Locus standi and interest in acting in the judicial review of public contracts procedures. The essay deals with the conditions that allow applicants, in the administrative judicial review of public contracts, to obtain a ruling on the merits of their case. Italian law requires that applications against administrative deeds, including awards of public tenders, must be brought by subjects which both hold: a) legal standing, based on a specific right or legitimate interest (interesse legittimo) related to the cause and granted by law; b) interest in acting: a personal, present and concrete interest in the judicial review of the deed; he or she should gain an effective advantage from the favourable decision of the suit. If the plaintiff fails to prove one of the conditions his application will be ruled inadmissible. Recent case-law of the European Court of Justice in cases Fastweb and Puligienica overturns these requirements. The ECJ affirms that it is sufficient to embody a concrete interest that, in the case, it “cannot be ruled out” that, based on the partial annulment, the contracting authority shall rethink its decision and withdraw the entire procedure, although it has not been contested in the application. Such an interest – which can be called an instrumental interest – is hardly present or concrete and seems to be basically useless. Indeed, such a notion reveals feathered edges and is totally unfit to select between useful and useless applications, given that every application could easily fulfil the hypothetic conception of interest set by the Court. Moreover, the study proves that the instrumental interest also erase the first requirement of admissibility – the legal standing. In fact, a tenderer whose bid has been definitively excluded has no specific right regarding the tender. His position should be legally and substantially assimilated to the ordinary player’s that had not submitted a bid. Applications with no substantial right of individuals to be ensured and no practical interest of the applicant should be considered admissible only in the frame of a so called objective jurisdiction. An objective jurisdiction is set mainly to protect public interests rather than individual rights. Some authors claim that the Italian Constitution prohibits an administrative judicial review of objective content (set for public interests). Conversely, the article proves that such a jurisdiction is entirely consistent with both constitutional provisions and the Italian system of administrative justice. On the other hand, the essay focuses on the recent reform of the law of public contracts that modified the Code of administrative procedure. New article 120 of the Code provides that tenderers need to contest promptly every legal breach regarding admission to the procedure of other contestants. Shall they fail to do so, they will lose the right to challenge that part of the procedure later on. The article demonstrates that the application against other tenderers’ admission bears sufficient interest in the proceedings. The successful applicant will have less competitors in the subsequent evaluation of tenders. This mere fact increases the applicant’s chance of being awarded the contract. Such interest must be considered stronger than the instrumental interest and consistent with legislative provisions about locus standi and legal interest in acting.

L’articolo affronta il tema delle condizioni dell’azione nel processo amministrativo, nella loro configurazione originaria e nella loro evoluzione. Particolare attenzione viene rivolta al rito speciale in materia di contratti pubblici, considerato per certi versi paradigmatico delle direttrici evolutive del giudizio amministrativo ordinario. Lo studio prende le mosse da due recenti modifiche intervenute in materia. La prima trova la propria fonte nei più recenti arresti della giurisprudenza eurounitaria in materia di ricorsi incidentali. Nel saggio viene dimostrato che le sentenze della Corte di giustizia Fastweb e Puligienica (così come la successiva giurisprudenza, sostanzialmente conforme) hanno delineato una nuova nozione di interesse processuale. Alla stregua di tali pronunce, è sufficiente ad integrare un interesse al ricorso la circostanza che in seguito all’annullamento dell’atto “non si possa escludere” una futura attività amministrativa, che, intervenendo su atti non oggetto del giudizio, possa soddisfare l’aspettativa del ricorrente alla riedizione della gara. Di fatto, portando alle sue estreme conseguenze la teoria del c.d. interesse strumentale al ricorso, tali pronunce hanno svuotato la nozione di interesse processuale delle sue caratteristiche tradizionali (personalità, attualità, concretezza). Esse restituiscono così all’interprete uno strumento dai contorni indefiniti e non più idoneo a selezionare tra domande utili per il ricorrente e domande inutili e, perciò, inammissibili. Dall’altro lato, quella medesima giurisprudenza finisce per mettere in ombra anche l’altra condizione dell’azione, la legittimazione al ricorso. Lo studio tenta di dimostrare come l’esclusiva concentrazione sull’interesse strumentale consenta in realtà la decisione nel merito di ricorsi proposti da soggetti privi di legittimazione sostanziale, in quanto definitivamente esclusi dalla procedura contestata. Ciò avviene in spregio tanto alle norme processuali interne, quanto alla direttiva comunitaria in materia di ricorsi nelle procedure ad evidenze pubblica. Questi ricorsi vengono pertanto ricondotti al modello della giurisdizione oggettiva, in quanto non tutelano direttamente le posizioni giuridiche sostanziali dei ricorrenti, ma piuttosto l’interesse generale al corretto svolgimento delle gare pubbliche. Si argomenta tuttavia per l’ammissibilità di ipotesi di giurisdizione oggettiva, pur nell’ambito di un processo amministrativo a configurazione tendenzialmente soggettiva. La seconda innovazione è invece contenuta nel nuovo codice dei contratti pubblici, che modifica l’art. 120 del codice del processo amministrativo. Il legislatore ha imposto ai partecipanti alle procedure di gara l’onere di immediata impugnazione dei provvedimenti relativi alle ammissioni degli altri concorrenti. Secondo alcuni commentatori, si tratterebbe di ricorsi privi di interesse processuale, dal momento che, nella fase della procedura antecedente alla formazione della graduatoria, i concorrenti ignorano se l’ammissione dei rivali costituisca effettivamente un danno. Il nuovo rito super speciale è fatto oggetto di critiche in punto di effettività della tutela giurisdizionale, dal momento che introduce un serio ostacolo alla contestazione dei vizi relativi alle altrui ammissioni. L’autore tenta tuttavia di dimostrare come, ferme le critiche di politica legislativa, si debba nondimeno riconoscere la sussistenza di un interesse processuale specifico in capo ai ricorrenti. Tale interesse consiste nel vantaggio risultante dall’avere meno concorrenti nella successiva fase di valutazione delle offerte. Questa semplice circostanza aumenta le probabilità di aggiudicazione dei concorrenti rimasti in gara e integra pertanto un vantaggio materiale per il ricorrente.

Silvestri, M., Le condizioni dell'azione nel rito in materia di contratti pubblici, <<DIRITTO PROCESSUALE AMMINISTRATIVO>>, 2017; 2017 (3): 927-989 []

Le condizioni dell'azione nel rito in materia di contratti pubblici

Silvestri, Mauro


Locus standi and interest in acting in the judicial review of public contracts procedures. The essay deals with the conditions that allow applicants, in the administrative judicial review of public contracts, to obtain a ruling on the merits of their case. Italian law requires that applications against administrative deeds, including awards of public tenders, must be brought by subjects which both hold: a) legal standing, based on a specific right or legitimate interest (interesse legittimo) related to the cause and granted by law; b) interest in acting: a personal, present and concrete interest in the judicial review of the deed; he or she should gain an effective advantage from the favourable decision of the suit. If the plaintiff fails to prove one of the conditions his application will be ruled inadmissible. Recent case-law of the European Court of Justice in cases Fastweb and Puligienica overturns these requirements. The ECJ affirms that it is sufficient to embody a concrete interest that, in the case, it “cannot be ruled out” that, based on the partial annulment, the contracting authority shall rethink its decision and withdraw the entire procedure, although it has not been contested in the application. Such an interest – which can be called an instrumental interest – is hardly present or concrete and seems to be basically useless. Indeed, such a notion reveals feathered edges and is totally unfit to select between useful and useless applications, given that every application could easily fulfil the hypothetic conception of interest set by the Court. Moreover, the study proves that the instrumental interest also erase the first requirement of admissibility – the legal standing. In fact, a tenderer whose bid has been definitively excluded has no specific right regarding the tender. His position should be legally and substantially assimilated to the ordinary player’s that had not submitted a bid. Applications with no substantial right of individuals to be ensured and no practical interest of the applicant should be considered admissible only in the frame of a so called objective jurisdiction. An objective jurisdiction is set mainly to protect public interests rather than individual rights. Some authors claim that the Italian Constitution prohibits an administrative judicial review of objective content (set for public interests). Conversely, the article proves that such a jurisdiction is entirely consistent with both constitutional provisions and the Italian system of administrative justice. On the other hand, the essay focuses on the recent reform of the law of public contracts that modified the Code of administrative procedure. New article 120 of the Code provides that tenderers need to contest promptly every legal breach regarding admission to the procedure of other contestants. Shall they fail to do so, they will lose the right to challenge that part of the procedure later on. The article demonstrates that the application against other tenderers’ admission bears sufficient interest in the proceedings. The successful applicant will have less competitors in the subsequent evaluation of tenders. This mere fact increases the applicant’s chance of being awarded the contract. Such interest must be considered stronger than the instrumental interest and consistent with legislative provisions about locus standi and legal interest in acting.
Silvestri, M., Le condizioni dell'azione nel rito in materia di contratti pubblici, <<DIRITTO PROCESSUALE AMMINISTRATIVO>>, 2017; 2017 (3): 927-989 []
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