Gallo, Antonio
Gallo, Antonio
PIACENZA - Dipartimento di Scienze animali, della nutrizione e degli alimenti (DIANA)
Discrimination of different feed additives and poly-herbal formulations based on their untargeted phytochemical profiles
2024 Rocchetti, Gabriele; Lapris, Marco; Zengin, G.; Masoero, Francesco; Gallo, Antonio
Mycotoxin Challenge in Dairy Cows: Assessment of the Efficacy of an Anti-Mycotoxin Agent by Adopting an In Vitro Rumen Simulation Method
2024 Fiorbelli, Erica; Lapris, Marco; Errico, Michela; Della Badia, A.; Riahi, I.; Rocchetti, Gabriele; Gallo, Antonio
The Potential of Multi-Screening Methods and Omics Technologies to Detect Both Regulated and Emerging Mycotoxins in Different Matrices
2024 Lapris, Marco; Errico, Michela; Rocchetti, Gabriele; Gallo, Antonio
Assessing the water conservation potential of optimized surface irrigation management in Northern Italy
2023 Masseroni, D.; Gangi, F.; Ghilardelli, Francesca; Gallo, Antonio; Kisekka, I.; Gandolfi, C.
Clostridium tyrobutyricum occurrence in silages and cattle feed: use of molecular and simulation data to optimize predictive models
2023 Mosconi, Martina; Fontana, Alessandra; Belloso Daza, Mireya Viviana; Bassi, Daniela; Gallo, Antonio
Effects of ensiling time on corn silage starch ruminal degradability evaluated in situ or in vitro
2023 Cueva, S. F.; Harper, M.; Roth, G. W.; Wells, H.; Canale, C.; Gallo, Antonio; Masoero, Francesco; Hristov, A. N.
Effects of Supplementation of a Mycotoxin Mitigation Feed Additive in Lactating Dairy Cows Fed Fusarium Mycotoxin-Contaminated Diet for an Extended Period
2023 Catellani, Alessandro; Ghilardelli, Francesca; Trevisi, Erminio; Cecchinato, A.; Bisutti, V.; Fumagalli, Francesca; Swamy, H. V. L. N.; Han, Y.; van Kuijk, S.; Gallo, Antonio
Feedback thinking in dairy farm management: system dynamics modelling for herd dynamics
2023 Atzori, A. S.; Atamer Balkan, B.; Gallo, Antonio
In vitro aflatoxins recovery after changing buffer or protozoa concentrations in the rumen fermentation fluid
2023 Spanghero, M.; Braidot, M.; Sarnataro, C.; Fabro, C.; Piani, B.; Gallo, Antonio
Propionibacteria as promising tools for the production of pro-bioactive scotta: a proof-of-concept study
2023 Coronas, R.; Zara, Carlo Maria Giuseppe; Gallo, Antonio; Rocchetti, Gabriele; Lapris, Marco; Petretto, G. L.; Zara, S.; Fancello, F.; Mannazzu, I.
Survey on the occurrence of silage volatile organic compounds in the Po Valley - Italy
2023 Sigolo, S.; Fancello, F.; Ghilardelli, Francesca; Mosconi, M.; Prandini, Aldo; Masoero, Francesco; Yuan, X.; Gallo, Antonio
A Preliminary Study to Classify Corn Silage for High or Low Mycotoxin Contamination by Using near Infrared Spectroscopy
2022 Ghilardelli, Francesca; Barbato, Mario; Gallo, Antonio
Adverse Effects of Fusarium Toxins in Ruminants: A Review of In Vivo and In Vitro Studies
2022 Gallo, Antonio; Mosconi, M.; Trevisi, Erminio; Santos, R. R.
Altitudinal Distribution Patterns of Phyllosphere Microbial Communities and Their Contribution to Silage Fermentation of Kobresia pygmaea Along the Elevation Gradient on the Tibetan Plateau
2022 Yang, Xin; Bao, Yuhong; Shao, Tao; Wang, Wenkang; Ma, Pengfei; Wang, Wenbo; Gallo, Antonio; Yuan, Xianjun
An observational study to verify the influence of different nutritional corn silage-based strategies on efficient use of dietary nutrients, faecal fermentation profile, and profitability in a cohort of intensive dairy farms
2022 Gallo, Antonio; Valsecchi, Claudio; Masseroni, M.; Cannas, A.; Ghilardelli, Francesca; Masoero, Francesco; Atzori, A. S.
Dairy Sheep Grazing Management and Pasture Botanical Composition Affect Milk Macro and Micro Components: A Methodological Approach to Assess the Main Managerial Factors at Farm Level
2022 Cabiddu, Andrea; Carrillo, Sebastian; Contini, Salvatore; Spada, Simona; Acciaro, Marco; Giovanetti, Valeria; Decandia, Mauro; Lucini, Luigi; Bertuzzi, Terenzio; Gallo, Antonio; Salis, Lorenzo
Effects of bacterial inoculants on the microbial community, mycotoxin contamination, and aerobic stability of corn silage infected in the field by toxigenic fungi
2022 Wang, W.; Cai, X.; Shao, T.; Yangzong, Z.; Wang, W.; Ma, P.; Li, J.; Zhao, J.; Gallo, Antonio; Yuan, X.
Effects of several commercial or pure lactic acid bacteria inoculants on fermentation and mycotoxin levels in high-moisture corn silage
2022 Gallo, Antonio; Fancello, F.; Ghilardelli, Francesca; Zara, S.; Spanghero, M.
Milk metabolome reveals pyrimidine and its degradation products as the discriminant markers of different corn silage-based nutritional strategies
2022 Rocchetti, Gabriele; Ghilardelli, Francesca; Carboni, Eliana; Stanislao Atzori, Alberto; Masoero, Francesco; Gallo, Antonio
Near-infrared calibration models for estimating volatile fatty acids and methane production from in vitro rumen fermentation of different total mixed rations
2022 Ghilardelli, Francesca; Ferronato, Giulia; Gallo, Antonio