The interest in Italian philosophy has remarkably increased in the last few years. By a theoretical, historical and historiographical point of view there are many researches that outline the features of a first-class and original philosophical context. Many authors and works have been rediscovered and there have been revisited several currents and philosophical schools, as well as many places and cities where philosophy has been cultivated and developed. The present volume belongs to this line of research: it recollects the essays of some of the most important exponents of the Italian philosophy, who are asked to express themselves about two main questions, namely the existence and the consistency of a philosophy that can be called “Italian” and its features. The inquiry concerns the 20th-century, a century that has been chosen because of its affinity to the present-days’ philosophical reflection and for its richness within the Italian context self. The results of this inquiry not only offer a wide and important account on the authors and the schools of thought, but they ca represent a substantial contribution for the interpretation and the comprehension of the whole Italian cultures of our times.
L’interesse verso la filosofia italiana è notevolmente cresciuto negli ultimi anni. Dal punto di vista teoretico, storico e storiografico sono ormai numerosi gli studi e le indagini che hanno messo in luce i contorni e le caratteristiche di un contesto filosofico di indiscusso valore e di grande originalità. Sono stati riscoperti autori e opere filosofiche, rivisitate correnti e scuole filosofiche, ripercorsi luoghi e città e luoghi ove la filosofia è stata coltivata e si è sviluppata. In tale ambito di ricerca si colloca il presente volume, che raccoglie i contributi di alcuni dei principali esponenti della filosofia italiana, chiamati a esprimersi su due principali questioni: l’esistenza e la consistenza di una filosofia che possa definirsi “italiana” e i suoi caratteri specifici. L’indagine è stata rivolta al Novecento, scelto per la vicinanza con la riflessione filosofica attuale e per la ricchezza che esso racchiude, anche nel contesto italiano. I risultati raggiunti, oltre a ad offrire un quadro ampio e articolato degli autori e delle correnti di pensiero, possono essere un valido contributo per l’interpretazione e la comprensione dell’intera cultura italiana dei nostri tempi.
Marassi, M., Grassi, O. (eds.), La filosofia italiana nel Novecento. Interpretazioni, bilanci, prospettive, Mimesis, Milano-Udine 2015: 311 []
La filosofia italiana nel Novecento. Interpretazioni, bilanci, prospettive
Marassi, Massimo;Grassi, Onorato
The interest in Italian philosophy has remarkably increased in the last few years. By a theoretical, historical and historiographical point of view there are many researches that outline the features of a first-class and original philosophical context. Many authors and works have been rediscovered and there have been revisited several currents and philosophical schools, as well as many places and cities where philosophy has been cultivated and developed. The present volume belongs to this line of research: it recollects the essays of some of the most important exponents of the Italian philosophy, who are asked to express themselves about two main questions, namely the existence and the consistency of a philosophy that can be called “Italian” and its features. The inquiry concerns the 20th-century, a century that has been chosen because of its affinity to the present-days’ philosophical reflection and for its richness within the Italian context self. The results of this inquiry not only offer a wide and important account on the authors and the schools of thought, but they ca represent a substantial contribution for the interpretation and the comprehension of the whole Italian cultures of our times.I documenti in IRIS sono protetti da copyright e tutti i diritti sono riservati, salvo diversa indicazione.