Third son of the noble aristocratic Milanese family of Verri and brother of the most famous Peter and Alexander, Charles has been called by historians "cadet irregular". In fact, his life, both public and private, characterized by counter choices, it can be, like that of other contemporary characters to him, a sort of "litmus test" by which it is possible to deduce the viability of certain categories of social 'form of life' and understand the aristocratic sphere of influence, the ability to adapt to the times or even to promote the 'new' in terms of behavior and mentality. A story, that of Verri, symptomatic of the effort made by the Lombard nobility to adapt the conditions of social class and wealth inherited by the modern social-political system created in the Napoleonic era, and then continued as a model, throughout the nineteenth century.

Terzogenito della nobile famiglia aristocratica milanese dei Verri che diede i natali a personaggi chiave dell'Illuminismo italiano come Pietro e Alessandro, Carlo è stato definito dalla storiografia "cadetto irregolare". In effetti la sua vita, sia pubblica che privata, caratterizzata da scelte controcorrente, può rappresentare, al pari di quella di altri personaggi a lui coevi, una sorta di "cartina di tornasole" da cui è possibile dedurre la vitalità di determinate categorie sociali della ‘forma del vivere’ aristocratica e comprenderne la sfera di influenza, la capacità di adeguarsi ai tempi o addirittura di promuovere il 'nuovo' sul piano dei comportamenti e della mentalità. Una vicenda, quella di Verri, sintomatica dello sforzo di rielaborazione compiuto dal patriziato lombardo per adattare le condizioni di ceto e del patrimonio sociale ereditato entro il sistema politico-sociale dello stato 'moderno' configuratosi nell'età napoleonica e proseguito poi, come modello, per tutto l'Ottocento.

Riva, E., Carlo Verri, patrizio, prefetto e possidente, Guerini & Associati, Milano 2006: 261 []

Carlo Verri, patrizio, prefetto e possidente

Riva, Elena


Third son of the noble aristocratic Milanese family of Verri and brother of the most famous Peter and Alexander, Charles has been called by historians "cadet irregular". In fact, his life, both public and private, characterized by counter choices, it can be, like that of other contemporary characters to him, a sort of "litmus test" by which it is possible to deduce the viability of certain categories of social 'form of life' and understand the aristocratic sphere of influence, the ability to adapt to the times or even to promote the 'new' in terms of behavior and mentality. A story, that of Verri, symptomatic of the effort made by the Lombard nobility to adapt the conditions of social class and wealth inherited by the modern social-political system created in the Napoleonic era, and then continued as a model, throughout the nineteenth century.
Monografia o trattato scientifico
Riva, E., Carlo Verri, patrizio, prefetto e possidente, Guerini & Associati, Milano 2006: 261 []
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