2020, The Copts in Italy: Migration and Generosity, in (Ed.) L. Zanfrini, Migrants and Religion: Paths, Issues, and Lenses. A Multisciplinary and Multi-Sited Study on the Role of Religious Belongings in Migratory and Integration Processes, Brill Academic Publishers, Isbn: 9789004429604, pp. 589-596.
2020 Nicolini, Beatrice
2020: The challenges of the pandemic
2021 Cesareo, Vincenzo
2020: un anno di inattesa discontinuità
2021 Cesareo, Vincenzo
2022: The year of the terrible aggression against Ukraine
2023 Cesareo, Vincenzo
2024, Le Risorse Naturali in Africa: Riflessioni e Proposte. Studi inediti degli studenti del corso magistrale in Storia e Istituzioni dell’Africa, Facoltà di Scienze Politiche e Sociali, a.a. 2022-23
2024 Nicolini, Beatrice
30° Rapporto sulle migrazioni 2024
2025 Zanfrini, Laura; Pasini, Nicola
4. Dangerous liaisons across levels of government in an emergency
2024 Cerniglia, Floriana Margherita; Longaretti, R.; Zanardi, A.
4. Illicit firearms trafficked in the EU
2017 Superchi, Elisa; Kamprad, Alexander; Favarin, Serena
4. Mapping and transposition assesssment of MS legislation with reference to Framework Decision 2008/841/JHA
2014 Di Nicola, Andrea; Vettori, Barbara; Cauduro, Andrea; Baratto, Gabriele
4. Methods of disposal and destination of proceeds
2014 Vettori, Barbara
5. Further/alternative criminal law tools to fight organised crime
2014 Di Nicola, Andrea; Vettori, Barbara; Cauduro, Andrea; Baratto, Gabriele
6. Implementation of laws relating to participation in a criminal organisation
2014 Vettori, Barbara; Di Nicola, Andrea
A comparison betwen measure scales for quality evaluation using Rasch Model
2004 Zanarotti, Maria Chiara; Pagani, Laura
A Country of Vast Designs: James K. Polk, the Mexican War and the Conquest of the American Continent
2012 Bon, Cristina
A Definition that Could not Work: the EU Framework Decision on the Fight against Organised Crime
2008 Calderoni, Francesco
A Glimpse to Indian Merchant Communities in Zanzibar during 1800: the Topan Family through British Archive Sources
2008 Nicolini, Beatrice
A Markov driven bivariate logit model
2002 Zanarotti, Maria Chiara; Colombi, Roberto
A methodology for measuring the harm caused by organized crime
2006 Savona, Ernesto Ugo
A methodology for measuring the probability that a given organized crime event will occur
2006 Savona, Ernesto Ugo
A new estimator of Zumbo’s Ordinal Alpha: a copula approach
2014 Bonanomi, Andrea; Cantaluppi, Gabriele; Nai Ruscone, Marta; Osmetti, Silvia Angela
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