From the publication of Paul Sabatier's Vie de Saint François d'Assise (1894), modern historiography dedicated to the problems related to the history of Francis and the Orders that refer to him began. He indicated two fundamental lines of action, still considered valid today: the valorization and research of new sources and the priority to be given within them to the writings of Francis. The religious affiliation of Sabatier (Calvinism), together with a lively interest and many appreciations, aroused quite a few suspicions in the Catholic world - Franciscanism was in fact practiced until then by ecclesiastics and exponents of the historical Institutes of the three Franciscan Orders - that even came to place the work in the list of books not recommended by the ecclesiastical authority. At the center of the controversy was above all the reconstruction of the relationship between Francis and the Roman Church, and on this subject a lively debate developed until the seventies of the twentieth century. Above all, it was the contributions of Giovanni Miccoli and Pietro Zerbi that led the debate beyond the ideological-religious narrows within which it was developing. Their contributions introduced a so-called laic historiography, not conditioned by confessional issues, but able to valorize motives present in both fields. Finally, it is hoped that there will be greater communication between historians tout-court and historians of the Church.

Con la pubblicazione della Vie de Saint François d'Assise di Paul Sabatier (1894) prese avvio la moderna storiografia dedicata ai problemi relativi alla storia di Francesco e degli Ordini che a lui si rifanno. Egli additò due fondamentali linee d'azione, ancora oggi ritenute valide: la valorizzazione e la ricerca di nuove fonti e la precedenza da offrire al loro interno agli scritti di Francesco. L'appartenenza religiosa del Sabatier (Calvinismo), assieme a un vivo interesse e a non pochi apprezzamenti, suscitò non pochi sospetti nel mondo cattolico - la francescanistica era infatti praticata fino ad allora da ecclesiastici e da esponenti degli Istituti storici dei tre Ordini dei frati Minori - che addirittura giunsero a collocare l'opera nell'indice dei libri sconsigliati dall'autorità ecclesiastica. Al centro delle polemiche era soprattutto la ricostruzione dei rapporti tra Francesco e la Chiesa romana e su tale tema si sviluppò fino agli anni Settanta del Novecento un vivace dibattito. Furono i contributi di Giovanni Miccoli e di Pietro Zerbi a condurre il dibattito oltre le strettoie ideologico-religiose entro le quali si stava consumando. Con i loro contributi si inaugura una storiografia 'laica', non condizionata da questioni confessionali, capace di valorizzare motivi presenti in entrambi i campi. Si auspica infine una maggiore comunicazione tra gli storici tout-court e i gli storici della Chiesa.

Alberzoni, M. P., Francesco e la Chiesa romana tra storiografia e ideologia,, in Frater Franciscus. Storia e attualità, (Assisi (PG), 15-17 October 2020), CISAM Centro Italiano di Studi sull'Alto Medioevo, Spoleto 2021: 55-96 []

Francesco e la Chiesa romana tra storiografia e ideologia,

Alberzoni, Maria Pia


From the publication of Paul Sabatier's Vie de Saint François d'Assise (1894), modern historiography dedicated to the problems related to the history of Francis and the Orders that refer to him began. He indicated two fundamental lines of action, still considered valid today: the valorization and research of new sources and the priority to be given within them to the writings of Francis. The religious affiliation of Sabatier (Calvinism), together with a lively interest and many appreciations, aroused quite a few suspicions in the Catholic world - Franciscanism was in fact practiced until then by ecclesiastics and exponents of the historical Institutes of the three Franciscan Orders - that even came to place the work in the list of books not recommended by the ecclesiastical authority. At the center of the controversy was above all the reconstruction of the relationship between Francis and the Roman Church, and on this subject a lively debate developed until the seventies of the twentieth century. Above all, it was the contributions of Giovanni Miccoli and Pietro Zerbi that led the debate beyond the ideological-religious narrows within which it was developing. Their contributions introduced a so-called laic historiography, not conditioned by confessional issues, but able to valorize motives present in both fields. Finally, it is hoped that there will be greater communication between historians tout-court and historians of the Church.
Frater Franciscus. Storia e attualità
XLVIII Convegno internazionale della Società internazionale di studi francescani e del Centro interuniversitario di studi francescani
Assisi (PG)
CISAM Centro Italiano di Studi sull'Alto Medioevo
Alberzoni, M. P., Francesco e la Chiesa romana tra storiografia e ideologia,, in Frater Franciscus. Storia e attualità, (Assisi (PG), 15-17 October 2020), CISAM Centro Italiano di Studi sull'Alto Medioevo, Spoleto 2021: 55-96 []
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