Gavazzi, Carolina
Gavazzi, Carolina
Urn models for response-adaptive randomized designs: a simulation study based on a non-adaptive randomized trial
2018 Ghiglietti, A.; Scarale, M. G.; Miceli, R.; Ieva, F.; Mariani, L.; Gavazzi, C.; Paganoni, A. M.; Edefonti, V.
Sustainable weed control by allelochemicals from rye cover crops: from the greenhouse to field evidence
2010 Gavazzi, Carolina; Schulz, Margot; Marocco, Adriano; Tabaglio, Vincenzo
Monoculture Maize (Zea mays L.) Cropped Under Conventional Tillage, No-tillage and N Fertilization: (I) Three Year Yield Performances
2009 Tabaglio, Vincenzo; Gavazzi, Carolina
Monoculture Maize (Zea mays L.) Cropped Under Conventional Tillage, No-tillage and N Fertilization: (II) Fumonisin Incidence on Kernels
2009 Marocco, Adriano; Tabaglio, Vincenzo; Pietri, Amedeo; Gavazzi, Carolina
Physico-chemical indicators and microarthropod communities as influenced by no-till, conventional tillage and nitrogen fertilisation after four years of continuous maize
2009 Tabaglio, Vincenzo; Gavazzi, Carolina; Menta, Cristina
Soil quality indicators as influenced by no-tillage, conventional tillage and nitrogen fertilization after 3 years of continuous maize in the Po Valley
2009 Tabaglio, Vincenzo; Gavazzi, Carolina; Beone, Gian Maria
Zucchino e sedano: meno nitrati con il biologico
2009 Gavazzi, Carolina; Tabaglio, Vincenzo; Sartori, Daria; Nervo, Giuseppe; Longo, Caterina
A comparison of organically and conventionally grown vegetable crops: results from a 4-year field experiment
2008 Tabaglio, Vincenzo; Gavazzi, Carolina; Nervo, Giuseppe
Alternative weed control using the allelopathic effect of natural benzoxazinoids from rye mulch
2008 Tabaglio, Vincenzo; Gavazzi, Carolina; Schulz, Margot; Marocco, Adriano
DIBOA and BOA production by eight rye cultivars and allelopathic effect of the mulch on four warm season weeds
2008 Tabaglio, Vincenzo; Gavazzi, Carolina; Schulz, Margot; Marocco, Adriano
On fumonisin incidence in monoculture maize under no-till, conventional tillage and two nitrogen fertilization levels
2008 Marocco, Adriano; Gavazzi, Carolina; Pietri, Amedeo; Tabaglio, Vincenzo
Pomodoro, cavolo e zucchino possono essere competitivi
2008 Gavazzi, Carolina; Tabaglio, Vincenzo; Nervo, Giuseppe
The influence of no-till, conventional tillage and nitrogen fertilization on physico-chemical and biological indicators after three years of monoculture barley
2008 Tabaglio, Vincenzo; Gavazzi, Carolina; Menta, Cristina
Zucchino bio e convenzionale, sono possibili rese simili
2008 Nervo, Giuseppe; Gavazzi, Carolina; Bonelli, Andrea; Tabaglio, Vincenzo
Come ottenere buone rese dal pomodoro da industria bio
2007 Nervo, Giuseppe; Tabaglio, Vincenzo; Gavazzi, Carolina; Schiavi, Massimo
Soil quality indicators as influenced by no-till, conventional tillage and nitrogen fertilization after 3 years of continuous barley in the Po valley (Italy)
2007 Tabaglio, Vincenzo; Gavazzi, Carolina; Menta, Cristina
Effetti dei residui di segale sulle infestanti estive del mais
2006 Tabaglio, Vincenzo; Gavazzi, Carolina
On Seasonal Fluctuations of Available Olsen P in Soils
2006 Tabaglio, Vincenzo; Gavazzi, Carolina; Paris, Paolo
Yield performance of maize (Zea mays L.) cropped under conventional tillage and no-tillage in Northern Italy
2006 Tabaglio, Vincenzo; Gavazzi, Carolina
Rate of soil P decline due to crop uptake. Long term curves of depletion
2004 Paris, Paolo; Gavazzi, Carolina; Tabaglio, Vincenzo