The book, the result of a decade-long survey of the historical-archival sources and the transformations of the royal and imperial monastery of San Salvatore-Santa Giulia in Brescia, investigates the complex architectural stratification of the cloistered complex from the Lombard foundation to the last museum destination. The result is an original and diversified evolution which, in many cases, overturns and specifies the previous dates, highlights the religious and ideal assumptions of certain architectural structures of the female cenoby and focuses on both the transformations due to military occupation, after the Napoleonic suppression of the monastic community, and the exhibition aims realized in the last decades of the nineteenth century, with the opening of the “Museo Cristiano”, up to the profound renewal of the Reconstruction years, directed by Gaetano Panazza, and that of the nineties of Twentieth century with the creation of the “Museo della città”. Architectural structures, monastic spaces, pictorial decorations and liturgical furnishings are thus inserted into a coherent cross-section, derivation, first, of the changing needs of the nuns and of the articulated community liturgies; then, of the subsequent recovery and functional use to tell the religious and artistic glories of the city in the wider homeland identity project of the new kingdom of Italy.
Frutto di una ricognizione decennale delle fonti storico-archivistiche e delle trasformazioni del monastero regio e imperiale di San Salvatore-Santa Giulia di Brescia, la monografia indaga la complessa stratificazione architettonica della fondazione claustrale, dalle origini longobarde all’ultima destinazione museale. Ne risulta un’originale e diversificata evoluzione che, in non pochi casi, capovolge e precisa le datazioni precedenti, illumina i presupposti religiosi e ideali di talune fabbriche del cenobio e mette a fuoco sia le trasformazioni dovute all’occupazione militare, dopo la soppressione napoleonica della comunità femminile, sia le finalità espositive poste in essere negli ultimi decenni dell’Ottocento, con l’apertura del Museo Cristiano, fino al profondo rinnovamento degli anni della Ricostruzione, con lo studio del direttore Gaetano Panazza, e quello degli anni Novanta del Novecento con la creazione del Museo della città. Strutture architettoniche, spazi monastici, decorazioni pittoriche e arredi liturgici si inseriscono in un coerente spaccato frutto, prima, delle mutevoli esigenze delle monache e delle articolate liturgie comunitarie; poi, del recupero e impiego funzionale per raccontare le glorie religiose e artistiche della città nel più ampio progetto identitario patrio del nuovo regno d’Italia.
Stroppa, F., Desiderio. La basilica di San Salvatore di Brescia: dal monastero al museo, Fondazione Centro Italiano di Studi sull'Alto Medioevo - CISAM Spoleto, Spoleto 2018:<<CENTRO STUDI LONGOBARDI. CONVEGNI>>,2018/1.2 520 []
Desiderio. La basilica di San Salvatore di Brescia: dal monastero al museo
Stroppa, Francesca
The book, the result of a decade-long survey of the historical-archival sources and the transformations of the royal and imperial monastery of San Salvatore-Santa Giulia in Brescia, investigates the complex architectural stratification of the cloistered complex from the Lombard foundation to the last museum destination. The result is an original and diversified evolution which, in many cases, overturns and specifies the previous dates, highlights the religious and ideal assumptions of certain architectural structures of the female cenoby and focuses on both the transformations due to military occupation, after the Napoleonic suppression of the monastic community, and the exhibition aims realized in the last decades of the nineteenth century, with the opening of the “Museo Cristiano”, up to the profound renewal of the Reconstruction years, directed by Gaetano Panazza, and that of the nineties of Twentieth century with the creation of the “Museo della città”. Architectural structures, monastic spaces, pictorial decorations and liturgical furnishings are thus inserted into a coherent cross-section, derivation, first, of the changing needs of the nuns and of the articulated community liturgies; then, of the subsequent recovery and functional use to tell the religious and artistic glories of the city in the wider homeland identity project of the new kingdom of Italy.I documenti in IRIS sono protetti da copyright e tutti i diritti sono riservati, salvo diversa indicazione.