The span of time ranging from the beginning of the Russo-Turkish war (1877-78) to the beginning of World War I was a period of deep realignments in the southeastern European exchequer. The gradual flaking of the Ottoman control in the region, the creeping ‘easternization’ of the Austro-Hungarian ‘twin monarchy’, and the contrasted spreading of the Russian influence into the Eastern Balkans had chain effects that reverberated not only on Italy’s interests and perceptions, but also – through the interplay of the alliances and the system of the territorial compensations – into the whole Mediterranean basin. Moving from these premises, the paper aims at reconstructing the political, diplomatic and military interactions among the different powers in the regions, pointing out the way in which they helped to increase the rate of ‘imperial tension’ during the period of the so-called ‘Bismarckian balance’ and the following years, and contributed in ‘paving the way’ to World War I. A war that – far from leading to the composition of the different ambitions – consolidated them, and transformed them (although under a partially different form) into a structural element of the European scenario of the 20th century.
Gli anni compresi fra lo scoppio della guerra russo-turca (1877-78) e quello della prima guerra mondiale costituiscono un periodo di profondi riallineamenti nello scacchiere europeo sudorientale. In questo periodo, il progressivo sfaldamento del controllo ottomano sulla regione, la tensione all’inorientamento della Duplice monarchia austro-ungarica, e il contrastato allargamento dell’influenza russa nei Balcani orientali, producono effetti a catena, che si riverberano non solo sugli interessi e sulle percezioni dell’Italia da poco unita, ma che – attraverso il sistema della alleanze e il complesso gioco delle compensazioni territoriali – fanno sentire i loro effetti in tutto il bacino mediterraneo. Muovendo da queste premesse, la relazione mira a ricostruire, negli anni in esame, l’insieme delle interazioni politiche, diplomatiche e militari fra le potenze dell’area, evidenziando come esse abbiano contribuito in modo significativo ad accrescere il grado di ‘tensione imperialistica’ in Europa, nel periodo del c.d. ‘equilibrio bismarckiano’ e negli anni immediatamente successivi, concorrendo a ‘spianare la strada’ al primo conflitto mondiale. Un conflitto, quest’ultimo, che, lungi dal portare a una composizione delle diverse ambizioni, le ha consolidate trasformandole (seppure in forma parzialmente diversa) in un tratto strutturale dello scenario europeo del XX secolo.
Pastori, G., Le grandi potenze e gli equilibri balcanico-danubiani da Santo Stefano a Sarajevo, in Papo, A., Nemeth, G. (ed.), La via della Guerra. Il mondo adriatico-danubiano alla vigilia della Grande Guerra, Luglio, San Dorligo della Valle 2013: 17- 30 []
Le grandi potenze e gli equilibri balcanico-danubiani da Santo Stefano a Sarajevo
Pastori, Gianluca
The span of time ranging from the beginning of the Russo-Turkish war (1877-78) to the beginning of World War I was a period of deep realignments in the southeastern European exchequer. The gradual flaking of the Ottoman control in the region, the creeping ‘easternization’ of the Austro-Hungarian ‘twin monarchy’, and the contrasted spreading of the Russian influence into the Eastern Balkans had chain effects that reverberated not only on Italy’s interests and perceptions, but also – through the interplay of the alliances and the system of the territorial compensations – into the whole Mediterranean basin. Moving from these premises, the paper aims at reconstructing the political, diplomatic and military interactions among the different powers in the regions, pointing out the way in which they helped to increase the rate of ‘imperial tension’ during the period of the so-called ‘Bismarckian balance’ and the following years, and contributed in ‘paving the way’ to World War I. A war that – far from leading to the composition of the different ambitions – consolidated them, and transformed them (although under a partially different form) into a structural element of the European scenario of the 20th century.I documenti in IRIS sono protetti da copyright e tutti i diritti sono riservati, salvo diversa indicazione.