The poetic movement of the Terminal Realism aims at describing and interpreting such aspects of the historical and social change that mostly affect our age; it intends to be the dynamic and critical mirror and the consistent translation, on the aesthetic plan of the forms, of the world of the third millennium. Between the two opposite poles of autonomy and heteronomy of art, the poets of the Terminal Realism are definitely on the side of heteronomy, fully conscious of being in a crucial phase of the historical becoming, in some ways dramatic and decisive, “terminal” precisely, where it is impossible to keep silent nor to retire into oneself. That’s why they provocatively undertake the unpleasant part of the prophets of doom, intervening particularly , besides the symptomatic and crucial episodes of the news, in sensitive themes regarding the environment, the technological development, the media and social, the migration flows, the styles of living, the economy and the global politics.
La corrente poetica del Realismo Terminale si prefigge di descrivere e interpretare quegli aspetti del divenire storico-sociale che maggiormente caratterizzano la nostra epoca; vuol essere il rispecchiamento dinamico e critico e la traduzione coerente, sul piano estetico delle forme, del mondo del terzo millennio. Tra i due poli opposti dell’autonomia e dell’eteronomia dell’arte, i realisti terminali stanno nettamente dalla parte dell’eteronomia, consapevoli di trovarsi in una fase cruciale del divenire storico, per certi versi drammatica e risolutiva, appunto “terminale”, nella quale non è possibile tacere né chiudersi nel proprio io. Per questo assumono, provocatoriamente, la parte antipatica dei profeti di sventure, intervenendo in particolare, oltre che sugli episodi sintomatici e nevralgici della cronaca, su temi sensibili inerenti all’ambiente, allo sviluppo tecnologico, al sistema delle comunicazioni e dei social, ai flussi migratori, agli stili di vita, all’economia e alle politiche mondiali.
Langella, G., La vocazione civile del Realismo Terminale, <<OBLIO>>, 2022; XII (45): 219-224 []
La vocazione civile del Realismo Terminale
Langella, Giuseppe
The poetic movement of the Terminal Realism aims at describing and interpreting such aspects of the historical and social change that mostly affect our age; it intends to be the dynamic and critical mirror and the consistent translation, on the aesthetic plan of the forms, of the world of the third millennium. Between the two opposite poles of autonomy and heteronomy of art, the poets of the Terminal Realism are definitely on the side of heteronomy, fully conscious of being in a crucial phase of the historical becoming, in some ways dramatic and decisive, “terminal” precisely, where it is impossible to keep silent nor to retire into oneself. That’s why they provocatively undertake the unpleasant part of the prophets of doom, intervening particularly , besides the symptomatic and crucial episodes of the news, in sensitive themes regarding the environment, the technological development, the media and social, the migration flows, the styles of living, the economy and the global politics.I documenti in IRIS sono protetti da copyright e tutti i diritti sono riservati, salvo diversa indicazione.