The essay reports findings from an investigation carried out by a network of institutions in July-October 2002 in the framework of the European project “Migratools: skills upgrading and orientation instruments for the labour insertion of immigrants” (Program Leonardo). A sample of entities, which are involved in providing immigrants with services of vocational training and orientation desks, was scrutinized in four countries (France, Romania, Italy, Spain) although in this essay we take into account only Italy and Spain. After a brief description of the labour market dynamics in the two nations (commonalities and differences are underlined), the article examines data emerging from the questionnaires in a comparative way. Data are dealing with: offer of services; need for services as expressed by immigrants; demands of services as expressed by the labour market representatives (entrepreneurs, trade unions); mismatch between demand and supply. It raises a multidimensional profile of what public and no-profit sectors actually do for the labour insertion of immigrants, including what the involved operators consider as problems in their dealing with adult immigrants. In this fragmented social and cultural frame a relevant contradiction, which affect the effectiveness of these activities, is the one between the wide request for foreign workforce on one hand, and the temptation to limit its claim to full citizenship.

DEGLI IMMIGRATI. ALCUNI RISULTATI DA UNA INDAGINE TRANSNAZIONALE Il saggio si basa sui risultati di una survey realizzata da una rete di partners istituzionali nel periodo Luglio-Ottobre 2002 nell’ambito del Progetto “Migratools: potenziamento delle competenze lavora-tive e degli strumenti per l’orientamento e per l’inserimento lavorativo degli immigrati” (Programma Leonardo). L’indagine si è svolta in quattro paesi (Italia, Spagna, Francia, Romania) ed ha inte-ressato un campione di centri che offrono ad immigrati adulti servizi di formazione professionale, assistenza e orientamento lavorativo. Il presente saggio prenderà in considerazione solo Italia e Spagna, per la migliore possibilità di utilizzare un procedimento comparativo (cross-national). Dopo una breve descrizione delle dinamiche del mercato del lavoro in entrambi i Paesi, sottolineando differenze e punti in comune, si passerà all’esame dei dati comparando i due campioni per i seguenti aspetti descrittivi: offerta di servizi, domanda di formazione/orientamento espressa dagli immigrati; domanda di formazione/orientamento espressa dai rappresentanti del mondo produttivo (sia asso-ciazioni datoriali sia sindacati); principali mismatch tra offerta e domanda di formazione. Ne emerge un quadro multiforme, che vede nei due paesi una molteplicità di enti impegnati nell’integrazione socio-lavorativa (pubblici, privati, no profit); dall’inchiesta si traggono elementi per definire i principali problemi incontrati dagli operatori di sportello/formazione nel trattare con gli immigrati adulti. Si concluderà evidenziando la principale contraddizione emersa in entrambe le realtà nazionali nello svolgimento delle attività per gli immigrati: la difficoltà di conciliare da un lato la forte domanda di lavoratori immigrati (per lo più richiesti al minimo della loro specializzazione), dall’altro la tentazione di restringere i loro diritti di cittadinanza “socioeconomica”, limitando l’azione formativa allo stretto necessario. Tale contraddizione influenza l’efficacia di queste inizia-tive, alimentando una visione stereotipata degli utenti immigrati.

Colombo, M., The effectiveness of measures of labour insertion of adult immigrants: a transnational enquiry in Italy and Spain, <<STUDI EMIGRAZIONE>>, N/A; XLI (151): 599-620 []

The effectiveness of measures of labour insertion of adult immigrants: a transnational enquiry in Italy and Spain

Colombo, Maddalena


The essay reports findings from an investigation carried out by a network of institutions in July-October 2002 in the framework of the European project “Migratools: skills upgrading and orientation instruments for the labour insertion of immigrants” (Program Leonardo). A sample of entities, which are involved in providing immigrants with services of vocational training and orientation desks, was scrutinized in four countries (France, Romania, Italy, Spain) although in this essay we take into account only Italy and Spain. After a brief description of the labour market dynamics in the two nations (commonalities and differences are underlined), the article examines data emerging from the questionnaires in a comparative way. Data are dealing with: offer of services; need for services as expressed by immigrants; demands of services as expressed by the labour market representatives (entrepreneurs, trade unions); mismatch between demand and supply. It raises a multidimensional profile of what public and no-profit sectors actually do for the labour insertion of immigrants, including what the involved operators consider as problems in their dealing with adult immigrants. In this fragmented social and cultural frame a relevant contradiction, which affect the effectiveness of these activities, is the one between the wide request for foreign workforce on one hand, and the temptation to limit its claim to full citizenship.
Colombo, M., The effectiveness of measures of labour insertion of adult immigrants: a transnational enquiry in Italy and Spain, <<STUDI EMIGRAZIONE>>, N/A; XLI (151): 599-620 []
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