The educational challenge during the pandemic has strongly drawn attention to the participatory relationship between school and family. Today, school and family are not only left with the hardships, but with the experience of having experimented with new form of collaboration. They have been urged to overcome the formalism of partecipation, to the full advantage of the concrete inter-institutional relationship qualified by the instance of educational co-responsability. School and family have revealed themselves as humanly indispensable realities for the education of the person. Through a specific pedagogical gaze, this contribution intends to reflect on the significant processes of transformation, readjustment and relational rebalancing that the pandemic has generated in the relationship between school and family. The reflection starts from the analysis of an experimental experience of new participatory devices aimed at accompanying pupils, teachers and parents in the climate of the health emergency.
La sfida educativa durante la pandemia ha richiamato fortemente l’attenzione sul rapporto di partecipazione tra scuola e famiglia. Oggi alla scuola e alla famiglia non rimangono solo le fatiche, ma l’esperienza di aver sperimentato inedite forme di collaborazione. Esse sono state sollecitate a superare il formalismo partecipativo, a tutto vantaggio del concretamento di un rapporto interistituzionale qualificato dall’istanza della corresponsabilità educativa. Scuola e famiglia si sono palesate come realtà umanamente indispensabili per l’educazione della persona. Attraverso uno specifico sguardo pedagogico, il presente contributo intende riflettere sui processi di trasformazione, di riadattamento e riequilibrio relazionale che la pandemia ha generato nel rapporto tra scuola e famiglia. La riflessione prende le mosse dall’analisi dell’esperienza di sperimentazione dei nuovi dispositivi partecipativi volti ad accompagnare alunni, insegnanti e genitori nelle temperie dell’emergenza sanitaria.
Bellotti, C., Gestione dell’emergenza e nuovi modi di vivere la corresponsabilità educativa tra scuola e famiglia, <<DIRIGENTI SCUOLA>>, 2021; 2021 (40): 50-56 []
Gestione dell’emergenza e nuovi modi di vivere la corresponsabilità educativa tra scuola e famiglia
Bellotti, Chiara
The educational challenge during the pandemic has strongly drawn attention to the participatory relationship between school and family. Today, school and family are not only left with the hardships, but with the experience of having experimented with new form of collaboration. They have been urged to overcome the formalism of partecipation, to the full advantage of the concrete inter-institutional relationship qualified by the instance of educational co-responsability. School and family have revealed themselves as humanly indispensable realities for the education of the person. Through a specific pedagogical gaze, this contribution intends to reflect on the significant processes of transformation, readjustment and relational rebalancing that the pandemic has generated in the relationship between school and family. The reflection starts from the analysis of an experimental experience of new participatory devices aimed at accompanying pupils, teachers and parents in the climate of the health emergency.I documenti in IRIS sono protetti da copyright e tutti i diritti sono riservati, salvo diversa indicazione.