Gainotti, Guido
Gainotti, Guido
Semantic Memory as an Early Cognitive Marker of Alzheimer's Disease: Role of Category and Phonological Verbal Fluency Tasks
2021 Marra, Camillo; Piccininni, Chiara; Masone Iacobucci, Giovanna; Caprara, Alessia; Gainotti, Guido; Costantini, Emanuele Maria; Callea, Antonio; Venneri, Annalena; Quaranta, Davide
Semantic Memory as an Early Cognitive Marker of Alzheimer's Disease: Role of Category and Phonological Verbal Fluency Tasks
2021 Marra, Camillo; Piccininni, Chiara; Iacobucci, Giovanna Masone; Caprara, Alessia; Gainotti, Guido; Costantini, Emanuele Maria; Callea, Antonio; Venneri, Annalena; Quaranta, Davide
The Destiny of Multiple Domain Amnesic Mild Cognitive Impairment: Effect of Alternative Neuropsychological Definitions and Their Adjunctive Role in Respect of Memory Impairment
2021 Piccininni, Chiara; Quaranta, Davide; Gainotti, Guido; Lacidogna, Giordano; Guglielmi, Valeria; Giovannini, Silvia; Marra, Camillo
A Case of Right Temporal Lobectomy for Brain Tumor with Selective Semantic Pictorial Disorder
2020 Gainotti, G.; Bonni, S.; Maiella, M.; Carretta, J.; Zigiotto, L.; Sarubbo, S.; Papagno, C.
Drawing and gesturing in aphasia.
2020 Gainotti, Guido
Emotions and the Right Side of the Brain
2020 Gainotti, Guido
Naming famous people through face and voice: a normative study
2020 Piccininni, C.; Gainotti, G.; Carlesimo, G. A.; Luzzi, S.; Papagno, C.; Trojano, L.; Ferrara, A.; Marra, C.; Quaranta, D.
Representional and connectivity-based accounts of the cognitive consequences of atrophy of the right and left anterior temporal lobes
2020 Gainotti, Guido
Selective defects of face familiarity associated to a left temporo-occipital lesion
2020 Papagno, C.; Barvas, E.; Tettamanti, M.; Gainotti, Guido
The Destiny of Multiple Domain Amnesic Mild Cognitive Impairment: Effect of Alternative Neuropsychological Definitions and Their Adjunctive Role in Respect of Memory Impairment
2020 Piccininni, Chiara; Quaranta, Davide; Gainotti, Guido; Lacidogna, Giordano; Guglielmi, Valeria; Giovannini, Silvia; Marra, Camillo
A historical review of investigations on laterality of emotions in the human brain
2019 Gainotti, Guido
Emotions and the Right Hemisphere: Can New Data Clarify Old Models?
2019 Gainotti, Guido
History of Anosognosia
2019 Gainotti, Guido
Semantic Relations in a Categorical Verbal Fluency Test: An Exploratory Investigation in Mild Cognitive Impairment
2019 Quaranta, Davide; Piccininni, Chiara; Caprara, Alessia; Malandrino, Alessia; Gainotti, Guido; Marra, Camillo
The Role of the Right Hemisphere in Emotional and Behavioral Disorders of Patients With Frontotemporal Lobar Degeneration: An Updated Review
2019 Gainotti, Guido
What a pooled data study tells us about the relationships between gender and knowledge of semantic categories
2019 Moreno-Martinez, F. J.; Quaranta, Davide; Gainotti, Guido
What face familiarity feelings say about the lateralization of specific entities within the core system
2019 Gainotti, Guido
Anosognosia in degenerative brain diseases: The role of the right hemisphere and of its dominance for emotions
2018 Gainotti, G.
Anosognosia, denial of illness and the right hemisphere dominance for emotions: Some historical and clinical notes
2018 Gainotti, Guido
Component deficits of visual neglect: “Magnetic” attraction of attention vs. impaired spatial working memory
2018 Toba, M. N.; Rabuffetti, M.; Duret, C.; Pradat-Diehl, P.; Gainotti, Guido; Bartolomeo, P.