The activities of Adolfo de Carolis (1870-1928) and Lodovico Pogliaghi (1857-1950) to decorate the Basilica del Santo, in the first decades of the twentieth century, constitute an interesting case study, to investigate the reception of the stylistic novelties of European art in Italy, between the late nineteenth century - a period in which the two artists belonged to their own mature style - the era of the avant-gardes and the “Novecento” of the twentieth century and the "return to order". The decoration of the Chapel of St. Francis by the painter from the Marche, an Italian region, was operated between 1925 and 1928, the year of his death, while the execution of the Chapel of the Sacrament by the Lombard sculptor Lodovico Pogliaghi had a very long gestation between 1906 and 1936. Both artists, although with a different stylistic approach, were protagonists, in the fin de siècle period, of the renewal of the style of mural art and of the search for a national artistic language based on the rediscovery of the Italian artistic tradition, particularly Medieval and Renaissance, filtered through the contemporary researches of decorative art developed in England, first and then in France. All these historical and stylistic references come from the two authors filtered by the personal artistic attitude in order to identify a new and Italian style to be applied to decorative and mural art. United by the interest also for the ancient techniques, from the fresco to the decorative arts, they find themselves working in the Basilica of Padua in an age in which their style appears to be delayed and not updated on the new instances of contemporary art, exemplarily represented , right in the same spaces of the basilica by the twentieth century painter Ubaldo Oppi, called to complete the frescoes started by de Carolis. Therefore, their presence in the decoration of the basilica constitutes a bridge, without solution of continuity, beyond the avant-gardes, between the instances of the art of the late nineteenth century and the new language of "return to order". Precisely this particular "condition" allows us to formulate considerations, in part unpublished, on the persistence in art, and in mural art, of common values, even in the variation of styles, which rest on the tradition of Italian art.
Gli interventi di Adolfo de Carolis (1870-1928) e di Lodovico Pogliaghi (1857-1950) nella decorazione della Basilica del Santo nei primi decenni del Novecento costituiscono un interessante caso di studio per indagare la ricezione delle novità stilistiche dell’arte europea in Italia tra fine Ottocento – periodo al quale i due artisti appartengono come formazione di un loro stile maturo – l’epoca delle avanguardie e gli anni Venti di Novecento e del “ritorno all’ordine”. La decorazione della Cappella di san Francesco ad opera del pittore marchigiano si colloca infatti tra il 1925 e il 1928, anno della sua scomparsa, mentre l’esecuzione della cappella del Sacramento dello scultore lombardo Lodovico Pogliaghi ha una lunghissima gestazione tra il 1906 e il 1936. Entrambi gli artisti, pur con un diverso approccio stilistico, sono stati protagonisti nel periodo fin de siècle del rinnovamento dello stile dell’arte murale e della ricerca di un linguaggio artistico nazionale fondato sulla riscoperta della tradizione dell’arte italiana, in particolare medievale e rinascimentale, filtrata attraverso le coeve ricerche dell’arte decorativa sviluppatesi in Inghilterra, prima e in Francia poi. Tutti questi riferimenti storici e stilistici vengono dai due autori filtrati dalla personale attitudine artistica al fine di individuare uno stile nuovo e italiano da applicare all’arte decorativa e all’arte murale in particolare. Accomunati dall’interesse anche per le tecniche antiche, dall’affresco alle arti decorative, si trovano però a lavorare nella Basilica di Padova in un’epoca in cui il loro stie appare attardato e non aggiornato sulle nuove istanze dell’arte contemporanea, esemplarmente rappresentata, proprio negli stessi spazi della basilica dal pittore novecentista Ubaldo Oppi, chiamato a completare gli affreschi iniziati da de Carolis. Pertanto la loro presenza nella decorazione della basilica costituisce un ponte, senza soluzione di continuità, oltre le avanguardie, tra le istanze dell’arte di fine Ottocento e il nuovo linguaggio del “ritorno all’ordine”. Proprio questa particolare “condizione” ci consente di formulare considerazioni, in parte inedite, sulla persistenza nell’arte, e in particolare nell’arte murale, di valori comuni, pur nella variazione degli stili, che poggiano sulla tradizione dell’arte italiana.
Di Raddo, E., La questione dello stile a confronto con il tema del sacro: Lodovico Pogliaghi e Adolfo de Carolis, in Cultura, arte e committenza nella Basilica di S. Antonio di Padova tra Ottocento e Novecento: Convegno internazionale di studi, Padova, 22-24 maggio 2019, (Padova, Centro Studi Antoniani, 22-24 May 2019), Centro Studi Antoniani, PADOVA -- ITA 2020: 311-320 []
La questione dello stile a confronto con il tema del sacro: Lodovico Pogliaghi e Adolfo de Carolis
Di Raddo, Elena
The activities of Adolfo de Carolis (1870-1928) and Lodovico Pogliaghi (1857-1950) to decorate the Basilica del Santo, in the first decades of the twentieth century, constitute an interesting case study, to investigate the reception of the stylistic novelties of European art in Italy, between the late nineteenth century - a period in which the two artists belonged to their own mature style - the era of the avant-gardes and the “Novecento” of the twentieth century and the "return to order". The decoration of the Chapel of St. Francis by the painter from the Marche, an Italian region, was operated between 1925 and 1928, the year of his death, while the execution of the Chapel of the Sacrament by the Lombard sculptor Lodovico Pogliaghi had a very long gestation between 1906 and 1936. Both artists, although with a different stylistic approach, were protagonists, in the fin de siècle period, of the renewal of the style of mural art and of the search for a national artistic language based on the rediscovery of the Italian artistic tradition, particularly Medieval and Renaissance, filtered through the contemporary researches of decorative art developed in England, first and then in France. All these historical and stylistic references come from the two authors filtered by the personal artistic attitude in order to identify a new and Italian style to be applied to decorative and mural art. United by the interest also for the ancient techniques, from the fresco to the decorative arts, they find themselves working in the Basilica of Padua in an age in which their style appears to be delayed and not updated on the new instances of contemporary art, exemplarily represented , right in the same spaces of the basilica by the twentieth century painter Ubaldo Oppi, called to complete the frescoes started by de Carolis. Therefore, their presence in the decoration of the basilica constitutes a bridge, without solution of continuity, beyond the avant-gardes, between the instances of the art of the late nineteenth century and the new language of "return to order". Precisely this particular "condition" allows us to formulate considerations, in part unpublished, on the persistence in art, and in mural art, of common values, even in the variation of styles, which rest on the tradition of Italian art.I documenti in IRIS sono protetti da copyright e tutti i diritti sono riservati, salvo diversa indicazione.