A long term field study explored the P status and decline of some of the more common agricultural soils in the Emilia Romagna region of Italy. The regional government provided financial support. A large percentage of soils in the region exhibits abundant P reserves accumulated over many decades through a widespread practice of P fertilization. The high level of these reserves nullifies the role of any further P application. The aim of the study was to ascertain for how long such soils which were rich in Olsen P (P extractable in NaHCO3 0.5 M, at pH 8.5) could sustain the same level of crop yield without P fertilization as compared to soils which received yearly doses of P fertilizer. Three soil types were examined: (i) a subalcaline clay-loam that is located near Quarantoli (Mirandola, Modena) and that is classified either as fine silty over clayey, mixed, mesic (Aquic) Udifluventic Ustochrept (Soil Taxonomy, 1992) or as Calcaric Cambisol (FAO - UNESCO, 1988); (ii) a subalcaline silty-clay that is located near Taneto (Gattatico, Reggio Emilia) and described either as fine, mixed, mesic Udertic Ustochrept or as Haplic Cambisol; (iii) a silty-loam, with shifting pH from acid to subalcaline, that is located near Gariga (Podenzano, Piacenza) and that is classified either as fine silty, mixed, mesic Udic Ustochrept or as Eutric Cambisol. The original research plan was to cultivate the three more common crops in the region - maize, soft wheat and lucerne - once the soil P status would prove to be inadequate. This event never occurred during the first ten years of the study. At the beginning of the experiment, maize was selected as the most suitable crop for removing P and accelerating the decline of soil P availability. At Gariga, only maize was cropped for the duration of the experiment. At Taneto, the cropping sequence was six years of maize followed by four years of lucerne. At Quarantoli, the three planned crops were sown beginning at different dates; hence, maize was cropped for ten years, lucerne for six years, and soft wheat for five years. Sudan grass was sown as a transition crop from maize to wheat. At all three locations, the following fertilizer treatments were compared: P 0 (control), P 1 (26.2 kg P ha 1 year 1) and P 2 (52.4 kg P ha 1 year 1). In the unfertilized plots, Olsen P concentration progressively decreased as a consequence of crop uptake. At Quarantoli, it went from an initial 19.3-23.8 mg kg 1 to a final 8.3-9.2 mg kg 1. The three crops induced a differential decline within an interval of 10-15 mg kg 1. At Taneto, the Olsen P values went from 23.2 to 10.2, with a reduction of 13 mg kg 1. At Gariga, a smaller decline (7.7 mg kg 1) was detected, from an initial 32.2 to a final 24.5 mg kg 1. At none of the experimental sites, Olsen P concentration was reduce sufficiently to cause a stable low-level yield. Bulking all the harvests of maize and wheat, and all the cuts and total DM of lucerne, the yield of P 0 was seldom significantly different from that of the P 1 and P 2 treatments. There were only 9 (out of 149) significant events, with lucerne claiming 8 of them. A slightly higher number of significant differences among P treatments was recorded for P concentrations in plants and for P removal in harvested DM. P concentrations were different in 16 (15 due to lucerne) out of 108 events. The rate of P removal by harvested crop was statistically different in 29 out of 149 cases. Again, lucerne was once more the sensitive crop in 22 cases. For the three soils, the declining function over time of available Olsen P was specified by the exponential equation: ln P = a + bt, where P is Olsen P in the 0-30 cm layer of soil, a and b are fixed parameters and t is time in years. Such equation summarizes the kinetic process of P supply depletion.

Con il finanziamento della Regione Emilia Romagna, è stata realizzata una ricerca di lungo termine riguardante la dinamica del fosforo in alcuni dei più diffusi tipi di terreni dell’agricoltura regionale. A causa della diffusa pratica della concimazione fosfatica, protrattasi per molti decenni, una notevole percentuale di tali terreni si presenta oggi dotata di notevoli scorte di fosforo, tali da rendere inefficaci gli ulteriori apporti. Si è inteso verificare per quanti anni terreni ricchi in P Olsen (P estraibile in sodio bicarbonato, a pH 8,5) avrebbero consentito a colture prive di concimazione fosfatica di fornire rese pari a quelle rifornite di concime. Sono stati studiati tre tipi di terreni agrari, tutti ricchi di fosforo assimilabile: a) uno a granulometria di medio impasto tendente all’argilloso, con pH subalcalino, appartenente ai fine silty over clayey, mixed, mesic (Aquic) Udifluventic Ustochrepts (Soil Taxonomy, 1992) o ai Calcaric Cambisols (FAO - UNESCO, 1988), in località Quarantoli di Mirandola (MO); b) uno a granulometria argillosa tendenzialmente limosa e pH subalcalino, ascrivibile ai fine, mixed, mesic Udertic Ustochrepts o agli Haplic Cambisols, in località Taneto di Gattatico (RE); c) un terzo di medio impasto nettamente tendente al limoso, con pH variabile dall’acido al subalcalino, assegnabile ai fine silty, mixed, mesic Udic Ustochrepts oppure agli Eutric Cambisols, in località Gariga di Podenzano (PC). In tutte e tre le località, si intendeva saggiare la risposta colturale del mais, del frumento tenero e dell’erba medica - le tre colture più abbondantemente rappresentate nell’agricoltura emiliana - almeno quando la disponibilità di P nel terreno tal quale fosse scesa a livelli di insufficienza; nel decennio, comunque, ciò non si è verificato. All’inizio si è scelto di coltivare mais, al fine di accelerare l’asportazione di P e quindi il calo della disponibilità. A Gariga il mais è stato la sola specie utilizzata per tutto il decennio; a Taneto il mais è stato ripetuto per sei anni, seguito da quattro anni di prato di erba medica; a Quarantoli, infine, si sono attuate le tre colture previste a partire dal quinto anno, e quindi si sono accumulate dieci colture di mais, sei di erba medica e cinque di grano, oltre ad una di sorgo da foraggio, come transizione fra mais e grano. In ogni campo sono state confrontate tre tesi fosfatiche, siglate P 0 (controllo), P 1 (26,2 kg ha 1 anno 1 di P ) e P 2 (52,4 kg ha 1 anno 1 di P). Il tenore in P Olsen del terreno nelle parcelle non concimate è andato progressivamente diminuendo sotto l’azione delle asportazioni operate nel susseguirsi delle diverse colture. A Quarantoli, dai valori iniziali di 19,3-23,8 mg kg 1 di P si è scesi, nel decennio, a 8,3-9,2 mg kg 1 con un calo di 10-15 mg a seconda delle varie sequenze colturali. A Taneto si è passati da 23,2 a 10,2 mg kg 1 con una riduzione di 13 mg, mentre a Gariga i valori iniziali e, rispettivamente, finali sono stati 32,2 e 24,5, con un declino di 7,7 mg kg 1. In nessuno dei tre campi il livello di disponibilità fosfatica è sceso così in basso da determinare stabili inferiorità di resa. Nell’insieme delle varie combinazioni colturali (singoli raccolti per il mais e per il grano; serie di tagli e loro totali annui per l’erba medica) la tesi senza apporto è risultata significativamente inferiore alle due tesi con somministrazione di fosforo soltanto raramente e in modo saltuario; dei nove casi significativi, su complessivi 149, otto hanno riguardato l’erba medica. Una certa maggiore frequenza di differenze significative è invece stata rilevata per le concentrazioni in fosforo dei prodotti vegetali e per le asportazioni di fosforo. Su 108 casi, le prime sono risultate diversificate in sedici, dei quali quindici per raccolti di erba medica. Su 149 casi, le asportazioni sono risultate significative all’analisi statistica ventinove volte, ed ancora l’erba medica ne ha assorbito ventidue. Per i tre terreni sono state studiate le curve di decadimento del tenore in P Olsen in funzione del tempo, utilizzando l’espressione esponenziale: ln P = a + bt dove P sta per tenore in P Olsen, a e b sono due costanti e t è il tempo in anni. Tali equazioni permettono di quantificare le analogie e le diversità fra i tre terreni studiati per quanto concerne la dinamica dell’esaurimento delle riserve fosfatiche.

Paris, P., Gavazzi, C., Tabaglio, V., Riutilizzazione delle riserve fosfatiche in alcuni tipi di terreni emiliani - Prove agronomiche di lungo termine, Tip.Le.Co., Piacenza 1997: 170 [http://hdl.handle.net/10807/107026]

Riutilizzazione delle riserve fosfatiche in alcuni tipi di terreni emiliani - Prove agronomiche di lungo termine

Paris, Paolo
Gavazzi, Carolina
Tabaglio, Vincenzo


A long term field study explored the P status and decline of some of the more common agricultural soils in the Emilia Romagna region of Italy. The regional government provided financial support. A large percentage of soils in the region exhibits abundant P reserves accumulated over many decades through a widespread practice of P fertilization. The high level of these reserves nullifies the role of any further P application. The aim of the study was to ascertain for how long such soils which were rich in Olsen P (P extractable in NaHCO3 0.5 M, at pH 8.5) could sustain the same level of crop yield without P fertilization as compared to soils which received yearly doses of P fertilizer. Three soil types were examined: (i) a subalcaline clay-loam that is located near Quarantoli (Mirandola, Modena) and that is classified either as fine silty over clayey, mixed, mesic (Aquic) Udifluventic Ustochrept (Soil Taxonomy, 1992) or as Calcaric Cambisol (FAO - UNESCO, 1988); (ii) a subalcaline silty-clay that is located near Taneto (Gattatico, Reggio Emilia) and described either as fine, mixed, mesic Udertic Ustochrept or as Haplic Cambisol; (iii) a silty-loam, with shifting pH from acid to subalcaline, that is located near Gariga (Podenzano, Piacenza) and that is classified either as fine silty, mixed, mesic Udic Ustochrept or as Eutric Cambisol. The original research plan was to cultivate the three more common crops in the region - maize, soft wheat and lucerne - once the soil P status would prove to be inadequate. This event never occurred during the first ten years of the study. At the beginning of the experiment, maize was selected as the most suitable crop for removing P and accelerating the decline of soil P availability. At Gariga, only maize was cropped for the duration of the experiment. At Taneto, the cropping sequence was six years of maize followed by four years of lucerne. At Quarantoli, the three planned crops were sown beginning at different dates; hence, maize was cropped for ten years, lucerne for six years, and soft wheat for five years. Sudan grass was sown as a transition crop from maize to wheat. At all three locations, the following fertilizer treatments were compared: P 0 (control), P 1 (26.2 kg P ha 1 year 1) and P 2 (52.4 kg P ha 1 year 1). In the unfertilized plots, Olsen P concentration progressively decreased as a consequence of crop uptake. At Quarantoli, it went from an initial 19.3-23.8 mg kg 1 to a final 8.3-9.2 mg kg 1. The three crops induced a differential decline within an interval of 10-15 mg kg 1. At Taneto, the Olsen P values went from 23.2 to 10.2, with a reduction of 13 mg kg 1. At Gariga, a smaller decline (7.7 mg kg 1) was detected, from an initial 32.2 to a final 24.5 mg kg 1. At none of the experimental sites, Olsen P concentration was reduce sufficiently to cause a stable low-level yield. Bulking all the harvests of maize and wheat, and all the cuts and total DM of lucerne, the yield of P 0 was seldom significantly different from that of the P 1 and P 2 treatments. There were only 9 (out of 149) significant events, with lucerne claiming 8 of them. A slightly higher number of significant differences among P treatments was recorded for P concentrations in plants and for P removal in harvested DM. P concentrations were different in 16 (15 due to lucerne) out of 108 events. The rate of P removal by harvested crop was statistically different in 29 out of 149 cases. Again, lucerne was once more the sensitive crop in 22 cases. For the three soils, the declining function over time of available Olsen P was specified by the exponential equation: ln P = a + bt, where P is Olsen P in the 0-30 cm layer of soil, a and b are fixed parameters and t is time in years. Such equation summarizes the kinetic process of P supply depletion.
Monografia o trattato scientifico
Paris, P., Gavazzi, C., Tabaglio, V., Riutilizzazione delle riserve fosfatiche in alcuni tipi di terreni emiliani - Prove agronomiche di lungo termine, Tip.Le.Co., Piacenza 1997: 170 [http://hdl.handle.net/10807/107026]
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