According to a certain expression of liberalism and to a widespread current opinion, there is a clear distinction between the visible-public sphere of life and the private sphere, in which the individual does not affect others. The present contribution examines this thesis and rather asserts – even reporting some passages (little considered by literature) of a tutelary deity of liberalism like Mill – that the individual’s behavior in his private sphere, even when he is alone, can considerably influence his intersubjective and public behavior. It also indicates some expressions of this influence that derive from an over-regulated use of digital technologies. Private conduct, virtues and vices have public consequences, human action has an immanent effect on the subject which then reverberates on other subjects, moreover evil can have an emulative effect. And the private use of digital technologies affects, for example, time (reducing it), thought (sometimes harming it and leading to an impoverished perception of reality), memory (at the expense of the possibility of history being a magister), language (sometimes impoverishing it, to the detriment of one's civil commitment and the common good of democracies), and on the subject's interpersonal relationships (damaging them).
Secondo una certa espressione del liberalismo, e secondo una diffusa opinione corrente, c’è una netta distinzione tra la sfera visibile-pubblica della vita e la sfera privata, in cui il singolo non influisce su altri. Il presente contributo esamina questa tesi e piuttosto asserisce – anche riportando alcuni passi (poco considerati dalla letteratura) di un nume tutelare del liberalismo come Mill – che il comportamento del singolo nella sua sfera privata, persino quando egli è solo, può influire considerevolmente sul suo comportamento intersoggettivo e pubblico. Inoltre indica alcune espressioni di questo influsso che discendono da un uso eccessivo-sregolato delle tecnologie digitali. Le condotte, le virtù e i vizi privati hanno delle conseguenze pubbliche, l’agire umano ha un effetto immanente sul soggetto che poi si riverbera sugli altri soggetti, inoltre il male può avere un effetto emulativo. E l’uso privato delle tecnologie digitali, incide, per esempio, sul tempo (riducendolo), sul pensiero (talora nuocendogli e comportando una percezione impoverita della realtà), sulla memoria (a discapito della possibilità della storia di essere magistra), sul linguaggio (talvolta impoverendolo, a danno del proprio impegno civile e del bene comune delle democrazie), e sulle relazioni interpersonali del soggetto (danneggiandole).
Samek Lodovici, G., Esiste davvero la distinzione tra ambito privato e pubblico?, in V. Neri – B. Pérez Call, V. N. –. B. P. C. (ed.), Visibilità, dimensione pubblica e civic agency attraverso e nei media digitali, Egregius Ediciones, Zaragoza 2020: 123- 146 []
Esiste davvero la distinzione tra ambito privato e pubblico?
Samek Lodovici, Giacomo
According to a certain expression of liberalism and to a widespread current opinion, there is a clear distinction between the visible-public sphere of life and the private sphere, in which the individual does not affect others. The present contribution examines this thesis and rather asserts – even reporting some passages (little considered by literature) of a tutelary deity of liberalism like Mill – that the individual’s behavior in his private sphere, even when he is alone, can considerably influence his intersubjective and public behavior. It also indicates some expressions of this influence that derive from an over-regulated use of digital technologies. Private conduct, virtues and vices have public consequences, human action has an immanent effect on the subject which then reverberates on other subjects, moreover evil can have an emulative effect. And the private use of digital technologies affects, for example, time (reducing it), thought (sometimes harming it and leading to an impoverished perception of reality), memory (at the expense of the possibility of history being a magister), language (sometimes impoverishing it, to the detriment of one's civil commitment and the common good of democracies), and on the subject's interpersonal relationships (damaging them).I documenti in IRIS sono protetti da copyright e tutti i diritti sono riservati, salvo diversa indicazione.