The note proposes a comment on the ruling of the Constitutional Court on the provision concerning the (in) deductibility, from business income, of the municipal tax paid on capital property. After an overview of the precedents on the deduction of property taxes from income taxes, the note focuses on the reasons that led the Court to declare the provision unlawful for violation of the principles of consistency and reasonableness. Since unger italian business income is taxable as a net income, the deductibility of the Imu constitutes a structural consequence, functional to the consistent and systematic taxation. The note then critically focuses on the choice of the Court not to extend the effects of the decision to the years subsequent to the one to which the contested provision was applied, since the legislator, gradually increasing the deductibility of the tax with subsequent regulatory interventions, would have grasped the need to realign its fiscal relevance by ensuring the taxation of net business income.
Il contributo propone un commento della pronuncia della Corte costituzionale sulla disposizione concernente la (in)deducibilità, dal reddito d’impresa, dell’Imposta municipale assolta su beni immobili strumentali. Dopo aver proposto una panoramica dei precedenti sulla deduzione di imposte patrimoniali dai tributi sul reddito, la nota si sofferma sulle ragioni che hanno indotto la Corte alla declaratoria di illegittimità della disposizione per violazione del principio di coerenza e ragionevolezza. Poiché il legislatore ha espressamente individuato nel possesso di un reddito netto il presupposto della tassazione del reddito d’impresa, la deducibilità dell’Imu dal relativo imponibile costituisce una conseguenza strutturale, funzionale all’applicazione coerente e sistematica del presupposto. Il contributo si sofferma poi criticamente sulla decisione della Corte di non estendere gli effetti della pronuncia alle annualità successive a quella cui si applicava la disposizione censurata, poiché il legislatore, incrementando gradualmente la deducibilità del tributo con successivi interventi normativi, avrebbe colto l’esigenza di riallinearne la rilevanza fiscale assicurando la tassazione di un reddito d’impresa netto.
Quattrocchi, A., Sulla deducibilità, ai fini Ires, dell’Imu sugli immobili strumentali, <<RIVISTA DI DIRITTO TRIBUTARIO>>, 2021; XXXI (5): 246-268 []
Sulla deducibilità, ai fini Ires, dell’Imu sugli immobili strumentali
Quattrocchi, Andrea
The note proposes a comment on the ruling of the Constitutional Court on the provision concerning the (in) deductibility, from business income, of the municipal tax paid on capital property. After an overview of the precedents on the deduction of property taxes from income taxes, the note focuses on the reasons that led the Court to declare the provision unlawful for violation of the principles of consistency and reasonableness. Since unger italian business income is taxable as a net income, the deductibility of the Imu constitutes a structural consequence, functional to the consistent and systematic taxation. The note then critically focuses on the choice of the Court not to extend the effects of the decision to the years subsequent to the one to which the contested provision was applied, since the legislator, gradually increasing the deductibility of the tax with subsequent regulatory interventions, would have grasped the need to realign its fiscal relevance by ensuring the taxation of net business income.I documenti in IRIS sono protetti da copyright e tutti i diritti sono riservati, salvo diversa indicazione.