Educational experience, like human experience, is characterized by the limit and error. Current cultural context in which they spread perfectionism and idealization of educational figures do not help those who are involved in the educational process to accept graciously their and others' mistakes, but, on the contrary, accentuate the differences between the real and the ideal, between theory and practice, between the limits and perfection, causing inconvenience personal and professional. We propose, therefore, education and training paths where the error has its value and the limit is welcomed not only as inescapable dimension of the human being, but as an element on which to build and from which to design a more authentic.
L'esperienza educativa, in quanto esperienza umana e relazionale, è caratterizzata dal limite e dall'errore. Il contesto culturale attuale in cui si diffondono forme di perfezionismo e di idealizzazione delle figure educative non aiutano quanti sono impegnati nei processi educativi ad accogliere benevolmente i propri ed altrui errori, ma, al contrario, accentuano gli scarti tra il reale e l'ideale, tra la teoria e la pratica, tra i limiti e la perfezione, provocando disagi personali e professionali. Si propongono, pertanto, percorsi educativi e formativi dove l'errore abbia il suo valore e il limite sia accolto non solo come dimensione ineludibile l'essere umano, ma come elemento su cui costruire e da cui partire per una progettazione più autentica.
Augelli, A., All'ombra del limite: il senso dell'errore e del fallimento, in Bruzzone, D., Iori, V. (ed.), Le ombre dell'educazione: ambivalenze, impliciti, paradossi, Franco Angeli, Milano 2015: 121- 139 []
All'ombra del limite: il senso dell'errore e del fallimento
Augelli, Alessandra
Educational experience, like human experience, is characterized by the limit and error. Current cultural context in which they spread perfectionism and idealization of educational figures do not help those who are involved in the educational process to accept graciously their and others' mistakes, but, on the contrary, accentuate the differences between the real and the ideal, between theory and practice, between the limits and perfection, causing inconvenience personal and professional. We propose, therefore, education and training paths where the error has its value and the limit is welcomed not only as inescapable dimension of the human being, but as an element on which to build and from which to design a more authentic.I documenti in IRIS sono protetti da copyright e tutti i diritti sono riservati, salvo diversa indicazione.