This paper aims to explore the degree of transparency achieved by Italian schools through their web sites, as compared with the regulatory requirements on web transparency by public administrations. The paper also analyses the reasons underlying the failure to meet such regulatory requirements; the user groups that, according to the schools, are more interested in finding information through the web; the information that school players consider to be useful for external stakeholders; and the possible instruments to improve transparency and accountability within the educational sector. The research relies on a literature review, an analysis of the Italian regulations on transparency, as well as a pilot survey conducted among primary and secondary schools using an electronic questionnaire addressed to head-teachers.
Il lavoro si pone l’obiettivo di indagare il grado di trasparenza raggiunto dagli istituti scolastici italiani attraverso i propri siti web istituzionali rispetto agli adempimenti normativi in materia di trasparenza delle pubbliche amministrazioni. Si analizzano inoltre le motivazioni che sottostanno al mancato adempimento; i soggetti che, secondo le scuole, sono maggiormente interessati a reperire informazioni attraverso il web; le informazioni ritenute utili nei confronti dell’esterno da parte degli attori della scuola; i possibili strumenti utili a promuovere la trasparenza e l’accountability all’interno del settore scolastico. La ricerca si basa, oltre che sull’analisi della letteratura e delle normative italiane in materia di trasparenza, sui risultati di un’indagine pilota condotta tra le scuole italiane di primo e secondo grado, svolta attraverso la compilazione di un questionario telematico rivolto ai dirigenti scolastici dei diversi istituti.
Mori, E., La trasparenza delle istituzioni scolastiche attraverso l’uso del web, <<AZIENDA PUBBLICA>>, 2014; (4): 315-346 []
La trasparenza delle istituzioni scolastiche attraverso l’uso del web
Mori, Elisa
This paper aims to explore the degree of transparency achieved by Italian schools through their web sites, as compared with the regulatory requirements on web transparency by public administrations. The paper also analyses the reasons underlying the failure to meet such regulatory requirements; the user groups that, according to the schools, are more interested in finding information through the web; the information that school players consider to be useful for external stakeholders; and the possible instruments to improve transparency and accountability within the educational sector. The research relies on a literature review, an analysis of the Italian regulations on transparency, as well as a pilot survey conducted among primary and secondary schools using an electronic questionnaire addressed to head-teachers.I documenti in IRIS sono protetti da copyright e tutti i diritti sono riservati, salvo diversa indicazione.