Sebastiani, Roberta
Sebastiani, Roberta
MILANO - Dipartimento di Scienze dell'economia e della gestione aziendale
A processual view on sustainability transitions in service ecosystems
2024 Sarno, D.; Enquist, B.; Polese, F.; Sebastiani, Roberta; Petros Sebhatu, S.; Viljakainen, A. M.
How digital platforms affect the internationalisation of wine firms in China
2024 Hu, Lala; Galli, Marta; Sebastiani, Roberta
Orchestration mechanisms in sustainability-oriented innovation: a meta-organization perspective
2024 Anzivino, Alessia; Cantu', Chiara Luisa; Sebastiani, Roberta
Designing Fourth Place: Where Sustainable Service Ecosystem exists
2023 Anzivino, Alessia; Nenonen, Suvi; Sebastiani, Roberta
Festivals as platforms for actors’ engagement in a local context
2023 Anzivino, Alessia; Hu, Lala; Sebastiani, Roberta
Sales e rapporti con la GDO: priorità e sfide
2023 Sebastiani, Roberta; Anzivino, Alessia; Covassi, Giovanni
Towards Sustainable Value Creation in The Beauty Service Ecosystem: Connecting Tensions and Systemic Sustainability Outcomes
2023 Anzivino, Alessia; Svärd, Kristin; Sebastiani, Roberta
Uncovering the Hidden “Where” of Sustainable Service Ecosystems: The Role of Spaces and Places
2023 Anzivino, Alessia; Nenonen, Suvi; Sebastiani, Roberta
Cross sector partnerships in the development of sustainable service ecosystems
2022 Anzivino, Alessia; Sebastiani, Roberta
Internationalization of Italian wine products in China: The role of digital platforms in a service ecosystem
2022 Hu, L.; Galli, M.; Sebastiani, R.
Italian agritourism as a traditional innovative answer to COVID-19 pandemic
2022 Anzivino, Alessia; Sebastiani, Roberta; Galli, Marta
Sustainability and Omnichannel Strategies in the Italian Wine Industry
2022 Galli, Marta; Sebastiani, Roberta; Anzivino, Alessia
Sustainable Rural Tourism Transition In The Wine Industry: The Role Of Meso Level
2022 Galli, Marta; Anzivino, Alessia; Sebastiani, Roberta
Tensions and paradoxes in sustainable beauty industry
2022 Anzivino, Alessia; Sebastiani, Roberta
2022 Anzivino, Alessia; Sebastiani, Roberta
Addressing Tensions and Paradoxes in Sustainable Wine Industry: The Case of the Association “Le Donne Del Vino”
2021 Anzivino, Alessia; Sebastiani, Roberta; Galli, Marta
Cognitive processing during a green hotel exploration: EEG evidence
2021 Fronda, Giulia; Cassioli, Federico; Sebastiani, Roberta; Balconi, Michela
Embracing consumer ambivalence in the luxury shopping experience
2021 Prestini, Stefano; Sebastiani, Roberta
Paint it green: A neuroscientific approach to hotel sustainability and ecological tourism
2021 Fronda, G.; Cassioli, F.; Sebastiani, R.; Galeone, A. B.; Balconi, M.
Sustainability and Omnichannel Strategies in the Italian Wine Industry
2021 Galli, Marta; Sebastiani, Roberta; Anzivino, Alessia