The essay aims to focus on certain aspects of moral imputability and of the declinations of conscience. First of all, it gives some preliminary hints on radical freedom, which is at the root of actions and omissions. Then it reflects on the conditions of the moral imputability of an act and of an omission, that is awareness and voluntariness. At that point it then focuses on the objects of unconsciousness-ignorance (for what is ethically relevant), and its forms: vincible ignorance, invincible ignorance, guilty ignorance, innocent ignorance. At that point, the essay then considers the situations in which ignorance excuses, that is it removes moral guiltiness from an act that the subject aware of its identity, of its elements and of its morality should not choose, and the situations in which ignorance aggravates or attenuates it. Finally, it argues that one must always follow one’s own conscience, even when it is erroneous, and that this sometimes makes us morally good, sometimes evil.
Il saggio intende focalizzare alcuni aspetti del tema dell’imputabilità morale e delle declinazioni della coscienza. Dapprima espone alcuni cenni preliminari sulla libertà radicale, che sta alla radice delle azioni e delle omissioni. Poi riflette sulle condizioni dell’imputabilità morale di un atto o di un’omissione, cioè la consapevolezza e la volontarietà. A quel punto tematizza gli oggetti dell’inconsapevolezza-ignoranza (per quanto essa è eticamente rilevante), e le sue forme: ignoranza vincibile, ignoranza invincibile, ignoranza colpevole, ignoranza incolpevole. A quel punto il saggio considera le situazioni in cui l’ignoranza scusa, cioè toglie la colpa morale ad un atto che il soggetto consapevole dell’identità (e dei suoi elementi) e della moralità dell’atto non dovrebbe scegliere, e quelle in cui la aggrava o la attenua. Da ultimo, argomenta che bisogna sempre seguire la propria coscienza, anche quando è erronea, e che ciò talvolta ci rende buoni, talvolta malvagi.
Samek Lodovici, G., Alle radici della responsabilità: l’imputabilità morale, <<STUDIUM>>, 2018; 114 (2): 71-84 []
Alle radici della responsabilità: l’imputabilità morale
Samek Lodovici, Giacomo
The essay aims to focus on certain aspects of moral imputability and of the declinations of conscience. First of all, it gives some preliminary hints on radical freedom, which is at the root of actions and omissions. Then it reflects on the conditions of the moral imputability of an act and of an omission, that is awareness and voluntariness. At that point it then focuses on the objects of unconsciousness-ignorance (for what is ethically relevant), and its forms: vincible ignorance, invincible ignorance, guilty ignorance, innocent ignorance. At that point, the essay then considers the situations in which ignorance excuses, that is it removes moral guiltiness from an act that the subject aware of its identity, of its elements and of its morality should not choose, and the situations in which ignorance aggravates or attenuates it. Finally, it argues that one must always follow one’s own conscience, even when it is erroneous, and that this sometimes makes us morally good, sometimes evil.I documenti in IRIS sono protetti da copyright e tutti i diritti sono riservati, salvo diversa indicazione.