In the whole Western world the experience of the movements of 1968 declined by the first half of the Seventies, together with the faith in the ideologies. By contrast in Italy, in 1977, a generation of left-wing militants still believed in the possibility of a political revolution and made a last attempt to collectively subvert society. As a consequence, a movement open to audacious cultural experimentations, but also extremely violent, took shape. The experience of the so-called “movement of 1977” raises two main questions that scholarship, so far, did not fully address: on one hand, the reasons of such atypical and belated mobilization; on the other hand, the mechanisms of its hasty and intense radicalization. The book explores – for the first time with scientific rigor and drawing on a wide-ranging documentary research – the context of economic, social and political crisis, the new intellectual references and the claims of protestors, the interpretative schemata that fostered the violent escalation, the institutional response, and the relationship between movement and clandestine armed organizations.
In tutto il mondo occidentale l’esperienza del Sessantotto si è esaurita entro la prima metà degli anni Settanta, di fronte al tramonto delle ideologie e al riflusso nel privato. Viceversa in Italia, nel 1977, una generazione di militanti di sinistra ha creduto ancora nella possibilità di una rivoluzione e ha messo in atto un estremo tentativo di sovvertire la società. Ne è scaturito un movimento aperto ad audaci sperimentazioni culturali, ma anche estremamente violento. La vicenda del movimento del ’77 solleva due interrogativi principali sui quali la storiografia non ha ancora fatto piena luce: da una parte le ragioni di tale mobilitazione atipica e tardiva, dall’altra i meccanismi che portarono alla sua immediata e intensa radicalizzazione. Il volume ricostruisce – per la prima volta con rigore scientifico e sulla base di un’imponente ricerca archivistica e documentaria – il contesto di crisi economica, sociale e politica, i nuovi riferimenti intellettuali e le rivendicazioni dei contestatori, gli schemi interpretativi che favorirono l’escalation violenta, la reazione delle istituzioni e la dialettica tra movimento e organizzazioni armate clandestine.
Falciola, L., Il movimento del 1977 in Italia, Carocci, Roma 2015:<<Studi storici>>, 270 []
Il movimento del 1977 in Italia
Falciola, Luca
In the whole Western world the experience of the movements of 1968 declined by the first half of the Seventies, together with the faith in the ideologies. By contrast in Italy, in 1977, a generation of left-wing militants still believed in the possibility of a political revolution and made a last attempt to collectively subvert society. As a consequence, a movement open to audacious cultural experimentations, but also extremely violent, took shape. The experience of the so-called “movement of 1977” raises two main questions that scholarship, so far, did not fully address: on one hand, the reasons of such atypical and belated mobilization; on the other hand, the mechanisms of its hasty and intense radicalization. The book explores – for the first time with scientific rigor and drawing on a wide-ranging documentary research – the context of economic, social and political crisis, the new intellectual references and the claims of protestors, the interpretative schemata that fostered the violent escalation, the institutional response, and the relationship between movement and clandestine armed organizations.I documenti in IRIS sono protetti da copyright e tutti i diritti sono riservati, salvo diversa indicazione.