In ‘Fam.’, xxiv 11, his letter in hexameters to Virgil, Petrarch addresses the classical poet interrogating him on his fate after death, whether he is in Avernum with the damned or in Elysium. But he also proposes a third, bolder hypothesis: Virgil might be in Heaven, with the blessed, after Christ’s Harrowing of Hell. This essay offers a close intertextual analysis of the letter, highlighting its classical texture and particularly Petrarch’s close adherence to the model of Virgil’s ‘Aeneid’. Besides, this study identifies a subterranean, systematic distancing from Dante’s ‘Commedia’, especially as concerns three themes: Homer’s sovereignty among poets, Lucan’s suicide, and Virgil’s own salvation.
Nella Fam., xxiv 11, la lettera in esametri a Virgilio, Petrarca si rivolge al poeta antico interpellandolo sulla sua sorte ultraterrena, se sia tra i dannati nell’Averno o tra gli abitatori della selva Elisia. Avanza tuttavia una terza e più audace ipotesi: che Virgilio possa essere stato accolto in cielo tra i beati dopo la discesa agli inferi di Cristo. Il contributo offre un’approfondita analisi intertestuale della lettera, della quale è messa in luce la testura classica e in special modo la stretta aderenza di Petrarca al modello dell’Eneide virgiliana. Viene individuata inoltre una sotterranea e programmatica presa di distanza nei confronti della Commedia di Dante, evidente in particolare su tre temi: la “sovranità” di Omero tra i poeti, il suicidio di Lucano, la salvezza dello stesso Virgilio.
Piacentini, A., Petrarca e la salvezza di Virgilio, <<STUDI PETRARCHESCHI>>, 2011; 24 (N/A): 29-77 []
Petrarca e la salvezza di Virgilio
Piacentini, Angelo
In ‘Fam.’, xxiv 11, his letter in hexameters to Virgil, Petrarch addresses the classical poet interrogating him on his fate after death, whether he is in Avernum with the damned or in Elysium. But he also proposes a third, bolder hypothesis: Virgil might be in Heaven, with the blessed, after Christ’s Harrowing of Hell. This essay offers a close intertextual analysis of the letter, highlighting its classical texture and particularly Petrarch’s close adherence to the model of Virgil’s ‘Aeneid’. Besides, this study identifies a subterranean, systematic distancing from Dante’s ‘Commedia’, especially as concerns three themes: Homer’s sovereignty among poets, Lucan’s suicide, and Virgil’s own salvation.I documenti in IRIS sono protetti da copyright e tutti i diritti sono riservati, salvo diversa indicazione.