Training courses for educators and pedagogues generally devote a great deal of attention to families, parental experiences in relation to educational and school practices and services, social policies, and the fragilities and resources of mothers and fathers. Students learn from studies and research about family morphologies, the skills and difficulties of parents faced with educational responsibilities. Rarely, however, do they have the opportunity to deal directly with family caregivers, to listen to their stories, the hardships and satisfactions they encounter in raising children. Parents probably also silently cultivate beliefs, impressions and representations of educational and school services, cherish unexpressed expectations and thoughts towards educators, pedagogues and teachers. But how would their respective, reciprocal representations change if direct confrontations were to take place already in the training courses, i.e. if one could ask questions and share reflections with the other? What wishes, encouragements, suggestions could parents offer future education professionals? In order to try to answer these questions, an open lesson was arranged for students of the three-year degree course in Education Sciences and the Master's degree course in Pedagogical Design in Services for Children at the Catholic University of Piacenza, to which some representatives of a Piacenza parents' association were invited. This article intends to give an account of this confrontation experience and the results it achieved in terms of dialogue and training, in order to assess the opportunity to contemplate more opportunities for discussion between parents and students as a systematic proposal of the university training offer.
I percorsi formativi per educatori e pedagogisti dedicano in genere molta attenzione alle famiglie, ai vissuti genitoriali in relazione alle prassi e ai servizi educativi e scolastici, alle politiche sociali, alle fragilità e alle risorse di mamme e papà. Studenti e studentesse apprendono da studi e ricerche le morfologie familiari, le competenze e le difficoltà dei genitori di fronte alle responsabilità educative. Raramente tuttavia hanno la possibilità di confrontarsi direttamente coi caregiver familiari, ascoltare le loro storie, le fatiche e le soddisfazioni che questi incontrano nel crescere i figli. Probabilmente anche i genitori coltivano in silenzio convinzioni, impressioni e rappresentazioni dei servizi educativi e scolastici, custodiscono attese e pensieri inespressi nei confronti di educatori/educatrici, pedagogisti e insegnanti. Ma come cambierebbero le rispettive, reciproche rappresentazioni qualora si realizzassero confronti diretti già nei percorsi formativi, ovvero se gli uni potessero rivolgere domande e condividere riflessioni con gli altri? Quali auspici, incoraggiamenti, stimoli, suggerimenti potrebbero offrire i genitori ai futuri professionisti dell'educazione? Per provare a dare risposta a queste domande è stata organizzata, per gli studenti e le studentesse di Laurea Triennale di Scienze della formazione e Laurea magistrale in Progettazione pedagogica nei servizi per i minori dell'Università Cattolica di Piacenza, una lezione aperta a cui sono stati invitati alcuni rappresentanti di un'associazione di genitori piacentina. L'articolo intende dare conto di questa esperienza di confronto e dei risultati che ha conseguito sul piano dialogico e formativo, per valutare l'opportunità di contemplare più occasioni di confronto tra genitori e studenti quale proposta sistematica dell'offerta formativa universitaria.
Musi, E., Tessere l’educazione nei percorsi formativi attraversole testimonianze dei genitori, <<LA FAMIGLIA>>, 2022; 2022 (56/266): 202-218 []
Tessere l’educazione nei percorsi formativi attraverso le testimonianze dei genitori
Musi, Elisabetta
Training courses for educators and pedagogues generally devote a great deal of attention to families, parental experiences in relation to educational and school practices and services, social policies, and the fragilities and resources of mothers and fathers. Students learn from studies and research about family morphologies, the skills and difficulties of parents faced with educational responsibilities. Rarely, however, do they have the opportunity to deal directly with family caregivers, to listen to their stories, the hardships and satisfactions they encounter in raising children. Parents probably also silently cultivate beliefs, impressions and representations of educational and school services, cherish unexpressed expectations and thoughts towards educators, pedagogues and teachers. But how would their respective, reciprocal representations change if direct confrontations were to take place already in the training courses, i.e. if one could ask questions and share reflections with the other? What wishes, encouragements, suggestions could parents offer future education professionals? In order to try to answer these questions, an open lesson was arranged for students of the three-year degree course in Education Sciences and the Master's degree course in Pedagogical Design in Services for Children at the Catholic University of Piacenza, to which some representatives of a Piacenza parents' association were invited. This article intends to give an account of this confrontation experience and the results it achieved in terms of dialogue and training, in order to assess the opportunity to contemplate more opportunities for discussion between parents and students as a systematic proposal of the university training offer.I documenti in IRIS sono protetti da copyright e tutti i diritti sono riservati, salvo diversa indicazione.