The Court of cassation deals again with the so-called cultural-oriented offenses, a category on which scholars and the case-law have been increasingly focussed in the last decade.In the specific case, the claimed cultural offense consisted in son’s genitals groping by Albanian father. The mother of the child was charged too with this offense. Indeed, she did not intervene to prevent her husband from committing the abuse, despite being aware of it. The Supreme Court claims, with the current judgement, that within the present-day society it is necessary to interpret criminal laws according to the current historical period, which is marked by multiculturalism. Hence, it will be necessary to state if there is a specific cultural conduct norm in the social context of origin of the defendant, which imposes a behaviour to him/her deemed as an offense within the Italian legal system, and it is necessary to state if this behaviour underpins the unlawful action. In the specific case, the result of this assessment turns out to be negative, because no conduct norm in the Albanian culture imposes or at least considers groping and fellatio against children as lawful. The claimed ignorantia legis of the defendant with regard to the genitals groping is then not blameless, according to the Court. Hence, the claimed ignorantia legis can not be deemed as a presumption of innocence, because the parents of the child were well integrated into the Italian society, where they had been working from years.

La Corte di cassazione torna a occuparsi dei cc.dd. reati culturalmente orientati, categoria su cui, sempre più spesso nell’ultimo decennio, si è appuntata l’attenzione della dottrina e della giurisprudenza. Nel caso di specie, l’asserita cultural offense consisteva in palpeggiamenti dei genitali del figlio da parte del genitore di etnia albanese, reato di cui era stata accusata anche la madre del minore, la quale, pur essendo al corrente degli abusi perpetrati dal marito, non era intervenuta per impedirli. La Suprema Corte, con la sentenza in commento, afferma che, nella società contemporanea, occorra procedere a un’interpretazione delle norme penali che risenta del momento storico connotato dal multiculturalismo. Di conseguenza, occorrerà appurare se esista, nel contesto sociale di provenienza dell’imputato, una precisa regola culturale che impone una condotta all’individuo considerata reato nel sistema giuridico italiano e stabilire se la stessa abbia orientato l’azione illecita. Tale accertamento, nel caso di specie, giunge a un esito negativo, poiché, nella cultura albanese, non si trova alcuna regola che imponga o, perlomeno, consideri leciti i palpeggiamenti e le fellatio a danno dei figli minori. La dichiarata ignorantia legis degli imputati circa l’illiceità dei palpeggiamenti ai genitali non è poi, secondo la Corte, incolpevole e non è, di conseguenza, idonea a integrare una causa di non colpevolezza, poiché i genitori del minore risultavano ben integrati nel tessuto sociale italiano ove vivevano e lavoravano da anni.

Provera, A., Carezze o violenze?La Cassazione affronta il problema dei reati sessuali a presuntoorientamento culturale, <<DIRITTO PENALE E PROCESSO>>, 2018; (11): 1432-1438 []

Carezze o violenze? La Cassazione affronta il problema dei reati sessuali a presunto orientamento culturale

Provera, Alessandro


The Court of cassation deals again with the so-called cultural-oriented offenses, a category on which scholars and the case-law have been increasingly focussed in the last decade.In the specific case, the claimed cultural offense consisted in son’s genitals groping by Albanian father. The mother of the child was charged too with this offense. Indeed, she did not intervene to prevent her husband from committing the abuse, despite being aware of it. The Supreme Court claims, with the current judgement, that within the present-day society it is necessary to interpret criminal laws according to the current historical period, which is marked by multiculturalism. Hence, it will be necessary to state if there is a specific cultural conduct norm in the social context of origin of the defendant, which imposes a behaviour to him/her deemed as an offense within the Italian legal system, and it is necessary to state if this behaviour underpins the unlawful action. In the specific case, the result of this assessment turns out to be negative, because no conduct norm in the Albanian culture imposes or at least considers groping and fellatio against children as lawful. The claimed ignorantia legis of the defendant with regard to the genitals groping is then not blameless, according to the Court. Hence, the claimed ignorantia legis can not be deemed as a presumption of innocence, because the parents of the child were well integrated into the Italian society, where they had been working from years.
Provera, A., Carezze o violenze?La Cassazione affronta il problema dei reati sessuali a presuntoorientamento culturale, <<DIRITTO PENALE E PROCESSO>>, 2018; (11): 1432-1438 []
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