Pedagogy refers to a critical perspective on educational experience. It is a work in progress that confronts itself with plural and heterogeneous cultures and historical contexts. It is configured as a practical science, whose empirical and eidetic research horizons are articulated with the ethical-educational dimension that marks the interpretation and planning of peda- gogical knowledge. Enunciating the expression pedagogy of the environment and attributing to it the designation of a field of knowledge in the encyclopaedia of the sciences of education raises undeniable epistemological questions. The identification of a new disciplinary field and the legitimation of an autonomous epistemic status imply problems whose heuristic consistency must prompt careful cultural reflection. The analysis of the name pedagogy of the environment cannot ignore fundamental questions. What is the specific object of the discipline? What are the most accredited theories, the most widely followed research methodologies, the main partitions? The environment is by its very nature a transversal ‘subject’, it crosses very different problems and disciplinary fields. Any discipline that elects the environment as an object of investigation is in some way obliged to ‘penetrate’ into specific territories such as ecology and economics, political and legal choices, human sciences and the arts. The contribution identifies the pedagogical discourse as work open to multiple interpretations, and certainly cannot elude – in this heuristic perspective – a reflection, in several respects ‘topical’, on the pedagogical issues between environmental pedagogy and educational sustainability.
La pedagogia referenzia una prospettiva critica in ordine all’esperienza educativa. È un’opera aperta che si confronta con culture e contesti storici plurali ed eterogenei. Si configura come scienza pratica, i cui orizzonti di ricerca empirici e eidetici si articolano con la dimensione etico-educativa che contrassegna l’interpretazione e la progettualità del sapere pedagogico. Enunciare l’espressione pedagogia dell’ambiente ed attribuire ad essa la designazione di un ambito del sapere nell’enciclopedia delle scienze dell’educazione suscita innegabili questioni epistemologiche. L’individuazione di un nuovo campo disciplinare e la legittimazione di un autonomo statuto epistemico implicano problemi la cui consistenza euristica deve sollecitare un’attenta riflessione culturale. L’analisi della denominazione pedagogia dell’ambiente non può prescindere da domande fondamentali. Qual è l’oggetto specifico della disciplina? Quali sono le teorie più accreditate, le metodologie di ricerca maggiormente seguite, le partizioni principali? L’ambiente è per sua natura una “tematica” trasversale, incrocia problemi e settori disciplinari assai diversi. Qualsiasi disciplina che elegga l’ambiente ad oggetto d’indagine è in qualche modo costretta ad “addentrarsi” in territori specifici quali l’ecologia e l’economia, le scelte politiche e giuridiche, le scienze umane e le arti. Il contributo individua il discorso pedagogico come un’opera aperta a molteplici interpretazioni, e non può certo sottrarsi – in questa prospettiva euristica – a una riflessione per diversi aspetti “attuale” sulle tematiche pedagogiche tra pedagogia dell’ambiente e sostenibilità educativa.
Malavasi, P., Un’opera aperta. Tra pedagogia dell’ambiente e sostenibilità educativa, <<PEDAGOGIA E VITA>>, 81; 2023 (1): 14-30 []
Un’opera aperta. Tra pedagogia dell’ambiente e sostenibilità educativa
Malavasi, Pierluigi
Pedagogy refers to a critical perspective on educational experience. It is a work in progress that confronts itself with plural and heterogeneous cultures and historical contexts. It is configured as a practical science, whose empirical and eidetic research horizons are articulated with the ethical-educational dimension that marks the interpretation and planning of peda- gogical knowledge. Enunciating the expression pedagogy of the environment and attributing to it the designation of a field of knowledge in the encyclopaedia of the sciences of education raises undeniable epistemological questions. The identification of a new disciplinary field and the legitimation of an autonomous epistemic status imply problems whose heuristic consistency must prompt careful cultural reflection. The analysis of the name pedagogy of the environment cannot ignore fundamental questions. What is the specific object of the discipline? What are the most accredited theories, the most widely followed research methodologies, the main partitions? The environment is by its very nature a transversal ‘subject’, it crosses very different problems and disciplinary fields. Any discipline that elects the environment as an object of investigation is in some way obliged to ‘penetrate’ into specific territories such as ecology and economics, political and legal choices, human sciences and the arts. The contribution identifies the pedagogical discourse as work open to multiple interpretations, and certainly cannot elude – in this heuristic perspective – a reflection, in several respects ‘topical’, on the pedagogical issues between environmental pedagogy and educational sustainability.I documenti in IRIS sono protetti da copyright e tutti i diritti sono riservati, salvo diversa indicazione.