Verardi, Lucrezia
 Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 272
EU - Europa 231
AS - Asia 118
AF - Africa 3
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 1
Totale 625
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 270
SE - Svezia 66
IT - Italia 56
SG - Singapore 56
CN - Cina 31
DE - Germania 26
IE - Irlanda 21
FI - Finlandia 19
FR - Francia 15
ID - Indonesia 15
IN - India 10
GB - Regno Unito 7
RU - Federazione Russa 6
BE - Belgio 4
CI - Costa d'Avorio 3
HK - Hong Kong 3
PL - Polonia 3
CA - Canada 2
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 2
RO - Romania 2
AE - Emirati Arabi Uniti 1
AT - Austria 1
CH - Svizzera 1
EU - Europa 1
IR - Iran 1
MD - Moldavia 1
MY - Malesia 1
UA - Ucraina 1
Totale 625
Città #
Chandler 92
Singapore 42
Ashburn 29
Dublin 21
Rome 21
Helsinki 18
Jakarta 15
New York 14
Bremen 8
Marseille 8
Princeton 8
San Mateo 8
Los Angeles 7
Pune 7
Boston 6
Moscow 6
Augusta 5
Nuremberg 5
Brussels 4
Falkenstein 4
Palermo 4
Paris 4
Abidjan 3
Andover 3
Ann Arbor 3
Beijing 3
Fairfield 3
Hong Kong 3
Houston 3
London 3
Milan 3
Munich 3
Norwalk 3
Terni 3
Wilmington 3
Cambridge 2
Cisterna di Latina 2
Frankfurt am Main 2
Manassas 2
Montemarciano 2
Mumbai 2
Pescara 2
Poggio A Caiano 2
Toronto 2
Bern 1
Birmingham 1
Brno 1
Chisinau 1
Dubai 1
Greenwich 1
Haikou 1
Kuala Lumpur 1
Lappeenranta 1
Newark 1
Olomouc 1
Phoenix 1
Reghin 1
San Francisco 1
Santa Clara 1
Seattle 1
Suzhou 1
Taiyuan 1
Zellingen 1
Totale 412
Nome #
Sarilumab use in severe SARS-CoV-2 pneumonia 82
Adult-onset Still's disease following COVID-19 vaccination 76
No higher risk of respiratory symptoms in Italian rheumatological patients under IL-6R-inhibitor therapy in SARS-CoV-2 pandemic 71
No higher risk of respiratory symptoms in Italian rheumatological patients under IL-6R-inhibitor therapy in SARS-CoV-2 pandemic 58
An unusual lung involvement in scleroderma: lipoid pneumonia 58
Gut microbiota analysis in systemic sclerosis according to disease characteristics and nutritional status 54
New onset of remitting seronegative symmetrical synovitis with pitting oedema and palmoplantar psoriasis flare-up after Sars-Cov-2 vaccination 54
Multidisciplinary Evaluation of Interstitial Lung Diseases: New Opportunities Linked to Rheumatologist Involvement 43
Chronic related group classification system as a new public health tool to predict risk and outcome of COVID-19 in patients with systemic rheumatic diseases: A population-based study of more than forty thousand patients 40
Sudden winter iloprost withdrawal in scleroderma patients during COVID-19 pandemic 29
Survival and prognostic factors from a multicentre large cohort of unselected Italian systemic sclerosis patients 26
What can we learn from rapidly progressive interstitial lung disease related to anti-MDA5 dermatomyositis in the management of COVID-19? 24
Chronic related group classification system as a new public health tool to predict risk and outcome of COVID-19 in patients with systemic rheumatic diseases: A population-based study of more than forty thousand patients 15
Nailfold capillaroscopy findings in patients with coronavirus disease 2019: Broadening the spectrum of COVID-19 microvascular involvement 13
What can we learn from rapidly progressive interstitial lung disease related to anti-MDA5 dermatomyositis in the management of COVID-19? 6
Totale 649
Categoria #
all - tutte 4.575
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 4.575

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2020/202119 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 8 4 5 0
2021/202289 2 2 2 12 4 3 2 13 3 10 9 27
2022/2023252 29 33 22 35 13 29 14 21 22 5 11 18
2023/2024161 3 40 4 13 4 27 15 3 2 10 21 19
2024/2025128 7 8 31 11 25 24 13 9 0 0 0 0
Totale 649