The purpose of the essay is to analyze work as a possible sphere of ethically perfecting relationships. Besides mentioning some misconceptions about work, the essay considers the two main anthropologies that can influence the conception of work: a unitary anthropology, or a dualist anthropology and the degenerations of the latter on work. Then it focuses on the link between work and love (so the professional sphere is not necessarily dominated only by competition). The consequence is that work, while it cannot be blissful (as Marx mistakenly believed for communist society), can be done pleasantly or at least less exhaustingly. Then it highlights the anthropological specificity of work and elucidates its multifaceted purpose: improving oneself as a person, taking care of others and the world in general, transforming it positively, contributing both to one's own good and to that of one's loved ones, as well as to the common good.
Lo scopo del contributo è interrogarsi sul lavoro quale possibile sfera di relazioni eticamente perfezionanti. Oltre a menzionare alcune concezioni errate circa il lavoro, il saggio considera le due principali antropologie che possono influire sulla concezione del lavoro: un’antropologia unitaria, oppure un’antropologia dualista e le degenerazioni di quest’ultima sul lavoro. Poi si concentra sul nesso tra lavoro e amore (dunque la sfera professionale non è per forza dominata solo dalla competizione). La conseguenza è che il lavoro pur non potendo essere beato (come Marx riteneva erroneamente per la società comunista) può essere svolto gradevolmente o comunque meno faticosamente. Poi mette in luce la specificità antropologica del lavoro e giunge a delucidarne un fine multicomposito: migliorare se stessi come persone, prendersi cura degli altri e del mondo in generale, trasformarlo positivamente, contribuendo sia al bene proprio, sia a quello delle persone amate, sia al bene comune.
Samek Lodovici, G., Annotazioni sul senso antropologico del lavoro, in G. Costanzo – M.T. Russ, G. C. –. M. R. (ed.), Ethos, logos e pathos. Percorsi di etica. Studi in onore di Paola Ricci Sindoni, Mimesis, Milano 2021: 235- 246 []
Annotazioni sul senso antropologico del lavoro
Samek Lodovici, Giacomo
The purpose of the essay is to analyze work as a possible sphere of ethically perfecting relationships. Besides mentioning some misconceptions about work, the essay considers the two main anthropologies that can influence the conception of work: a unitary anthropology, or a dualist anthropology and the degenerations of the latter on work. Then it focuses on the link between work and love (so the professional sphere is not necessarily dominated only by competition). The consequence is that work, while it cannot be blissful (as Marx mistakenly believed for communist society), can be done pleasantly or at least less exhaustingly. Then it highlights the anthropological specificity of work and elucidates its multifaceted purpose: improving oneself as a person, taking care of others and the world in general, transforming it positively, contributing both to one's own good and to that of one's loved ones, as well as to the common good.I documenti in IRIS sono protetti da copyright e tutti i diritti sono riservati, salvo diversa indicazione.