurel 1
Leawood 1
London 1
Madison 1
Mykolayiv 1
Naples 1
Nuremberg 1
Parma 1
Porto Sant'Elpidio 1
San Salvo 1
Seattle 1
Segusino 1
São Paulo 1
Venice 1
Verona 1
Wilmington 1
Totale 433
Nome #
Air Pollution and Coronary Plaque Vulnerability and Instability: An Optical Coherence Tomography Study 113
Interplay Between Myocardial Bridging and Coronary Spasm in Patients With Myocardial Ischemia and Non-Obstructive Coronary Arteries: Pathogenic and Prognostic Implications 76
Safety and prognostic relevance of acetylcholine testing in patients with stable myocardial ischaemia or myocardial infarction and non-obstructive coronary arteries 66
Cardiovascular involvement in patients affected by multiple myeloma: a comprehensive review of recent advances 64
Left ventricular end-diastolic pressure predicts in-hospital outcomes in takotsubo syndrome 62
Vaccines and Myocardial Injury in Patients Hospitalized for COVID-19 Infection: the CardioCOVID-Gemelli Study 54
Platelets: the point of interconnection among cancer, inflammation and cardiovascular diseases 51
Precision medicine versus standard of care for patients with myocardial infarction with non-obstructive coronary arteries (MINOCA): rationale and design of the multicentre, randomised PROMISE trial 40
Myocardial Injury Portends a Higher Risk of Mortality and Long-Term Cardiovascular Sequelae after Hospital Discharge in COVID-19 Survivors 26
Air Pollution and Coronary Vasomotor Disorders in Patients With Myocardial Ischemia and Unobstructed Coronary Arteries 25
Cardiac Imaging in Childhood Cancer Survivors: A State-of-the-Art Review 24
Left atrial strain analysis improves left ventricular filling pressures non-invasive estimation in the acute phase of Takotsubo syndrome 22
Clinical Characteristics, Management, and Outcomes in Cardiogenic Shock: Insights From a High-Volume Italian Cardiac Intensive Care Unit 15
Atherosclerotic Coronary Plaque Features in Patients With Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease and Acute Coronary Syndrome 14
Cardiac Imaging in Childhood Cancer Survivors: A State-of-the-Art Review 10
Totale 662
Categoria #
all - tutte 4.603
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 4.603

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2021/202288 7 0 0 4 0 0 0 4 2 5 44 22
2022/2023245 20 22 19 39 18 26 17 23 28 10 18 5
2023/2024202 4 37 9 9 16 31 10 2 10 6 32 36
2024/2025127 21 16 32 16 29 13 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 662