The book/dossier raises within the horizon which considers the complex issue of the relationship between art and educational services in the museum of contemporary art. Upon a reflection comparing Europe and in Italy after the reorganization of the Ministry of Cultural Activities and Heritage, it is revealed as the museum as institution is open to a multiplicity of relations with the outside world to become the epicentre of a more long range planning, where the interdisciplinary skills activated by the same presence of the works of art are connected. The purpose of the research, and subject of a specific assay, was the historical reconstruction of the path of the relationship between art/education in their fundamental evolutionary nodes starting from the thesis of R. Steiner to the present day. At the same time, the book presents the results of a survey conducted on the Italian territory and addressed to 120 museums with collections of contemporary art. They had to note down the configuration of educational services and their action. It is joined by some examples of educational services abroad, and the development of a method on which to configure the project proposals, the consideration of artistic goods located on the territory in a new kind of museum of the territory. Another purpose of the research was to explain the institutional framework in relation to the international documentation and the development of programmatic guidelines adopted by the Lombardy Region. The research also produced a reasoned bibliography on the subject. Since the transformation of museums has highlighted the need of new professional figures, the research dedicates a specific focus on the training and the updating of operators in the university, reaching a proposal for training related to the choices of a method declared and justified.
L’orizzonte entro cui si pone il libro/dossier è quello che considera il complesso tema dei rapporti tra arte e servizi educativi all’interno del museo di arte contemporanea. A fronte di una riflessione in paragone con l’Europa e a seguito della riorganizzazione istituzionale in Italia del Ministero per i Beni e le Attività Culturali, si evidenzia come l’istituzione museo si apra a una molteplicità di relazioni con il mondo esterno per diventare epicentro di una progettualità più a vasto raggio, dove si collegano competenze interdisciplinari che la stessa presenza delle opere d’arte è in grado di attivare. Scopo della ricerca e oggetto di un saggio specifico è stato ricostruire storicamente il percorso del rapporto arte/educazione nei suoi fondamentali nodi evolutivi a partire dalle tesi di R. Steiner fino ai giorni nostri. Contestualmente il libro riporta i risultati di un’indagine svolta sul territorio italiano, indirizzata a 120 musei dotati di collezioni di arte contemporanea per rilevare la configurazione dei servizi educativi e la loro azione. A questo si affiancano alcune esemplificazioni di servizi educativi all’estero, l’elaborazione di un metodo su cui configurare le proposte progettuali, la considerazione dei beni artistici dislocati sul territorio in una nuova concezione di museo del territorio. Altro fine della ricerca è stato dar conto della cornice istituzionale relativamente alla documentazione internazionale e all’elaborazione delle linee programmatiche emanate dalla Regione Lombardia. La ricerca ha prodotto anche una bibliografia ragionata sull’argomento trattato. Dal momento che la trasformazione dei musei ha evidenziato la necessità di nuove figure professionali, la ricerca dedica un approfondimento specifico sulla formazione degli operatori e del loro aggiornamento in ambito universitario arrivando a una proposta di formazione connessa a scelte di metodo dichiarate e motivate.
De Carli Sciume, C., Un punto d'arrivo/un punto di partenza: osservazioni conclusive e indicazioni per una proposta formativa in università, in De Carli Sciume', C. (ed.), “Education through art”. I musei d’arte contemporanea e i servizi educativi tra storia e progetto, Mazzotta, Milano 2003: 103- 107 []
Un punto d'arrivo/un punto di partenza: osservazioni conclusive e indicazioni per una proposta formativa in università
De Carli Sciume, Cecilia
The book/dossier raises within the horizon which considers the complex issue of the relationship between art and educational services in the museum of contemporary art. Upon a reflection comparing Europe and in Italy after the reorganization of the Ministry of Cultural Activities and Heritage, it is revealed as the museum as institution is open to a multiplicity of relations with the outside world to become the epicentre of a more long range planning, where the interdisciplinary skills activated by the same presence of the works of art are connected. The purpose of the research, and subject of a specific assay, was the historical reconstruction of the path of the relationship between art/education in their fundamental evolutionary nodes starting from the thesis of R. Steiner to the present day. At the same time, the book presents the results of a survey conducted on the Italian territory and addressed to 120 museums with collections of contemporary art. They had to note down the configuration of educational services and their action. It is joined by some examples of educational services abroad, and the development of a method on which to configure the project proposals, the consideration of artistic goods located on the territory in a new kind of museum of the territory. Another purpose of the research was to explain the institutional framework in relation to the international documentation and the development of programmatic guidelines adopted by the Lombardy Region. The research also produced a reasoned bibliography on the subject. Since the transformation of museums has highlighted the need of new professional figures, the research dedicates a specific focus on the training and the updating of operators in the university, reaching a proposal for training related to the choices of a method declared and justified.I documenti in IRIS sono protetti da copyright e tutti i diritti sono riservati, salvo diversa indicazione.