The debate about the notion and the definition of the sentence and its structure played a significant role within the linguistic reflection in Germany from the second half of the 19th century until the beginning of the 20th. One of the central issues of this debate deals with the topic of “word-sentence”, i.e. utterances in which only one element (either a single word or a phrase) is phonetically expressed. The question is whether such utterances have a sentence status and under what conditions. An exhaustive analysis concerning the different variants of the one-word sentences is provided by Philipp Wegener in his essay "Der Wortsat"z appeared in 1921 in the "Indogermanische Forschungen". This volume is divided into two parts. The first ("La frase parola come strategia comunicativa") introduces Wegener’s essay, contextualizes it within the debate of his time and discusses those aspects of his linguistic thought (in particular, the view of the language as action and interaction, the relationship between utterance and situation or context, the dialectics between form and function, the text informational organization in psychological subject and psychological predicate) which are the backbone of his theoretical proposal. The second part of the work consists of the translation of "Der Wortsatz" ("La frase-parola"). The Appendix contains a short bio-bibliographic note on Philipp Wegener.
Negli studi sul linguaggio condotti in ambito tedesco dalla seconda metà dell’Ottocento fino agli anni Trenta del Novecento ha avuto un ruolo significativo il dibattito sulla natura della frase, sulla sua struttura e sulla sua definizione. Uno dei nodi centrali di questo dibattito riguarda la nozione di “frase-parola”, ovvero delle espressioni costituite da un unico elemento (singola parola o sintagma) verbalizzato. Ci si chiede se tali espressioni abbiano dignità di frase oppure no, e se sì in quali forme. Un’interpretazione ampia e articolata delle espressioni unimembri aventi dignità di frase è avanzata da Philipp Wegener nel saggio "Der Wortsatz", pubblicato nel 1921 nelle "Indogermanische Forschungen". Il presente lavoro è suddiviso in due parti. La prima parte consiste in un saggio ("La frase-parola come strategia comunicativa") che introduce alla lettura del Wortsatz contestualizzandolo all’interno del dibattito sulla nozione di frase e presentando i capisaldi della teoria wegeneriana allo scopo di fornire una cornice e un apparato terminologico utili per leggere il contributo teorico di Wegener. Nella seconda parte del volume trova spazio la traduzione italiana integrale del saggio "Der Wortsatz" ("La frase-parola"). In appendice, una nota bio-bibliografica su Philipp Wegener.
Tenchini, M. P., Il Wortsatz di Philipp Wegener ovvero dell'unità comunicativa minima, Mimesis, Milano-Udine 2016:<<MIMESIS. FENOMENOLOGIA E ONTOLOGIA SPERIMENTALI>>, 111 []
Il Wortsatz di Philipp Wegener ovvero dell'unità comunicativa minima
Tenchini, Maria PaolaPrimo
The debate about the notion and the definition of the sentence and its structure played a significant role within the linguistic reflection in Germany from the second half of the 19th century until the beginning of the 20th. One of the central issues of this debate deals with the topic of “word-sentence”, i.e. utterances in which only one element (either a single word or a phrase) is phonetically expressed. The question is whether such utterances have a sentence status and under what conditions. An exhaustive analysis concerning the different variants of the one-word sentences is provided by Philipp Wegener in his essay "Der Wortsat"z appeared in 1921 in the "Indogermanische Forschungen". This volume is divided into two parts. The first ("La frase parola come strategia comunicativa") introduces Wegener’s essay, contextualizes it within the debate of his time and discusses those aspects of his linguistic thought (in particular, the view of the language as action and interaction, the relationship between utterance and situation or context, the dialectics between form and function, the text informational organization in psychological subject and psychological predicate) which are the backbone of his theoretical proposal. The second part of the work consists of the translation of "Der Wortsatz" ("La frase-parola"). The Appendix contains a short bio-bibliographic note on Philipp Wegener.I documenti in IRIS sono protetti da copyright e tutti i diritti sono riservati, salvo diversa indicazione.