Orfeo was the first successful musical drama, a milestone in opera history; it was also the first by Claudio Monteverdi. It was represented for the first time in Mantova, on February 24, 1607: this event too bears testimony to the cultural abundance and to the attention of the Vincenzo Gonzaga’s court’s to all the novelties in spectacular art. A presentation is given of the libretto by Alessandro Striggio jr., who was a man of remarkable culture and precise musical competence, pointing out how he was able to infuse the verse with particular musicality and to collaborate understandingly with Monteverdi musical project. The principal characteristics and the structure of the opera, seen as a genre, are analyzed showing also how classical and pastoral elements are mixed with scene exhibitions typical of the Intermedi.
L’Orfeo fu il primo dramma musicale di successo, pietra miliare nella storia del melodramma. Fu anche il primo di Claudio Monteverdi. Andò in scena per la prima volta il 24 febbraio 1607, a Mantova: anche questo evento testimonia la ricchezza culturale e l’attenzione alle novità in campo spettacolare della corte di Vincenzo I Gonzaga. Si illustra il libretto di Alessandro Striggio jr, ricco di notevole cultura e precise competenze musicali, sottolineando come egli seppe intessere particolare musicalità ai versi e intendersi a fondo col progetto musicale di Monteverdi. Si analizzano le caratteristiche principali e la struttura di questo che appare un genere nuovo, evidenziando come elementi classici e boscherecci siano fusi a esibizioni scenografiche tipiche degli intermedi.
Mignatti, A., Alessandro Striggio, LA / FAVOLA D’ ORFEO / RAPPRESENTATA IN MUSICA / Il Carneuale dell’Anno MDCVII. / Nell’Accademia de gl’INVAGHITI di MANTOVA; /Sotto i felici auspizij del Serenissimo Sig. DVCA / benignissimo protettore. / IN MANTOVA, per Francesco Osanna Stampatore Ducale. 1607, in Brunelli, R. (ed.), Vincenzo I Gonzaga 1562-1612. Il fasto pel potere, Museo Diocesano Francesco Gonzaga, Mantova 2012: 172- 174 [http://hdl.handle.net/10807/32629]
Alessandro Striggio, LA / FAVOLA D’ ORFEO / RAPPRESENTATA IN MUSICA / Il Carneuale dell’Anno MDCVII. / Nell’Accademia de gl’INVAGHITI di MANTOVA; /Sotto i felici auspizij del Serenissimo Sig. DVCA / benignissimo protettore. / IN MANTOVA, per Francesco Osanna Stampatore Ducale. 1607
Mignatti, Alessandra
Orfeo was the first successful musical drama, a milestone in opera history; it was also the first by Claudio Monteverdi. It was represented for the first time in Mantova, on February 24, 1607: this event too bears testimony to the cultural abundance and to the attention of the Vincenzo Gonzaga’s court’s to all the novelties in spectacular art. A presentation is given of the libretto by Alessandro Striggio jr., who was a man of remarkable culture and precise musical competence, pointing out how he was able to infuse the verse with particular musicality and to collaborate understandingly with Monteverdi musical project. The principal characteristics and the structure of the opera, seen as a genre, are analyzed showing also how classical and pastoral elements are mixed with scene exhibitions typical of the Intermedi.I documenti in IRIS sono protetti da copyright e tutti i diritti sono riservati, salvo diversa indicazione.