The cities often act as magnets that absorb large economic and human resources of the territory, through a “development” that generates waste of land and waste of food. The situation may worsen in the future, in view of further worldwide concentration of population in cities. However, the aware¬ness of the scarcity of land resources is growing, and agricultural soil begins to be considered as a “common good”. These concerns have increased in public opinion, in view of the Univer¬sal Exhibition 2015 (on the theme “Feeding the Planet, Energy for Life”). As for the agricultural production, there is talk today of “urban agricul¬ture”, that is new social practices, such as public vegetable gardens mana¬ged by the inhabitants for their needs and with the approval of local autho-rities. In this context of scarcity of soil, are well known possible side effects of interventions even inspired by the sustainability (production of biofuels, solar panels). As for the food distribution, we can criticize the long distance supply, favoured by the development of global trade and transportation means. The interest for distribution solutions that reduce the energy content em¬bedded in the transport and storage of food is growing: the “short chain” proposal aims to put farmers in direct relation with consumers, and the mo¬vement “zero km” invites to consume local food. We can also notice alter¬native experiences to the long-distance distribution of food, such as using spaces on the roofs of buildings, or empty lots among urban blocks, or open spaces among road junctions. Finally, the so-called “vertical farms” or “greenhouse skyscrapers” can be built. On the educational level, the associated production, distribution and consumption of local foods can encourage participation, co-responsibility and conviviality. A critical issue is the chance to transfer these experiences from small towns to big cities. However, large room for improvement are still available to reduce food waste, as an integral part of strategies towards a “zero waste” way of life.
Tacchi, E. M., Usi e consumo del suolo, produzione e distribuzione alimentare, <<CULTURE DELLA SOSTENIBILITÀ>>, 2014; VII (13): 194-201. [doi:10.7402/CdS.13.037] []
Usi e consumo del suolo, produzione e distribuzione alimentare
Tacchi, Enrico Maria
The cities often act as magnets that absorb large economic and human resources of the territory, through a “development” that generates waste of land and waste of food. The situation may worsen in the future, in view of further worldwide concentration of population in cities. However, the aware¬ness of the scarcity of land resources is growing, and agricultural soil begins to be considered as a “common good”. These concerns have increased in public opinion, in view of the Univer¬sal Exhibition 2015 (on the theme “Feeding the Planet, Energy for Life”). As for the agricultural production, there is talk today of “urban agricul¬ture”, that is new social practices, such as public vegetable gardens mana¬ged by the inhabitants for their needs and with the approval of local autho-rities. In this context of scarcity of soil, are well known possible side effects of interventions even inspired by the sustainability (production of biofuels, solar panels). As for the food distribution, we can criticize the long distance supply, favoured by the development of global trade and transportation means. The interest for distribution solutions that reduce the energy content em¬bedded in the transport and storage of food is growing: the “short chain” proposal aims to put farmers in direct relation with consumers, and the mo¬vement “zero km” invites to consume local food. We can also notice alter¬native experiences to the long-distance distribution of food, such as using spaces on the roofs of buildings, or empty lots among urban blocks, or open spaces among road junctions. Finally, the so-called “vertical farms” or “greenhouse skyscrapers” can be built. On the educational level, the associated production, distribution and consumption of local foods can encourage participation, co-responsibility and conviviality. A critical issue is the chance to transfer these experiences from small towns to big cities. However, large room for improvement are still available to reduce food waste, as an integral part of strategies towards a “zero waste” way of life.I documenti in IRIS sono protetti da copyright e tutti i diritti sono riservati, salvo diversa indicazione.