The unfolding economic circumstances and constant adjustments to the labour market bring into question the role of workplace representation. Trends in opposition to labour market institutions and social regulation are being consolidated. Given these circumstances, a historical perspective can contribute to a critical analysis of the renewed role of employment in the lives of persons and to social equilibria. The methodology and copious themes inherent to economic and social history permit the matching of real data to such an intricate issue which is subject to manifold socio-political influences. It is with this intent that Mario Romani proposes «a canon of interpretation based on facts» to study the nature, purpose, and instruments available to trade unions based on criteria inherent to the single, autonomous, associations.
La situazione economica in divenire e i costanti adattamenti del mercato del lavoro pongono in dubbio il ruolo delle rappresentanze sociali. Si stanno affermando tendenze contrarie alle istituzioni del lavoro e alla regolazione sociale. In questa situazione le conoscenze storiche possono contribuire a considerare criticamente il nuovo posizionamento del lavoro nella vita delle persone e negli equilibri sociali. La dotazione metodologica e la ricchezza tematica della storia economica e sociale consentono di accostare i dati reali di una materia così complessa ed esposta a molteplici influenze politico-culturali. Tali sono stati gli intenti di Mario Romani nel proporre «un canone di interpretazione basato sui fatti» per studiare natura, fini, ruolo e strumenti dell’azione sindacale in base ai criteri propri delle autonome esperienze associative.
Carera, A., Nessi storiografici. Economia, lavoro, sindacato, <<STORIA ECONOMICA>>, 2017; (2): 597-613 []
Nessi storiografici. Economia, lavoro, sindacato
Carera, Aldo
The unfolding economic circumstances and constant adjustments to the labour market bring into question the role of workplace representation. Trends in opposition to labour market institutions and social regulation are being consolidated. Given these circumstances, a historical perspective can contribute to a critical analysis of the renewed role of employment in the lives of persons and to social equilibria. The methodology and copious themes inherent to economic and social history permit the matching of real data to such an intricate issue which is subject to manifold socio-political influences. It is with this intent that Mario Romani proposes «a canon of interpretation based on facts» to study the nature, purpose, and instruments available to trade unions based on criteria inherent to the single, autonomous, associations.I documenti in IRIS sono protetti da copyright e tutti i diritti sono riservati, salvo diversa indicazione.