This essay aims to show how Italy is embedded within the frame of Eu Lisbon strategy 2020 in contrasting school leaving. Unfortunately the education performance of “Sistema Italia”, if compared with other Eu members, is still under the averages although recent improvements has been achieved in terms of Early school leavers (Esl) ratio. There are traditional drop-outs (young people in disadvantaged conditions, as those with migrant background and those living in the South-Island) along with a new Kind of drop outs, youth employed in low-qualified jobs – especially males – and living in more developed regions of Italy. Everywhere is increasing a sort of disengagement of young people towards school. The national policy of prevention, based on the enlargement of compulsory education (form 14 to 16 years), has shortly reduced dropout ratio but the risk of an increasing in school leaving is still present. For an efficient prevention, a local approach of intervention is suggested in the essay, which must involve all social actors implied in this frame: schools (teachers in prominent position) – who must co-ordinate the field action because is within the school experience of youngsters that lie the most direct push factors; families (parents and students together); enterprises; municipalities and local welfare (public and no-public services) in a networked action. In order to avoid the (non infrequent) risk of a bureaucratic commitment of social institutions, a preliminary negotiation is needed among different local stakeholders, as regards the real interests at stake, that is, how everyone considers the lost of human capital that would be occur if prevention of ESL will fail.
Il saggio intende mostrare come l’Italia si colloca nei confronti dei nuovi obiettivi di Lisbona 2020, con riferimento alla necessità di contrastare l’abbandono scolastico. Purtroppo le perfomance educative del sistema Italia sono sotto le medie europee, malgrado gli avanzamenti degli ultimi anni. Ad una dispersione tradizionale, che tocca i giovani in situazioni di svantaggio (molti di origine straniera) e residenti a forte disoccupazione (Sud e Isole), si affianca oggi una dispersione da lavoro e una disaffezione crescente verso lo studio, che tocca soprattutto i maschi e chi risiede in aree che offrono lavori ai giovani pur dequalificati. Le politiche nazionali hanno contenuto gli effetti negativi della disaffezione, con l’innalzamento degli anni di formazione obbligatori (da 14 a 16), ma il fenomeno non accenna a diminuire. Per una più efficace prevenzione, il saggio suggerisce di adottare un approccio locale che coinvolga tutti gli attori sociali: la scuola (gli insegnanti), che dovrebbe coordinare l’azione in quanto le cause dirette della dispersione sono da collocare dentro la scuola stessa; la famiglia (i genitori e i ragazzi insieme), le imprese, l’ente locale o il sistema dei servizi (pubblici e di privato sociale) in un network di azioni. Per evitare il rischio (molto frequente) che gli attori si impegnino solo a livello di adempimento burocratico, occorre concertare con ciascuno di essi quali sono gli interessi della comunità locale in gioco, ossia quanto capitale umano andrebbe sprecato se l’intervento di contrasto alla dispersione fosse fallimentare.
Colombo, M., Contrastare la dispersione scolastica nelle politiche locali, <<AUTONOMIE LOCALI E SERVIZI SOCIALI>>, 2011; 34 (2): 169-183 []
Contrastare la dispersione scolastica nelle politiche locali
Colombo, Maddalena
This essay aims to show how Italy is embedded within the frame of Eu Lisbon strategy 2020 in contrasting school leaving. Unfortunately the education performance of “Sistema Italia”, if compared with other Eu members, is still under the averages although recent improvements has been achieved in terms of Early school leavers (Esl) ratio. There are traditional drop-outs (young people in disadvantaged conditions, as those with migrant background and those living in the South-Island) along with a new Kind of drop outs, youth employed in low-qualified jobs – especially males – and living in more developed regions of Italy. Everywhere is increasing a sort of disengagement of young people towards school. The national policy of prevention, based on the enlargement of compulsory education (form 14 to 16 years), has shortly reduced dropout ratio but the risk of an increasing in school leaving is still present. For an efficient prevention, a local approach of intervention is suggested in the essay, which must involve all social actors implied in this frame: schools (teachers in prominent position) – who must co-ordinate the field action because is within the school experience of youngsters that lie the most direct push factors; families (parents and students together); enterprises; municipalities and local welfare (public and no-public services) in a networked action. In order to avoid the (non infrequent) risk of a bureaucratic commitment of social institutions, a preliminary negotiation is needed among different local stakeholders, as regards the real interests at stake, that is, how everyone considers the lost of human capital that would be occur if prevention of ESL will fail.I documenti in IRIS sono protetti da copyright e tutti i diritti sono riservati, salvo diversa indicazione.