After the irredentist emphasis of the first five years following national unification, the political and military events of 1866 led to a sharp decline in the most "movementist" stances of Risorgimento, and pushed the Italian political and military leadership to find a difficult modus vivendi with Austria. The ensuing normalization of bilateral relations did not mean -– in any case -- a true end in Austro-Italian tensions, which would have lasted (albeit latently) even after the signing of the Tripartite Alliance (1882). The proposed paper aims at outlining the political and military dimensions of this highly nuanced picture, moving from the plans that the Italian General Staff developed to face the (never fully ruled out) possibility of a new armed confrontation with Vienna. Within this framework, a special attention will be devoted to the problem of the "securization" of the Italian eastern border, an issue that would have had relevant implications (at both practical and symbolic level) on the Italian relation with the Adriatic and Danube area at least until the beginning of the First world war.
Dopo le enfasi irredentiste del primo quinquennio unitario, le vicende politiche e militari del 1866 comportano un drastico ridimensionamento delle pulsioni più "movimentiste" del Risorgimento e spingono i vertici politici e militari italiani alla ricerca di un difficile modus vivendi con l’Austria. Questa normalizzazione delle relazioni non implica però la fine delle tensioni, destinate a proseguire (seppure a livello latente) anche dopo la conclusione, nel 1882, della Triplice Alleanza. Il contributo proposto intende analizzare nelle sue linee generali le dimensioni diplomatiche e militari di questo quadro "a luci e ombre", prendendo le mosse dai piani elaborati dallo Stato Maggiore italiano nell’ipotesi (mai del tutto esclusa) di un nuovo confronto armato con Vienna. In questo quadro, una particolare attenzione sarà dedicata al tema della "securizzazione" della frontiera orientale, tema destinato ad avere importanti ricadute -– pratiche e simboliche -– sui rapporti dell’Italia con il mondo adriatico-danubiano almeno fino allo scoppio della prima guerra mondiale.
Pastori, G., Alla ricerca di un nuovo equilibrio. L'Italia unita e il mondo adriatico-danubiano fra pulsioni irredentiste e bisogno di sicurezza, in Nemeth, G., Papo, A. (ed.), Unità italiana e mondo adriatico-danubiano, Luglio, San Dorligo della Valle Trieste 2012: <<Collana di Studi e Documenti "Civiltà della Mitteleuropa", n. 7>>, 235- 252 []
Alla ricerca di un nuovo equilibrio. L'Italia unita e il mondo adriatico-danubiano fra pulsioni irredentiste e bisogno di sicurezza
Pastori, Gianluca
After the irredentist emphasis of the first five years following national unification, the political and military events of 1866 led to a sharp decline in the most "movementist" stances of Risorgimento, and pushed the Italian political and military leadership to find a difficult modus vivendi with Austria. The ensuing normalization of bilateral relations did not mean -– in any case -- a true end in Austro-Italian tensions, which would have lasted (albeit latently) even after the signing of the Tripartite Alliance (1882). The proposed paper aims at outlining the political and military dimensions of this highly nuanced picture, moving from the plans that the Italian General Staff developed to face the (never fully ruled out) possibility of a new armed confrontation with Vienna. Within this framework, a special attention will be devoted to the problem of the "securization" of the Italian eastern border, an issue that would have had relevant implications (at both practical and symbolic level) on the Italian relation with the Adriatic and Danube area at least until the beginning of the First world war.I documenti in IRIS sono protetti da copyright e tutti i diritti sono riservati, salvo diversa indicazione.