The study has the purpose of examining the relationship between educational institutions and local governments after the change of title V of the Constitution. The relationship between educational institutions and local governments is analyzed from the perspective of decentralization of the “function of education”. First of all, it focuses on failure to implement the constitutional reform and the consequent implications. Secondly, are taken into account the contents of the draft agreement between the Government, Regions and Autonomous Provinces of Trento and Bolzano on June 19, 2012; a shared way for the implementation of Title V of the Constitution for the matter of education began with that agreement. Thirdly, the study deals with the problem of identifying the basic level of performance (LEP) in education. The relationship between educational institutions and local governments is then taken into account in a second perspective, examining the relationships and the forms of cooperation, consensual and organizational, between educational institutions and local governments and the question of educational institution representation. In the end, concluding remarks are formulated on the prospects for reform opened by the draft agreement between the Government, Regions and Autonomous Provinces of Trento and Bolzano on June 19, 2012
Il contributo ha la finalità di esaminare l’evoluzione del rapporto tra le istituzioni scolastiche e le autonomie territoriali successivamente alla modifica del Tit. V della Costituzione. Il rapporto tra scuole ed enti locali territoriali viene analizzato dapprima nella prospettiva del decentramento della “funzione di istruzione”. Lungo questa prima direttrice si pone anzitutto l’attenzione sulla mancata attuazione della riforma costituzionale e sulle conseguenti implicazioni che sono derivate. Vengono poi presi in considerazione i contenuti della bozza di accordo tra Governo, Regioni e Province Autonome di Trento e Bolzano del 19 giugno 2012 con la quale è stato avviato un percorso condiviso per l’attuazione del Titolo V Cost. per la materia dell’istruzione, quindi affrontato il problema dell’individuazione dei livelli essenziali delle prestazioni (LEP) in materia di istruzione. Accanto al decentramento della funzione di istruzione, il rapporto tra istituzioni scolastiche e autonomie territoriali viene poi preso in considerazione in una seconda prospettiva esaminando le relazioni e le forme di cooperazione, consensuali e di tipo organico, tra scuola ed enti locali territoriali e la questione della rappresentanza delle istituzione scolastiche. Infine, sono formulate delle osservazioni conclusive sulle prospettive di riforma aperte dalla bozza di accordo tra Governo, Regioni e Province Autonome di Trento e Bolzano del 19 giugno 2012.
Rinaldi, P. G., Istituzioni scolastiche e autonomie territoriali, in Cortese, F. (. C. D., Tra Amministrazione e Scuola, Editoriale scientifica, Napoli 2014: 113-149 []
Istituzioni scolastiche e autonomie territoriali
Rinaldi, Pio Giuseppe
The study has the purpose of examining the relationship between educational institutions and local governments after the change of title V of the Constitution. The relationship between educational institutions and local governments is analyzed from the perspective of decentralization of the “function of education”. First of all, it focuses on failure to implement the constitutional reform and the consequent implications. Secondly, are taken into account the contents of the draft agreement between the Government, Regions and Autonomous Provinces of Trento and Bolzano on June 19, 2012; a shared way for the implementation of Title V of the Constitution for the matter of education began with that agreement. Thirdly, the study deals with the problem of identifying the basic level of performance (LEP) in education. The relationship between educational institutions and local governments is then taken into account in a second perspective, examining the relationships and the forms of cooperation, consensual and organizational, between educational institutions and local governments and the question of educational institution representation. In the end, concluding remarks are formulated on the prospects for reform opened by the draft agreement between the Government, Regions and Autonomous Provinces of Trento and Bolzano on June 19, 2012I documenti in IRIS sono protetti da copyright e tutti i diritti sono riservati, salvo diversa indicazione.