Bogushevskaya, V., O nekotoryx osobennostjax razvitija sistemy bazovyx cvetonaimenovanij v kitajskom jazyke (soglasno gipoteze Berlina-Keja i teorii "pjati cvetov") [On some characteristics of Chinese basic colour terms' development (in accordance with the Berlin-Kay hypothesis and the Wu Se Theory)], in Rossija - Vostok - Zapad: Problemy mežkul'turnoj kommunikacii: materialy tret'ej meždunarodnoj konferencii [3rd International Conference on Intercultural Communication “Russia – West – East”]. Vol.1, (Vladivostok, Russia, 05-07 April 2007), Far Eastern State University, Vladivostok 2007: 62-66 [http://hdl.handle.net/10807/94905]
O nekotoryx osobennostjax razvitija sistemy bazovyx cvetonaimenovanij v kitajskom jazyke (soglasno gipoteze Berlina-Keja i teorii "pjati cvetov") [On some characteristics of Chinese basic colour terms' development (in accordance with the Berlin-Kay hypothesis and the Wu Se Theory)]
Bogushevskaya, VictoriaPrimo
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