Masoero, Francesco
Masoero, Francesco
Discrimination of different feed additives and poly-herbal formulations based on their untargeted phytochemical profiles
2024 Rocchetti, Gabriele; Lapris, Marco; Zengin, G.; Masoero, Francesco; Gallo, Antonio
Effects of ensiling time on corn silage starch ruminal degradability evaluated in situ or in vitro
2023 Cueva, S. F.; Harper, M.; Roth, G. W.; Wells, H.; Canale, C.; Gallo, Antonio; Masoero, Francesco; Hristov, A. N.
Survey on the occurrence of silage volatile organic compounds in the Po Valley - Italy
2023 Sigolo, S.; Fancello, F.; Ghilardelli, Francesca; Mosconi, M.; Prandini, Aldo; Masoero, Francesco; Yuan, X.; Gallo, Antonio
An observational study to verify the influence of different nutritional corn silage-based strategies on efficient use of dietary nutrients, faecal fermentation profile, and profitability in a cohort of intensive dairy farms
2022 Gallo, Antonio; Valsecchi, Claudio; Masseroni, M.; Cannas, A.; Ghilardelli, Francesca; Masoero, Francesco; Atzori, A. S.
Milk metabolome reveals pyrimidine and its degradation products as the discriminant markers of different corn silage-based nutritional strategies
2022 Rocchetti, Gabriele; Ghilardelli, Francesca; Carboni, Eliana; Stanislao Atzori, Alberto; Masoero, Francesco; Gallo, Antonio
Occurrence of Polyphenols, Isoflavonoids, and Their Metabolites in Milk Samples from Different Cow Feeding Regimens
2022 Rocchetti, Gabriele; Ghilardelli, Francesca; Mosconi, M.; Masoero, Francesco; Gallo, Antonio
A combined metabolomic and metagenomic approach to discriminate raw milk for the production of hard cheese
2021 Bellassi, Paolo; Rocchetti, Gabriele; Nocetti, M.; Lucini, Luigi; Masoero, Francesco; Morelli, Lorenzo
A combined metabolomics and peptidomics approach to discriminate anomalous rind inclusion levels in Parmigiano Reggiano PDO grated hard cheese from different ripening stages
2021 Rocchetti, Gabriele; Michelini, S.; Pizzamiglio, V.; Masoero, Francesco; Lucini, Luigi
Assessment of feed and economic efficiency of dairy farms based on multivariate aggregation of partial indicators measured on field
2021 Atzori, A. S.; Valsecchi, Claudio; Manca, E.; Masoero, Francesco; Cannas, A.; Gallo, Antonio
Changes of milk metabolomic profiles resulting from a mycotoxins-contaminated corn silage intake by dairy cows
2021 Rocchetti, Gabriele; Ghilardelli, Francesca; Bonini, P.; Lucini, Luigi; Masoero, Francesco; Gallo, Antonio
Kinetics of gas production in the presence of Fusarium mycotoxins in rumen fluid of lactating dairy cows
2021 Gallo, Antonio; Ghilardelli, Francesca; Doupovec, B; Faas, J; Schatzmayr, D; Masoero, Francesco
Screening of regulated and emerging mycotoxins in bulk milk samples by high-resolution mass spectrometry
2021 Rocchetti, G.; Ghilardelli, F.; Masoero, F.; Gallo, A.
Development of a linear programming model for the optimal allocation of nutritional resources in a dairy herd
2020 Bellingeri, Andrea; Gallo, Antonio; Liang, D.; Masoero, Francesco; Cabrera, V. E.
Milk metabolomics based on ultra-high-performance liquid chromatography coupled with quadrupole time-of-flight mass spectrometry to discriminate different cows feeding regimens
2020 Rocchetti, Gabriele; Gallo, Antonio; Nocetti, M.; Lucini, Luigi; Masoero, Francesco
A survey of dairy cattle management, crop planning, and forages cost of production in Northern Italy
2019 Bellingeri, Andrea; Cabrera, V.; Gallo, Antonio; Liang, D.; Masoero, Francesco
LIFE TTGG: improving the supply chain efficiency of European hard or semi-hard PDO cheeses by development of an Environmental Decision Supporting System (EDSS) for Product Environmental Footprint (PEF) assessment
2019 Froldi, Federico; Trevisan, Marco; Masoero, Francesco; Lamastra, Lucrezia; Moschini, Maurizio
Nutrients' and antinutrients' seed content in common bean (phaseolus vulgaris L.) lines carrying mutations affecting seed composition
2019 Giuberti, Gianluca; Tava, A.; Mennella, G.; Pecetti, L.; Masoero, Francesco; Sparvoli, F.; Fiego, A. L.; Campion, B.
Parameters affecting the carbon footprint of milk at the farm gate
2019 Froldi, Federico; Corrado, Sara; Masoero, Francesco; Moschini, Maurizio
Technical note: Evaluation of a novel enzymatic method to predict in situ undigested neutral detergent fiber of forages and nonforage fibrous feeds
2019 Gallo, Antonio; Bruschi, Sara; Masoero, Francesco
Allevamento animale e sostenibilità ambientale. Vol. 2: Le tecnologie
2018 Moschini, Maurizio; Froldi, Federico; Lamastra, Lucrezia; Masoero, Francesco; Pallaroni, Lea; Zaupa, Roberto