One of the tragedies of those who frequent the gym, you want to get back into shape you want to improve appearance or enhance any athletic performance, training is represented by the lower limbs. Not that the other muscle groups are not worthy of consideration, indeed. Entering into a weight room, though, you can guess, from the look worried and tired already, about to start a routine for the lower limbs. Here, however, do not want to discuss the protocols work to increase the strength or hypertrophy of the thighs. The intent is to make people think football coaches, athletic trainers and personal trainers on the choice of exercises, in conformity with the proper execution of the exercise and motor ability of the subject we are practicing. Also, as always, we try to challenge some urban legend. WHY TRAIN LEGS AND THIGHS? In the biomechanics of the lower limb exercises will examine those involving both the hip and knee joints and ankle. In all rooms there are facilities which allow weights to train specifically the various muscles. The leg extensions for the front thigh muscles, the leg curl for the back muscles of the thighs, gluteus different machines for the buttocks and forth with the tools for adductors and abductors. These exercises are all certainly valid (and recently some doubts arose about the safety of the leg extension exercise, ed) and complete the exercise program to strengthen and reinforce the lower limbs. But among those who frequent gyms and fitness clubs, as well as those requiring design solutions or athletic performance, there are people who need to find a good tone-trophism in the leg to prevent back pain, to reduce fatigue in usual activities daily, to delay the possible problems that result from having weak legs. And for this reason that you must choose exercises that simulate the possible movements of everyday life, from climbing stairs, to sit and rise from a chair, to collect weights placed on the ground for example
Uno dei drammi di chi frequenta le palestre, vuoi per ritrovare la forma fisica vuoi per migliorare l aspetto estetico o per incrementare una qualsiasi performance atletica, è rappresentato dall allenamento degli arti inferiori. Non che gli altri distretti muscolari non siano degni di considerazione, anzi. Entrando in una sala pesi, però, potete intuire, dallo sguardo preoccupato e già stanco, chi sta per iniziare una routine per gli arti inferiori. In questa sede, comunque, non si vuole discutere dei protocolli di lavoro per aumentare la forza o l ipertrofia delle cosce. L intento è quello di far riflettere gli istruttori, preparatori atletici e personal trainer sulla scelta degli esercizi da proporre, nel rispetto della corretta esecuzione dell esercizio e delle possibilità motorie del soggetto che stiamo allenando. Inoltre, come sempre, cerchiamo di mettere in discussione qualche leggenda metropolitana . PERCHÉ ALLENARE COSCE E GAMBE? Nella biomeccanica degli esercizi per l arto inferiore prenderemo in esame quelli che coinvolgono contemporaneamente l anca e le articolazioni del ginocchio e della caviglia. In tutte le sale pesi esistono delle attrezzature che permettono di allenare in modo specifico i vari muscoli. La leg extension, per la muscolatura anteriore della coscia; la leg curl per la muscolatura posteriore delle cosce; le diverse gluteus machine per i glutei e via di seguito con gli attrezzi per adduttori e abduttori. Questi esercizi sono sicuramente tutti validi (ultimamente qualche dubbio e sorto sulla sicurezza dell esercizio alla leg extension, n. d. r.) e completano il programma di esercizi per irrobustire e potenziare gli arti inferiori. Ma tra i frequentatori delle palestre e dei Fitness Club, oltre a quelli che richiedono soluzioni estetiche o performance atletiche, vi sono persone che necessitano di ritrovare una buon tono-trofismo nell arto inferiore per prevenire dolori alla schiena, per ridurre l affaticamento nelle consuete attività giornaliere, per ritardare il più possibile i problemi che derivano dall avere le gambe deboli. E per questo motivo che è necessario scegliere esercizi che simulino il più possibile i movimenti della vita quotidiana, dal salire le scale, al sedersi e alzarsi da una sedia, al raccogliere pesi posti a terra per esempio.
Cereda, F., Biomeccanica degli arti inferiori: lo squat, <<TRAINER PIANETA ISEF>>, 2000; 2000 (Gennaio): 12-18 []
Biomeccanica degli arti inferiori: lo squat
Cereda, Ferdinando
One of the tragedies of those who frequent the gym, you want to get back into shape you want to improve appearance or enhance any athletic performance, training is represented by the lower limbs. Not that the other muscle groups are not worthy of consideration, indeed. Entering into a weight room, though, you can guess, from the look worried and tired already, about to start a routine for the lower limbs. Here, however, do not want to discuss the protocols work to increase the strength or hypertrophy of the thighs. The intent is to make people think football coaches, athletic trainers and personal trainers on the choice of exercises, in conformity with the proper execution of the exercise and motor ability of the subject we are practicing. Also, as always, we try to challenge some urban legend. WHY TRAIN LEGS AND THIGHS? In the biomechanics of the lower limb exercises will examine those involving both the hip and knee joints and ankle. In all rooms there are facilities which allow weights to train specifically the various muscles. The leg extensions for the front thigh muscles, the leg curl for the back muscles of the thighs, gluteus different machines for the buttocks and forth with the tools for adductors and abductors. These exercises are all certainly valid (and recently some doubts arose about the safety of the leg extension exercise, ed) and complete the exercise program to strengthen and reinforce the lower limbs. But among those who frequent gyms and fitness clubs, as well as those requiring design solutions or athletic performance, there are people who need to find a good tone-trophism in the leg to prevent back pain, to reduce fatigue in usual activities daily, to delay the possible problems that result from having weak legs. And for this reason that you must choose exercises that simulate the possible movements of everyday life, from climbing stairs, to sit and rise from a chair, to collect weights placed on the ground for exampleI documenti in IRIS sono protetti da copyright e tutti i diritti sono riservati, salvo diversa indicazione.