Leone, Luca
Leone, Luca
Pesticides in Court: Ruling on the use of neonicotinoids in EU Member States
2022 Leone, Luca
Soft Normativity for Food Sustainability: An EU Code of Conduct for businesses between collective responsibility and greenwashing
2022 Leone, Luca
Certificazioni etiche (lavoro, ambiente, religioni, benessere animale)
2021 Leone, Luca
La tutela della biodiversità animale in agricoltura
2021 Leone, Luca
EFSA under Revision: Transparency and Sustainability in the Food Chain
2020 Leone, Luca
Farm animal welfare under scrutiny: Issues unsolved by the EU legislator
2020 Leone, Luca
Razionalità e ambiguità delle scelte nell’Unione dell’innovazione: il nudge e l’Europa dei cittadini
2020 Leone, Luca
Sull’uso dei medicinali veterinari in allevamento tra benessere animale e resistenza antimicrobica
2020 Leone, Luca; Torre, Giulia
Gene Editing for the EU Agrifood: Risks and Promises in Science Regulation
2019 Leone, Luca
Nomen Est Omen? On the Legal Identity of Dairy Alternatives in the USA
2019 Leone, Luca
Nudging citizens’ knowledge in knowledge-based EU: the case of breast cancer screening programmes and participatory rights in choice architectures
2019 Leone, Luca; Tallacchini, Mariachiara
Organic Regulation – A legal and policy journey between Europe and the United States
2019 Leone, Luca
Confini che dividono, divisioni che legano: della coesistenza tra colture in Europa e negli Stati Uniti
2018 Leone, Luca
Lost in Translation? The EU Law Reform of Organic Farming
2018 Leone, Luca
Addressing Big Data in EU and US Agriculture: a Legal Focus
2017 Leone, Luca
Beyond Connectivity: The Internet of Food Architecture Between Ethics and the EU Citizenry
2017 Leone, Luca
Donazione come condivisione. Verso la 'filantropia dei dati'
2017 Leone, Luca
Towards new “digital insights.” The value of Open Data for food information in Europe
2017 Leone, Luca
When Nutrition Policy Meets Behavioural Sciences. Regulating-by-Nudging in the Innovation Union
2017 Leone, Luca
Nanotecnologia (applicazione nella produzione di alimenti)
2016 Leone, Luca