The lead independent director is a figure (originally born in USA) that has been recommended for about 15 years by the Corporate Governance Code of Borsa Italiana and that has also a fair diffusion in practice. Nevertheless, not only its appointment has never been imposed by hard law, but also the academic literature has paid little attention to it. Therefore, the purpose of this paper is to better analysing this office, in order to assess whether it is actually able to substantially improve the corporate governance of Italian listed companies and whether (and under which conditions) it may be appropriate to impose its appointment in a mandatory way.
Il lead independent director, mutuato dall’esperienza americana, è una figura che viene raccomandata da circa 15 anni dal Codice di Autodisciplina di Borsa Italiana e che ha pure trovato una discreta diffusione nella prassi. Cionondimeno, non solo la sua designazione non è mai stata prevista a livello di hard law, ma anche la stessa dottrina gli ha prestato scarsa attenzione. Il saggio si propone, quindi, di analizzare meglio tale ufficio, al fine di valutare se questo, per come disegnato dalla nostra autodisciplina, sia effettivamente in grado di migliorare in modo significativo la corporate governance delle società quotate italiane e se (e a quali condizioni) possa essere opportuno imporne la nomina in via cogente.
Presciani, C., La figura del lead independent director, <<RIVISTA DI DIRITTO BANCARIO>>, 2021; 2021 (IV): 697-722 []
La figura del lead independent director
Presciani, Chiara
The lead independent director is a figure (originally born in USA) that has been recommended for about 15 years by the Corporate Governance Code of Borsa Italiana and that has also a fair diffusion in practice. Nevertheless, not only its appointment has never been imposed by hard law, but also the academic literature has paid little attention to it. Therefore, the purpose of this paper is to better analysing this office, in order to assess whether it is actually able to substantially improve the corporate governance of Italian listed companies and whether (and under which conditions) it may be appropriate to impose its appointment in a mandatory way.I documenti in IRIS sono protetti da copyright e tutti i diritti sono riservati, salvo diversa indicazione.